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WalkerDown (DayZ)

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Everything posted by WalkerDown (DayZ)

  1. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    BE filters inconsistency?

    This is about line #8 (actualli row: 9), it has nothing to do with "spawn", the keyword is "play".
  2. Best way to be kicked off from servers, since 99.999999999999% of dayz servers has the custom files turned off (default).
  3. You can just use the in-game editor (ctrl+e), spawn the vehicles where you want, and then export the sqm and import all of em into the DB (there's script to automatize this process.. or you can do it just manually reading the coordinates; i personally use my own script remotely, but recently i'm using only DayzCC, that has the importing function integrated). My 1000th post on the forum!! :D
  4. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    DayZ: Namalsk

    I've spent the last 2 hours to face the same bug, and i've changed my loot table to the standard one to finally make it works.. next time i better come on the forum before. :)
  5. It's set the wrong instance number in the cfg file or in the DB instance table, so the progress is saved into the DB with the wrong instance number (and world_id) and isn't loaded inworld.
  6. You can inject a script that is executed at players spawn, so yes, you can modify the spawn loadout remotely (that's what you do normally using the server-side script locally).
  7. So i'm doing something wrong coz my chat doesn't come up if im in the "All" tab.. :o EDIT: ye.. something odd.. my chat doesn't work at all.. the msgs are shown correctly in the "All" tab, but now the chat is empty, even if i switch to it.
  8. What i miss, and the real reason of why im still using BattleWarden: - Windows (logs) are separate in Dart, but unfortunately these are almost unusable because if you follow one of them, the others aren't updated. So in example if i'm following the "All" one, but then i want to switch for a moment to the "Chat" one to follow the chat, i'll find it empty coz i were following the other one. BattleWarden updates boths together, so you can switch between them without any information loss. - Chat colours: it's very hard to follow the chat in a busy server. The chat colors helps alot: blue for global.. yellow for vehicles etc.
  9. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    DayZ: Namalsk

    The second, coz i think that all the servers are updated already. Anyway, you may try mine if you wish (i'm sure updated):
  10. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Thank you. Updated and it's running.
  11. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    A little help detecting hackers please!

    If a script kid uses a bypass there's nothing you can do: a good bypass doesn't leave any trace of the script execution into the server logs, no matter what you do. The only way to caught someone using a bypass is when battleye scans for that specific portion of code (client side), but it isn't something that you can control. It not a matter of experience.. yes, with the experience you may caught idiot kids and ppl trying to execute a script without hiding themself, but it's a lost war: you may ban 99.9% of script kids out there, but unfortunately a single one is enough to kill your self repeatly the whole day as soon you reach a good number of users. Welcome to Arma! :)
  12. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    multiplay in talks with dayz dev

    I believe the devs have learned something from dayz mod: when you force ppl to go for a so and so solution they'll find their own solution. Looking at the servers we're using now, they have born from a hack because initially the devs didn't want us to host our own servers on our own machines with our own rules (and hives), if they do it again it will end the same: after a couple of weens the server code will be "hacked" and hosted in the underground forcing them to change again their politic (it's a waste of time imo).
  13. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Best Server Provider ATM

    Depending of what you're looking for, i've all 3 of the following: - DayZ.st: it's best option if you're looking for a easy to setup server and you don't require too much customization. If you do not have much admin skill (you're just starting your admin experience), and if you don't need heavily server customizations (addons, script modifications and such). This will be yor choice. DayZ.st has been the best managed hosting for a while, they acquired alot of customers and their support slowed a bit, but remains acceptable. - Vilayer: it's the best options if you're looking for a managed (optional) server with total customization (virtual dedicate server). You may need "zero skill" like DayZ.st if you need to run a server "as is", but on the other side you may have full server access when your server needs requires a bit more. You can do things that you can't do on DayZ.st, like modifying each single file on the server (including missions, maps, and whatever). Vilayer has been the fist DayZ host, their support turned bad (because of many customers) after a while and their response time has been horrible. They just "relaunched" a couple of weeks ago with a new service, and so far everything is going very smooth. The price is higher than dayz.st due the additional "tools" they offers. - Virtual dedicate server (not managed): anything above, with a lower price, but with a downside: you need to know exactly how to setup and maintain a server, and believe me isn't that easy coz dayz isn't that intuitive (especially if you run multiple maps and mods). You need to be carefully when choosing a virtual server, coz the hardware demand (even for a single dayz instance) may highly depends by you server traffic. - Dedicate servers (not managed): this is the top notch option if you're looking for the best performance and the lowest price, it works like the previous one but with the advantage of having much better resources (it is a real server, not a virtual one). Due to the fact that you need to pay for an entiere machine, you're going to host more than a single dayz instance, so it is the optimal solution for who need to run more than a single server (ie: on a Xeon E3 3.4 16GB you're going to run 4 dayz servers). Money wise each dayz server will have an ending costs of about 1/2 of a traditional managed hosting like dayz.st or vilayer.. but again you need some skill to install and maintain a server. Good luck!
  14. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Multiple Instances with

    All fine here... did you checked they aren't using the same ip:port or stuff like that? Did you separate the exe's as well (each exe for each server; into separate paths/subfolders)?
  15. I see you're spreading DayCC ... i received the email from you about it, i assume that if i do not open a ticket, the server will NOT be upgraded, is this correct? Coz i want to upgrade it myself at a specific time, i've to inform the users about the downtime, plus i did it on my other servers and i had to fix an infinite number of issues before having it updates correctly (the map is working fine there..). I'm sure that an user less to the queue is better than nothing.. you gonna have big headhaches updating em all.. good luck! :)
  16. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    DayZ: Namalsk

    I've added a second entrace to it, using a very long stair.. but it's heavily bugged and so i removed it. The best way to do it is to have access to the original map of course... something that only Sumrak can do.
  17. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Any ETA about the new version? I'm in the process of migrating the server and i'm deciding if it would be better to wait for the new version.
  18. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Can't we all just survive?

    Be prepared.. you have two options: change game + enjoy the "classic" fps style game play... because the stand-alone will be even worse, due to the fact that it's packed to be sold to the "mass market" (mass market = mosly casual players = aka cod kids). You can't blame the developers, this is what 90% of players (if not more) wants due to the increase of the casual players because of the consoles market, they cannot please that 10% of "true hardcore experience" players, it wouldn't make sense money wise. Forget about this forum, most ppl here are much far from the millions outside there.. most of them are interested only into running the game and start shooting to get fun for some time, the surviving aspect is only an annoying interval between the pvp: why in the hell i should eat, drink, setup a base, or whatever.. when i know perfectly that i'll be engaged into a pvp (with half chance of dying) every 10 minutes? :)
  19. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    multiplay in talks with dayz dev

    What's shit? I want to host my SA server on a dedicate machine not on a managed server.
  20. You are not dumb.. it's the confusion because of my reply (as i didn't quoted the message) .. if you look at my first replying i were replying to the guy that were trying to update WASTELAND.. but my reply followed yours (coz you sent the message before me) and at the following messages i tought you were the same guy... so updating Wasteland is just a matter of a single file, updating DayZ is much more complex, and i won't suggest you to do it manually since you're using DayzCC to manage it. DayZCC devs are working at the new version that supports the new DayZ, so until they'll release it (it's in beta) Vilayer cannot upgrade it. I've upgraded mine manually tho.. you have to update all the server files and the mission file as well, but again i won't suggest you to do it manually if you don't know very well what you're doing.
  21. You've to update (overwrite) only the /MPMissions/Wasteland_United_Chernarus.Chernarus.pbo file and it should runs fine. Before update the file, be sure if it's using the unpacked version instead (if you have a folder named like the mission: "Wasteland_United_Chernarus.Chernarus"; in that case rename it.. and leave only the new pbo file).
  22. Don't you have the control panel with the file manager where you can upload your own mission pbo? If not, then you've to wait them for the update (i have the virtual server with em, and full server access, so i dunno how it works exactly the "slot" server.. whenever i remember there was a server control panel (not just the dayzCC panel) when i had a dayz server in the past.
  23. Isn't just a single pbo to update? What panel do you have with your server? It's pretty easy to update Wasteland.. i updated mine just today (not on Vilayer tho...).
  24. I've found my server dying 2 times in 3 days for no apparent reason (probably because of low ram?). Btw it happened during the night so i'm not sure about the reason, i've only found the arma2ao process crashed. For now i've installed a process monitor to circumvent the issue: it monitors the arma2 process, and if it finds the server died, it executes the launch bat again. It didn't crashed again so far so i weren't able to check if it's working.. i've just checked killing the server manually and it restart the server smoothly.