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About Saithz

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Saithz

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    This has probably been suggested before and with good reason. Seeing as DayZ SA in it's current state is more a running simulator than anything, I'd suggest adding a toggle run(and sprint) key to take away an awful aspect of the game. If you want to run to another city it involves holding down the W key for 10-30 minutes depending on where you want to go. This wasn't as much a pain in the ass in the mod, because there you could drive vehicles. There's literally no downside to this so why have it not been added yet? And please don't just lock the topic and refer me to some month old topic where it have previously been mentioned, I want a discussion on this as well as the devs to notice.
  2. Saithz

    More devs.

    You've already made more than $10 million, how about some more devs?
  3. Saithz


    As it seems the development of the new vehicles is gonna take a while, could you not implement the ones from Arma II temporarily until the new ones are finished? Seems like this would be a standard way of doing it but apparently not.
  4. Saithz


    Because porting the ones from Arma II is just too much trouble.
  5. Saithz


    Are there even vehicles in this game yet?
  6. Saithz


    Is it gonna use the Arma II engine or Arma III?
  7. Saithz


    Can anyone recommend some good whitelisted private hives with lots of players? Tired of hackers.
  8. Name: Saithz Location: Europe(Denmark) Be Guid: f0e3ed7e12ead3b6b418fb7c35005ae8
  9. Saithz

    Be guid?

    I need my BE Guid to apply to join a white listed private hive, how do i find it?
  10. Saithz

    So uh..

    When I try to launch dayz with Dayz Commander it gives me the error: There was an error in launching Arma 2 with DayZ. Please check your settings,verify your game directories, and try again. Details: The specified file was not found. The directories are correctly appointed, it makes no sense. And when I try to update Arma 2 with Dayz Commander it continues to say "Out of Date" after the patch has been succesfully applied.
  11. Saithz

    So uh..

    When I join a server, any server, this is what i see (Yes, I updated and reinstalled both game and mod several times):
  12. Saithz


    How are hives supposed to protect from hackers? After being killed by the 4th time of a hacker I decided to try out a hive and on literally the second day I get teleported into far outside the map after finding and spending an hour on repairing an off-roader car. I was informed that hives were supposed to be hack-free, so yeah. Hackers killed this game.
  13. Saithz

    I'm done.

    Because playing on a low populated server is so much fun.
  14. Saithz

    I'm done.

    This is the 4th time where I spend days on getting geared up, finding vehicles and ending up fully geared and then getting fucked over by some sciptkid who used his moms credit card to buy a fucking hack. #waitingforwarz
  15. So whats the conclusion lol? Is it supposed to reset upon death or not.