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WalkerDown (DayZ)

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Everything posted by WalkerDown (DayZ)

  1. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    This will (obviously) add scarcity to ammo. In terms of rebalancing' date=' it might be worth implementing ammo conversions between other compatible types of rounds (in addition to .45 ACP). [/quote'] Yes please, add the ammo conversion for the same calibers weapons, especially for those 9mm ones .. ie: makarov > bizon .. they are exactly the same bullets, while the bizon mags are impossible to find (on the other side the STANAG SD in example are pretty common and much more effective).
  2. Me or my friends never duplicate anything... we're just "many", so we have some space to collect multiple items: i example every day we can potentially double our arsenal, just visiting the military spawn points.. when any of us dies (dies all together is a pretty rare occurrence.. nor that it wouldn't happens, but it's just so rare), the others are reado to keep him at the respawn and equip him back with his own stuff, or with fresh new stuff. That's the reality... this is why im perfectly fine with the current PvP.. you basically have no enemies! You may ecounter another big clan, but both parties aren't interested to do so. But i admitt honestly that this is like playing Arma2 vanilla.. not DayZ, so i understand why others are complaining (and i complain myself): doing PvP is extremely easy and not dangerous at all; but playing as a "survivor", trying to meet other unknow players is risk (your life expectance is few hours... if you're lucky enough).
  3. Nope guys, you're confusing ppl not wanted bandits at all (unrealistic) with ppl that expect ppl to behave realistically. People here are complaining here because of lack of realism, nor because they dies. If you see half of players running in the middle of the maps with a damn rifle, just in the hope of engaging a fire fight... this is UNREALISTIC.. you can post your own idea to justify it (ie: yes, but it's fun) but it will still unrealistic. 99% of persons here in a zombie apocalypse will hide under a rock, trying to SURVIVE, they will not camp with a sniper rifle sitting on a damn tower like they are the last rambo (mostly because many of you won't know how to use a rifle at all in real life). So again: if this is a game.. let's say: it's a game, i like to run and gun, i die ...who cares, i can respawn and start it all over again > kill > die > respawn.. until i get bored. Fine, you like to play it like a traditional FPS, it's your choice, it's your fun.. and your gameplay won't be ruined by those ones that want to play it realistically, while in fact you can just shot at anyone, without even asking. But the other front (who wants to play this as a "simulator") cannot play it ignoring you, because their gameplay depends of your behavior: if a "realistic player" see a bunch of guys running no sense in the middle of zeds with an hatchets, while laughing and calling their friends near his PC to come to see how's fun... well you're going to "ruing" the mood (and their experience) ... NOT because u kill em, but because you're doing dumb things that normally you wouldn't do in RL. This is the problem here. Until a solution is found (but i'm not confident that a solution exists at all) i'm forced to play like the majority: my mates + PvP + 10 persons squadrons + pretending to play normal Arma2 .. not DayZ, because THIS is DayZ right now: Arma2 + zome zeds as minor annoyance.
  4. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    We don't know much about the intention... but we know that after removing it the things didn't improved at all, but gone worse. In fact the devs had to develop some alternatives (currently the heartbeat .. that doesn't works that great). It would have made much more sense to think about the alternative ant THEN remove the bandit skin.
  5. Who's crying exactly? PvP'ers only "cries" about: zeds too strong (they won't be annoyed by zeds while PvP'ing), and ppl disconnecting (nor because of their loot, but because they doesn't have another kill accounted to their counters). Yes, but that's a cheat (which needs fixing). If we are going to take cheats into account when arguing game balance, we are going to be here forever. If you play the game properly, without disconnecting every time you are in danger, PVP is quite risky. Not everytime you're in danger.. but after you finished what you were doing: u kill the unaware chap, then u disconnect to do something else... the time someone have listened you shooting, you're already elsewere. No one is forcing me to stay on the server. ;)
  6. There's no risk PVP'ing in this game, because you can regain your gear too fast (and almost immediatly if you have friends). It's the opposite: not shooting at anyone puts you in a huge disadvantage, in fact playing it as a "bandit" is tons easier.. that's why almost anyone shots on sight, because it's easier and you have nothing to lose. (you aren't giving you position, since you can disconnect after you finished your job.. for the time any possible "listener" comes to you.. you're already eating your pizza)
  7. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    [Mod/Admins reply] Hacked weapons usable?

    You can "use" an hacked weapon because there's no official way to know if it is an in-game weapon or an hacked one (it's not supposed that we're all DayZ Gurus knowing everything of this mod; i've ecountered ppl that still believe the L85A2 AWS is an hacked weapon!). The worst thing that may happens is that you'll see it disappearing from your inventory.
  8. You know the number of CoD players looking at how many kids are crying because of no starting weapon. Now if those guys (they aren't even new players!) are crying because they have to spend like 20 "additional" minutes to find a weapon, you can imagine what they are doing: continuos PvP and respawning, like any other FPS out there. This simple modification maybe didn't reduced the number of kills overall, but at least it helped to get rid of those dumb players!
  9. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    sniper with silencer?

  10. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Dumb and dangerous situation should be PUNISHED like they are punished in real life. In this game they are not, this is why we are having PvP only gameplay. This is the main "problem" of this game, aka: this why this game is (currently) much far from the real life, supposedly it is intended as a "simulator". (and no, die and respawn after 10 seconds is not enough as punishment.. especially when you have weapons all around you and you can have a fully military gear within 1 hour)
  11. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Gutes, so i guess the patch will come out later today.. i hope it won't break (much) the current game, since is finally playable without much troubles and bugs. Returning to the bleeding: guys, the bleeding in this game is basically the "damage", so it's the only way to damage us progressively. And again about the zeds: if you want to ask anything about them, it's about fixing their behavior (like not being able to hit trough the walls; eliminating the absurd z-path or the incredible acceleration), but NOT reducing their "strength"; because you should be pretty dead with a single contact with em. People are doing what they f*** wants, ignoring the zeds surroinding em, because they know that if aggroed they are less than a serious threath. This is the main problem: none is "scared" about them. And you're asking them to do less damage? So what's the challenge of this game? Being able to avoid the other players doing the PvP? Then i go to play Arma2 vanilla.. not a fookin zombie mod.
  12. ...after you troll around. While in fact anyone is doing it already, until something new comes out (like a new weapon.. a new vehicle... new challenges..). Forget the zeds, they are just a side dish unfortunately: they are the "cool" element for the first couple of days, then you'll forget em as soon you'll start to PvP.
  13. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Forests too safe? Limit usage of matches?

    I can live FOREVER staying alone mate... in this game to survive ONLY you don't need anyone else, unless you're totally noob, wtf you're talking about .. you're playing the wrong game.. lol. Tip: you only need two things.. wild animals to hunt and water. That's all. (yes real life it's different.. that's why i'm saying this is just a game)
  14. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I hope this games doesn't turns into noob friendly because of crying players. How do ppl manages to break their bones because of zeds attacks? 1) Being attacked and HIT by a zed should be a VERY RARE event, normally you would have end to be infected at the first bite (and reasonable die because of it) .. you should NEVER let a zed hit you (coming near enough and let hit the time to attack you). Ppl are playing this game like zeds are some insignificant annoyance between the PvP.. no men: you should be scared of zeds, you should die by the zeds attacks if you aren't good enough to not stay away! In other words you should walk miles away from zeds, unless you FORCED to take the risk.. and force means: you're going to die, and you absolutely need that item (food, medicine). 2) I never managed to have a broken bone... why? Coz zeds cannot break your legs if you lay down. But no ppl pretend to run and gun and then they come here to whine "it's too hard". The only reason to justify this "noobification" is because DayZ will become a commercial product.. and so it needs to sell copies = being noob friendly.
  15. WalkerDown (DayZ)


  16. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Forests too safe? Limit usage of matches?

    In real life surviving would be relying on other survivors, because even simple tasks are much easier if done together. In this game it is exactly the opposite: if you want to survive you have to avoid any other player. So the concept is wrong from the start... or to be exact, it's not "wrong", it's just far from the reality, so you cannot criticize the game mechanic... it's a game.
  17. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    [93989] Changed: When dropping weapon unrelated magazine will not be dropped Thanks god... finally!
  18. WalkerDown (DayZ)


    Initially i played like a "zombie survival" .. and i tried to replicate what i would have done in real life, it was fun .. initially but then the things gone really bad when the "mass" joined as well, and even worse when the bandit skin has been removed. After the frustration of no more RPG were possible, believe me i tried and tried.. no way i were killed by any single player, for no reason, just because they have learned to "FPS" and nothing more; so i've turned doing the same as well. Now i have my mates and we run around well geared to kill other players, we don't really need any of their loot: i couldn't imagine anything that most of players may have that we don't own already. Is it fun? Yup it is.. but that's how you play Arma2 ... so i'm not sure what's this "survival" thing we should experience. Let's face the reality (no flames please): - Food is everywhere, you don't even need to take the risk.. kill animals and you live forever; same for the water (lakes..); - Weapons: same as above; even the military gear is all around the map (deer stands; crashed helis), you don't necessary visit the airports or the firestations to collect em. Even if you're VERY carefully, in a couple of days you'll have everything, especially if you play in team; - Zeds: finally, the center element of the game.. well it's NOT! Zeds are just a side element, they may "attract" you the first couple of days, but after you have learned how they behave, they are just a little annoyance (crawl if you really need to go there). The RPG element is gone, only the new players (because of their ingenuity) adds a little of immersion, but anyone that is older than a couple of days older is basically a bandit. It's like playing Arma.. you search other players for PvP, you die, you respawn and you start again because your clan has much weapons to share. That's it. I'm not sure how ppl are having a different experience that the above.. you can play as lonewolf eventyally (i did for a week), but you can play the single player for that.
  19. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    haha way to piss off a douchebag

    PPl are killing for the kill, not for your loot, since there's so much loot in this game that you don't really need to kill anyone: you do it for the lulz, and for the "childish" satisfaction of having an "opponent" respawns on the beach.
  20. Loosing gear while swimming is fine, or we'll see ppl doing odd things. It could be a binded to the time tho.. ie: staying more than 15 seconds and you'll loose it, so we won't have those accidentally loss.
  21. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Balota Airfield

    Balota is looted by many ppl because is the neareast airport.. that's why you won't find anything good. You can enter the camp opening the gates on the east side, or jump (v) the fences at north.
  22. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Before posting (or replying) about how hard (or easy) is the game, you should do this consideration: people perception of the difficulty is extremely different. For certain people: - do not finding a certain tool (or weapon) within the first 15 minutes of gameplay; - being aggroed by zeds if they run that "far away" (15 meters in perfect visibility); - unable to headshot a running zed or player; - impossible to see at the night without illumination; ...it is conseidered HARD (or even impossible), because they are used to play the traditional FPS, where the learning curve is much much much much more easier than DayZ (or Arma2 in general). So reading this thread it's like reading ppl playing two completely different games... nope the game is the same, and it is a tough game, you need to learn it before judge it. My only suggestion is: before making any post, be sure to play it AT LEAST for a whole week (intensely), because then you have more than idea on what's the game mechanic here, and you may start to figure that this is NOT a traditional FPS. I'm not saying that you will like it (in fact you may abandon it, because for certain players this is so boring), but you'll have a better idea of what's this about.
  23. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Go o twitch and look at ppl playing.. they all do the same thing: spawn > dumb running in the middle of zeds > try to find weapons > kill random ppl > being killled > respawn ... and so on, all over again. They are spreading the "word".. and this is the average ppl we have in DayZ right now. The sad part is, when you ask them: "why are you running brainless dying every 30 minutes?" .. they renspond with something like: "coz it is a game" .. and they are probably/unfortunately right.
  24. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Priorities: 1) Stop cheaters: mass murder 50 chaps on a server with a script is tons more disruptive than a guy disconnecting; 2) Ban the bad admins: kick ppl because they have killed you, or even worse restarting your server because someone want to rob your tent it's a shame. 3) Finally implement a solution to limit the "disconnection problem", trying to not affect much those ppl with an unstable internet connection.