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Everything posted by CCTMxJacko

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vcCOqJn344&feature=youtu.be Wrong section O_O
  2. I'll show you it again sir. Click on my video, and go to my channel, and you will find the video you are looking for Also, the Volkswagen was red, we found it by the side of the road.
  3. Uploaded a new video :3 Didn't create a new topic though!
  4. Guys, I reuploaded it :/ I don't know what happened to it, I think the video got messed up. It's all back to normal with no sways now :) Sorry!
  5. @NoRegrets - Our skins are the default skins, we found the car. #Fail (Yes, this is twitter in disguise) @Wutno - My title was created AFTER the video, so therefore, your argument is invalid. #kthxbai
  6. People shoot at us sometimes, it helps guide us to where they are :) Me and my friend had a 3v2 shootout when we had a winchester and AKS-74 Kobra, they had M4a3 CCO + M16 + AKM and we got them because we heard their footsteps :D
  7. CCTMxJacko

    How you play - Social experiment questions

    .How long you have been playing - 3 days .How often do you play - few hours a day .Why you have chosen that lifestyle - It's summer .What drives you to play like that - Fun .A normal session in DayZ for you - Spawn, loot, die. .Has this game affected aspects of your real life - nope .What made you choose DayZ - a friend .Why you play DayZ - it's challenging, and I like a challenge .How you feel the team has done with the game - great, but those texture glitches are anoying .The impact of Hackers/ scripters - ruin the whole experience .If you have stopped playing or thinking of stopping, why - anoying hackers/bandits . EDIT - Will you be buying the stand a lone game - yes
  8. My friend just broke his leg in Stary Sobor and I got killed, he's in the supermarket now, if anyone is passing by, could they maybe drop him some morphine? Could they also pick me up? I haven't spawned yet but yeah... We can pay you in DMR mags and Draganov mags (15 DMR and 10 Draganov)
  9. CCTMxJacko

    Would anyone be so kind :)?

    We got him! We need someone to drop us off at Krastanov?
  10. CCTMxJacko

    Would anyone be so kind :)?

    Do you have a car? We can go to the camp first if you like, and I can give you the mags. Since it's in Krasnotav.
  11. CCTMxJacko

    Would anyone be so kind :)?

    Mainly because We're new, played for 2-3days, I don't have a MAP, Stary is VERY far away, and I died by zombies (lol). He has logged out, waiting for me to get to him, I've been trying for close to 2-3hours. We can go on any server, of your choice, and we don't really have guns to give you, M9SD? It's the only gun we have. We have a camp with 15DMR mags and 10Draganov mags, all we need is alittle help. Thanks.
  12. Don't buy a 550 ti, get the Msi Radeon HD 7770 from Www.Scan.Co.uk(Providing you live in the UK) This is my rig: 8GB 1333mhz ddr3 RAM AMD Phenom II x4 965 3.4Ghz Msi Radeon HD 7770 (All the rest isn't really important) I get a Solid 60fps on the coast, and a solid 40fps in cherno/electro and other places like that. All settings are on High/Very High
  13. Day-z for me and 2 other friends, whichever server we join, is just taking 10+ Minutes to load, some not even loading after 10minutes. We managed to get into "Lu324" but it has horrendously choppy frames, I usualy get 60-100fps but I'm getting 5-10 on the coast! What is wrong?
  14. CCTMxJacko

    Hmm... Loading? (WONT WORK :o)

    Yeah, I can join, I've found a server now :D Getting 100fps, but it says "No message recieved" :(
  15. CCTMxJacko

    What just happened?!

    This is mine and my friends first time playing Day-z, it was night time, we found a car, we looted weapons from some dead bodies (M4A1 and AKS and PDW and A pistol) We had a Hatchback and a Coyota Off-roader We'd played for a few hours, then we stopped driving our car, an army man spawned ontop of us, killed us and we lost everything, we joined back the server and we have NOTHING. I was luckily recording as it was a great experience to enjoy, I'm now rendering and uploading the footage, is there anything that can be done against this hacker? His name was also "Cock blaster" EDIT: LINK!:
  16. CCTMxJacko

    What just happened?!

    Does anyone know?
  17. CCTMxJacko

    What just happened?!

    Unfortunately :/ We can't join a server, can you help? It's just stuck on a loading screen after connecting. Specs: AMD Phenom II x4 3.4Ghz Msi Radeon HD 7770 8GB DDR3 ram I don't think it's a computer problem?
  18. CCTMxJacko

    What just happened?!

    NWAF? Sorry, we basically just got the game, we stole the car from some bandits trying to kill us.
  19. CCTMxJacko

    What just happened?!

    Hopefully :D And thanks ALOT for the views!
  20. CCTMxJacko

    What just happened?!

    Yes, yes I did :D
  21. CCTMxJacko

    What just happened?!

    :( We were having fun!
  22. CCTMxJacko

    What just happened?!

    I uploaded it