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WalkerDown (DayZ)

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Everything posted by WalkerDown (DayZ)

  1. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Patch is NOT out.. tip: his nick is "optimism" lol.
  2. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Ten Reasons why Kill on Sight is 'Realistic'

    Humans fights each other only AFTER they have formed factions (in the ancient, and even today in some zones of the earth they were simply tribes). They can be distinguished by the nationality, or by any other convincment (ie: the religion). Only then they start to fight for the supremacy or for a specific resource (ie: a war for natural resources; a war to impose a certain religion..). You never have a situation like "all against all" (death-match), it never existed (neither when the society that we know today had yet to be formed); but you would have eventually a situation like: a faction (or more) against other factions (in a videogame it would be a "team death-match). Ironically that was exactly what we had before with the skin: basically "survivors" VS "bandits" ... that was much more realistic (considering the antrolpological aspect) of the current situation ... what wasn't realistic was about the "magic clothings transformation", but that would have been fixed eventually with a different (more real solution). So please, stop saying that in a zombie apocalypse most of ppl will kill the others INDIVIDUALLY, it wouldn't happens... you must have watched too many action movies or such. In DayZ it happens because IT IS A VIDEOGAME, it's not your life, you play it for some hours, but your life needs are (of course) outside of the monitor... seems pretty obvious, in fact it is! :)
  3. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Ten Reasons why Kill on Sight is 'Realistic'

    Bollocks. Human specie is used to live in a herd, it's a precise animal instict, and has nothing to do with the progress, society, environment or so. Even the worst scenario the humans would join (for the simple reason that many is better than few) to share the individual skills. Nor that assassing wouldn't exists, but they wouldn't be the majority (and ironically the "killers" would join together as well!) ...in other words the "kill on sight" affair wouldn't happens in real life, if not in very rare occasions. But this is a game and you cannot replicate the real life mechanics (mostly because you have nothing to lose/earn killing others in a videogame) ...so you can't compare the real life with DayZ.
  4. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Chicago 57 Cheater 'Eclipse' (God Mode)

    Probably lag, not cheating: yesterday we had some lag spikes up to 3 minutes (i were watching my mates moving after 3 minutes).
  5. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    The Ultimate Realism

    It's the only way to give such importance to your "digital" life, similar to your real life (that is one of the important things that drives your actions in real life). But as others said: this is a game, so a drastic solution like that wouldn't works (the game won't "sell"). A solution in the middle may works: 24 hours timeout .. or a proportional timer: more often you die, more time you have to wait. So if you're a noob and you died only one time, you have to wait only 5 minutes.. but then, acquiring experience, that time will raises exponentially. This would help the players the important of avoid the danger (and so to die), because otherwise they need to wait hours to play again.
  6. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    I KNOW you're an exploiter if you disagree

    Negative, everything or nothing. With everything i mean: youy character MUST remain on the server h24, no matter what. You want to sleep? No problem, go to sleep.. leave your character under a tree and HOPE it won't be found by another player or a zed. Or eventually join a team with friends all around the world and make the guard turns. Don't like it? Then you're a pussy exploiter cheater kid. 30 seconds? Pffff... u little tiny crying girl.
  7. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    There's no way to fight a popular decision: 90% of gamers are casual gamers, they usually play FPS where the purpose is only one, shot/kill your enemy. We can give any good argumentation to the "hardcore" reasons: they will no understand, because they wouldn't like to play like this (too much thinking, too slow.. etc.). This thread will raise eventually to 900 pages, but the game will not change: it will be a stand-alone game (or a official game-mode added to Arma3), and to sell you need to give what most of the ppl wants, in this case: fire fights.
  8. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    DayZ Maintenance ~ Should be functional again

    All fine here, i still have my G36C and the VSS... ...oh wait!
  9. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    DayZ Maintenance ~ Should be functional again

    It's almost 20:00 CET here in Europe, so probably the kid (if European) mum called him for the dinner. We would have about 1 hour of free hassle gameplay from now. lol
  10. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    MP5SD and MP5 Ammo

    In this mod reality should be > balancing. It's per design yes.. but it's an error, and it should be fixed. Also the MP5SD is so weak for PvP that i'm not sure what's the "balance" .. balance versus the zeds? Doesn't make sense.
  11. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    DayZ Maintenance ~ Should be functional again

    This message is strange... as i see there's nothing to "restore", it's more like: "when the kid gets bored, the service will reprise, but it will go down again whenever the same guy has nothing better to do...". There's no realiable way to stop a DDOS attack, you may eventually filter certain sources and do packet filtering, but you won't go far, you only need to hope the attacker get bored or that most of his botnet goes down. This is why the DDOS attacks are the most hated ones: they can be used by a 12yo kid without any knowledge, and it's pretty hard to stop (or impossible to avoid) for the victim. It's like giving a nuclear weapon to a monkey.
  12. WalkerDown (DayZ)


    IT IS a *FPS* atm .. so yes: you'll be shot on sight (as it's the only way to play). And today's even more: there's so many cheaters in game, that it's not even convenient to play "seriously" because you'll die anyway (for a mass-nuke, for a teleporting hacker, for a hacked weapon.. and so on).
  13. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Hackers RUINING This Game Completely

    The cheater affair now have reached some annoying proportions... initially you has few cheaters here and there, sometime nuking that server. Now you have cheaters on many server and you're likely to survive only if they ignores you, eventually because they are concentrate to spawn vehicles around the map and troll. Honestly i don't think this will be ever handled (Arma2 is completely fucked up, because it's so open...).. but if having cheaters in a traditional FPS is a pain, in a game where there's a sort of persistence, a cheater/hacker can "ruin" a week of gameplay or more. Atm you can only troll around, since you know that it doesn't matter how good you play, you'll die because of a cheater, so it's not convenient to build a "serious" gameplay.
  14. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    8300 blood, died from a SINGLE zombie hit.

    You are ALONE in a zombie apocalypse... you have so much less chances to survive than being in a group of survivors' date=' that i'm not even counting it. It's like fighting in a war alone instead of using an army: you are penalized big time. It's not that calling us "assholes", will make you more intelligent. When you'll pass the puberty, you'll eventually understand.
  15. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Why do you murder?

    Why not?
  16. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    8300 blood, died from a SINGLE zombie hit.

    A person can knock you out with a punch! A zed *IS* a person (if you didn't know before...), and as a person they have a certain strength (even possible more than a normal person due to the infection similar to the rabies). They can CERTAINLY know you out with a single contact... you won't die immediately, but since you can't react anymore (because you passed out for a certain amount of time), they will have much more chances to "finish" you (eat you.. dismember... whatever). This is what you done: - You lost 3000 of your blood (so you were already partially "sick"). - You were alone (you didn't had a person as backup). And knowing the above you were still "trolling" near to the zeds, so you faced what i've explained before: KO + consequent death. Is that hard to understand this VERY SIMPLE concept? Should someone punch you in the face to let you finally understand that a person can pass out with a single hit from another person? tip: a hit on the temporal is enough.
  17. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    This won't fix server hoppers, the other biggest problem in the game. We don't want "half fix": wouldn't make sense to disrupt the whole game to leave then half of the problem there.
  18. No evidence of hacking, also you had 19 murders.. so you deserved to die. :)
  19. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Anyway to have multiple accounts?

    I change my key by changing the steam account (multiple): basically i bought a copy of AO (only OA without Arma2) on each. I doubt there will be a free way to create multiple accounts, because you could easily exploit it: you may create a offline archive with repository (non-playing) accounts.. they would be like "tents" .. but offline.
  20. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Anyway to have multiple accounts?

    New OA key.
  21. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Is duping officially allowed?

    The fun part is looking at anyone fights anyone else without even figuring of what they are talking about (probably because most ppl reads only the post titles). There's a big confusion about "Item duping" and "Loot piling". Item duping: it's when you use an exploit to duplicate an item you already own. In example using a bug with the tents, with the backpacks, or with the disconnection procedure. So in example you have one NGV and then you have two of them. Loot piling: is when you move the loot out of its spawn point (it doesn't matter if then you keep it, or you just drop it away) so new loot can spawn again. It is an exploit as well, but it's how the game works, it cannot be classified like the previous one, because most ppl keep the stuff.. then go away.. then may return to the same point to find new stuff again, there's no timer to say: "if you return after 30 minutes it's legit.. but if you do it after 15 then you're exploiting". Honestly i find myself many times to return back to (example) a deer stand that i visited already like 30 minutes before, to find new stuff inside it. With "loot piling" you aren't duplicate an item (so it has nothing to do with this thread), you're finding new loot.
  22. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    hacked weapons

    You won't get banned for USING weapons.. for a simply reason: there's no (official) way to determine if a weapon is hacked or not: 1) Being in game doesn't mean that it's legit. In example a cheater can spawn a L85A2.. it's a regular weapon, but he hacked it! 2) Nor anyone knows about the weapons in the mod. An example is this same thread: the op believed the M136 wasn't in the game, while in fact it is (it can happens the opposite). There's then an high risk of banning some unaware people for something that they cannot know. But if you being caught with hacked weapons everyday... well then there must be something smelly and it would be better to investigate.
  23. ..where this saying comes from: "If you have a question, shoot!"
  24. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    8300 blood, died from a SINGLE zombie hit.

    You don't need much words to explain why the game is right and you're wrong, they can be summarized in your own phrase: "Was spotted by zombies" <<< here the big mistake that toke your life, indipendently from your blood level or weird animations.
  25. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    I'm against anything that would leaves my character without my direct control. I don't care if i can logout in the deep of the forest or under a rock, i want to be aware of what's happening around me until i press the exit button, i wouldn't find (even if it's remote) myself ded without knowing how it happened, and especially without having the possibility of save myself. The location saved on a server wouldn't help the server hopping, while infact it could potentially increase the problem: i will play on 30 different servers, logging out next to each deer stand, so i can cyclic logging into them everyday to loot them in seconds, without even have to move! Then i go on my favorite servers to play normally.