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WalkerDown (DayZ)

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Everything posted by WalkerDown (DayZ)

  1. We're having a permanent world, but we're not having a permanent in-game live. This obivously a compromise: this is a game after all, and we all have a real life, we cannot live in a game H24, so we introduced the "disconnection", with the "reconnection" option that reloads your ex state. Leaving your character ingame "forever" would be impossible: he would die within minutes (being killed.. or by starvation.. etc.), and it would be frustrating to have a zombiesque "tamagotchi". :) But we can adopt a middle solution: combining a permanent world with a traditional respawn system. This gives you the option (if you really are strong enough!) to live in game H24, and the disconnection option as well, but with the "penalization" of randomly spawn on the map, like a fresh respawn but without loosing your gear. Pro's: - Limiting disconnections to avoid death: you can still do it.. but you gonna be penalized each time, because you're going to respawn on the beach (or wherever it is) again. - Eliminating the repositioning exploit: you cannot disconnect and the reposition behind the enemy on another server anymore. - Eliminating the server hoppers: no more easy farmers; - Giving the opportunity to fortificate certain places: other ppl cannot just spawn inside it, they need to go there and pass for the "entrance". - Giving a little more exciting moment: each time you login you dunno where you're going to respawn. - Drastically reducing people changing servers for no good reason (while you can still change the server at respawn.. after all you just respawn). Cons: - Harder to meet friends: they could potentially spawn very far to each other. - Harder to play as an "eremite": you cannot live in the forest forever staying hidden, you'll eventually be moved outside each time you login, and then you need to build your route to safe each time. - Harder to have a base camp: you need to reach it at any respawn. - If a server crashes you loose your position. ALTERNATE (EXPANDED) PROPOSAL: Limiting the respawn (relocation) only if you change the server. So the above is true only if you join to a different server, but if you login inside the same server (ie: your favorite server), you relog to the same place. This gives a little more opportunity to not being penalized if you play "serious", but still leaves open the problem if the server is fullo or unavailable, so you're forced to join another server.
  2. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Mother of all fixes (semi-permanent living)

    I think it's the same problem you're having for visiting "cool" spots and find someone camping there. Also thinks that the "camper" needs to pass under the same system: so his turn to spawn there wll arrive first or late. :) In fact i think this is even good: if you have cool stuff, then you wouldn't spend your time just camping a spot all covered.. because after you need to spawn somewhere else, and then it will be your turn to risk your life! I agree that's not relistic.. but having multidimensional parallel worlds isn't realistic as well.
  3. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Mother of all fixes (semi-permanent living)

    Great i expand the first post as "alternate" solution.
  4. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Any timeout you place will never stop the server hoppers.. do you really believe that waiting 2 minutes in the lobby is an incentive to not disconnect? 2 minutes is NOTHING if compared with you (eventual) gear; and is nothing to wait for 2 minutes if you can loot like 10 barracks in (1*10 + 2*10 timeout) 30 minutes on 10 different servers.
  5. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    We should look at why this is happening, to understand that a solution that would be liked by anyone (or that couldn't penalize who really have to disconnect or for connection drops) doesn't exists. The main problems are: disconnectors to avoid death AND server hoppers (to go behind you and to loot stuff on multiple servers). How to solve both? The logic says that to eliminates the problem you need to eliminate what's causing it. So: we need to eliminate the disconnection > you're going to live in game h24. The would be possible, but a way too "hardcore" to please most of the players are: in the end this is a game! We cannot stop our real life to play a game, neither we may suffer the frustration of leaving our character "alone" while we're away (i already imagine ppl renting other persons to take care of their avatar! ...it could be a new business! .. lol), however returning serious: this is NOT possible, but we can apply a middle solution: - You can stay in game on a server for how long you want, this gives you a sort of "h24 ingame living", but if you decided to disconnect that you will respawn on a random point of the map (or coast as now). This will solve in almost any situation: - You can still disconnect to avoid death... BUT you gonna suffer to loose your position. And eventually be more in dangerous than before (ie: spawning on the coast / loose the support of your friends). - You can still disconnect to have the zeds despawn. BUT again you gonna loose the position: so you wouldn't have any advantage of looting places careless, because at relogin you wouldn't be there anymore. - You cannot go "behind" me, moving on another server, you'll respawn ayway then. - You cannot server hop on barracks and deer stands anymore you won't be there after the first "hop". - We can finally have "fortifications": ppl cannot move inside a fortification, because you never gonna respawn inside it. But we'll have only fortification with an entrance and ppl survelling it (like if would be in reality) because have the owners cannot respawn inside it! But then what price we'll pay? It will be harder to meet with your clan.. since at each login anyone will respawn far from anyone else. And you'll be in dangerous at each respawn, because u never know when you're going to respawn! I find this exctiing... :) I already know that "certain" type of players wouldn't like this solution (mainly campers) ... but who cares, i'm going to propose it anyway. :)
  6. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    L85 A2 AWS

    Additional value (that is true for any weapon that uses STANAG): it accepts the STANAG SD, they can be listened by other players, but they do not alerts the zeds (for the game you're using a silenced weapon).
  7. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Military weapons are useless

    Mil weapons aren't that special.. but that's because the game is realistic: a fire weapon is a fire weapon, it may be less efficient but it doesn't shoot beans.. but bullets. Btw yes you don't have to risk much on the barracks and such.. you can grab any possible weapon from the deer stands, that's all you need. The only weapon that i found more usefull than any other else is the L85A2, for spotting.. that's all.
  8. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Way points ?

    Notes are visible by the "channel" ... but waypoints are personal (they are not related to the communication at all) and available only on certain servers (it's a server setting).
  9. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    2 Hackers on DayZ - UK5

    Rangerinder exists, PDW SD doesn't. So he probably hacked all the items he has there (including the rangefinder and the nvg).
  10. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Livestream Hacking

    Atm his streaming is fully of hackers lol.. jets.. helicopters all around.. nor that Kai is the guilty indeed, it's only confusing for ppl watching believing this stuff is in DayZ.
  11. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Sinc it's all pvp... We need K/D ratio! And eventually data exported on website with other personal stats (most weapon used, and such).
  12. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Night Vision Goggles

    Ye.. like the map.
  13. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Tips for an effective squad?

    Friends only, with 6 guys (or better more) you'll be invicible: you don't have to care to die, because minutes after you have another mil weapon from your group. You can collect vehicles and then scount the map looting everything and (literally) do piles of items to share with the others when they dies. Remember: when you play with a squad you shouldn't concentrate on "survive", because you will die, even a noob with a makarov may kills you; the way to win is to have your gear ready after you respawn! Basically each time you die you don't have to care to collect all the stuff.. because it's already there, provided by your squad.. then can also "collect" you at the respawn point using the vehicles. ;)
  14. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    I think i stop to care about this after have watched a live stream on own3d.tv today of some cheaters having "hud" (wallhack), admin console access, and any sort of hacked tools.. and they played for hours without anyone have ever noticed. We should concentrate on this type of problems, not on idiot exploits.
  15. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Nice addition! I will love the bear traps. Unfortunately too many ppl have learned how to get rid of barbed wire (crawling), and they are a way too large to place. Bear traps will be perfect to protect barracks and hi-loot spawn with tiny access we used to "control" with our clan. Thanks! We'll be able to deploy multiple traps in tiny spots or they require some space?
  16. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    why do people have difficulties starting w/o weapons

    The times i started without a weapon were tons more exciting, it helps the new player how to sneak around zeds, instead of start using the bullets. The progression right now is perfect, since the hatchets are easy to find, so you progressively learn: to be stealth; to use a wepon, but riking (melee); to finally loot and eventually find a weapon, preserving it, because you know that if you die you need to start it again. This is the point: it learns you the "preservation", it sets a point to not do stupid things.. or you'll die over and over again. Life isn't easy. I still believe that fire weapons are a way too common.. they should be much much rare than this.
  17. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    You can't take our vehicles if you don't own a vehicle already.. believe me. :) Just to let you know: i'm not criticizing the vehicle spawning because it goes against me: i plan with a clan/gang. Like many other clans here, i may just be quiet and push this type of gameplay, after all it's a profit for us! ...i'm not an "angel", but it's getting bored here: playing with a clan in teamspeak and having ten persons riding the map is a way too easy, and i recognize that a single (or just a couple of persons), scouting the map on their own foots, have a very low chance of finding a vehicle (before we "secure" it elsewhere), and even more lower chances to repair it in time (because they cannot transport all the parts together): when a clan scouts for new vehicles, they are owning already the vehicles parts (stored into other vehicles), they don't need to search for em.. they just find the vehicle, repair it in 30 seconds, and take it away offmap.
  18. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    [Mod/Admins reply] Hacked weapons usable?

    As you may know (or not) an hacker can spawn a weapon directly on your character without you have to keep it. If they would ban ppl just for having an hacked weapon, a griefer can use this method to have other ppl banned on purpose. (i'm sure the above is possible, since i've seen it in "real time" on Kai streaming)
  19. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    You should fix the game then, not ban ppl. It's like the gamma/light option, everyone with no NVG is using it (and it works pretty good with the latest patch), isn't this exploiting? So we're going to ban every ppl with no NVG that is playing on a night server because he tweaked the game option to a level of exploiting the game? Naaaa....
  20. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Adding more vehicles isn't the solution, they will lead to more trolling: ppl "racing" all over the map nosense. I would like to see the vehicles completely removed from the mod, actually they are collected mostly by clans with other vehicles: with a vehicle you can scout the map regularry and fast, and so find othr vehicles before anyone else, and find those crash sites before others, it's also easier to collect and transport the repairing parts for em.. so it's like giving vehiles to ppl that already own them, rather than the "normal" players. That's why you don't find a vehicle: because they are kept and repaired immediatly by the clans.
  21. Why are you worried about "custom" server? Even if it will be easier to find loot.. or to totally farm, is really a problem? I mean you gonna have the same stuff, over and over.. to do what? It's not that having 3 DMR is better than having 1.. and you're probably going to die because of an hacker on another server.. so farming or not doesn't make any difference. It would have been different if you were able to collect vehicles, but they sits on the server so it wouldn't make any difference. Stop raging.. leave to those ppl their fun, it wouldn't change your PvP'ing.. mostly because they wouldn't PvP with you at all. :)
  22. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    where have the repairable helicopters gone?

    I hope they won't fix it at all.. honestly it takes out the mood: it's too easy to manage (repair and maintain...), and eventually to hide: if you land at Skalisty you will have only few players go there just to check if there's (eventually) an heli parked.
  23. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

    Your friend will learn how to play in 2 days. This is not a noob-friendly type of game.
  24. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    This will (obviously) add scarcity to ammo. In terms of rebalancing' date=' it might be worth implementing ammo conversions between other compatible types of rounds (in addition to .45 ACP). [/quote'] Yes please, add the ammo conversion for the same calibers weapons, especially for those 9mm ones .. ie: makarov > bizon .. they are exactly the same bullets, while the bizon mags are impossible to find (on the other side the STANAG SD in example are pretty common and much more effective). But you also have to consider that different weapons have different damage values assigned to them. The Makarov and Bizon do use the same ammunition but the damage caused by the Bizon is much greater than the Makarov. I understand the idea but it could make those with Bizons extremely OP if they could waste as much ammo as they wanted if all they have to do is convert Makarov magazines. Nope, they do exactly the same damage (caliber counts in Arma2, not the weapon). And i can assure tou that the M4 SD is much more effective than a Bizon (ie: the bizon sucks bad in PvP, while the M4 still good), i own both.. but it sounds a little stupid to abandon a weapon because the mags aren't available (same for the FAL).