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WalkerDown (DayZ)

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Everything posted by WalkerDown (DayZ)

  1. Trolling? You may know anything, but that's what YOU know, you have no authority to expose players GUID's or IP's on a public forum based on what you believe to know: you may be the best admin or the worst one. I'm also not forcing ppl to do the "right" thing, i'm reporting those posts for a moderator intervention.
  2. Faking a log and have an innocent player banned for no reason? What's the authority here to say that LewisUK is a good admin, while WalkerDown is just a troll? Why i should believe what you say? I can post anytime a log and claim that it is legit.. while it's all bullshit.
  3. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    DE 144 - Hacker Banlist

    In fact you may describe what happened here, but the private informations should be sent privately. This forum is not opened only to the server admins or to who needs those informations, but to ANYONE .. me.. others.. trolls.. hackers.. cheaters.. you're making them a favour publishing players GUID's, IP's and whatever.. and i don't want to see my IP published it because of an "admin" that doesn't know how to cut/censore a log properly.
  4. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    DE 144 - Hacker Banlist

    It could be resumed in few words... those are private informations, especially the players IP's. So they should never and ever being posted on a public forum. This is not my idea, this in a general rule and always true.. no matter what they did, no matter if they are really cheaters, hackers or just suspected of being so.. these informations shouldn't be published. Imagine me doing shit on this forum.. do you believe that the admin is authorized to expose my IP to the public? No, he's not.. he's not the police, he's an admin: he can ban me, he can add my IP to a banlist, he can even pass my IP to certain ppl for technical reasons (ie: adding to a remote list or whatever), but he CANNOT expose it to the whole internet. There's something called "privacy" and it is more important than any cheater-war. This has nothing to do with DayZ.. it is always true. And no DayZ developers (neither forum admins here) can enforce a rule that sounds like "if you play this game, your IP *may be* exposed to the public", it's against the common sense.. and against the law.
  5. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    DE 144 - Hacker Banlist

    This is a matter of being adult and have some common sense. I hate the script kids/cheaters/hackers like most here (see my other posts in the general are), *BUT* they must be handled in the correct way. You know on the internet there's a way too many trools and idiots, they are not all fair like we like they to be, now imagine these chaps playing the same game but with their own rules: - I'm a troll and i cheat with your nickname... ppl will hurry here on the forum saying that Vortech is a cheater >> trolling beings; - I'm a troll and i found regular players GUID's, i come here on the forum saying they are chearing, copy&pasting a log but changing the GUID's with their own >> trolling begins; - I'm a troll and i start to post ppl IP's, so other idiots will start to flood and ddos those players just to annoy em (i'm a troll after all); ....and other many "jokes" that a troll can imagine. (to not count the fact that in certain countries publishing a user IP is against the law, because it is a private information .. like your phone number or address) Now you understand why make these informations public is a VERY BAD thing? This is not about defending the cheaters.. this is about not making the situation even worse.
  6. Reported for exposing players GUID's and players IP (sensible informations) publically. They should be sent privately if anything. PS: i understand the importance of fighting those kids, but you all should understand what's the right way to do so. You are doing damage: if an idiot comes here and he'll fake a log, we'll end with a mess of legit players being banned. Please turn on your brain before posting.
  7. Reported for exposing players GUID's and players IP (sensible informations) publically. They should be sent privately if anything. You also had the care of hiding your own IP, but leaving other IP's exposed (if that TBA noisy player has a static IP, now he needs to change it to not risk to being DDOS'ed because of your careless post).
  8. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Hackers banned on US 65 (Full Logs)

    Reported for exposing players GUID's and players IP (sensible informations) publically. They should be sent privately if anything.
  9. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    DE 144 - Hacker Banlist

    Reported for exposing players GUID's publically (they should be sent privately).
  10. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    So I found an MK-48 Mod...

    I used to like it, but now im staying with the SAW... for one reason: the ammo. They aren't that rare ok, but im pretty like rambo these days, so i waste so much ammo.. and the SAW accepts the STANAG as well.. so before i find more 249 cartdriges i can live with STANAG that are a way common.
  11. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    A new level of hack.

    The number is almost the same (based on about 1 month of plating) .. there's 5% of script kids on both HIVE and ALT-HIVE servers, but the no-hive server have a huge advantage vs the official servers, it's the "support". The admin can ban based no what's happening, and not on what he can proves after.. so finding a good hive server (no kid admin) is good enough. Also they can roll back the server: if a script-kid nukes the server in example, the admin can roll back the DB and restore the user gear. So yes, there's cheaters anywhere.. but they would affect less those non-hive server, while on the official server if you got nuked you could loose your whole gear no matter what, and none will help ya for a roll-back. Cheaters + Permanent world = BAD BAD BAD thing. There's no sense to continue the development if you don't have a good plan against these chaps, the game is destined to fail. << that's with the assumption that they doesn't have a plan at all, and since none of the devs discussed about this matter here, the assumption is correct.
  12. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    US 303 - Hacking Video

    Thoughts: one cod player less.
  13. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Just found portable generator... legit?

    You can refill it with jerry cans and it has the interact menu when you're in a house (works only in certain buildings) to light it up. Now the question is: how you keep it back into your archive? There's no option to pick it up again after have been place on the ground.
  14. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Stop saying stupidity: we're "paying" this mod with our time, helping the devs to develop a commercial product that will be SOLD on the market, while we're having fun doing so. So stop talk about them like they are giving a present to us, they aren't giving anything for free. While in fact it's exactly the opposite: we're going to pay for it TWO TIMES. If you didn't realized it yet, most of us have bought Arma2:OA exclusively to play DayZ, we gave money to BIS, BIS *is the same developer/publisher* that is going to produce and sell DayZ "The Game", that we're going to purchase. To resume: 1) Most of us have bought Arma2:OA > Money to BIS. 2) We're spending time to help to develop/test a product that will turn into a commercial product > Beta test time = money. 3) We're going to pay for the stand-alone version when it will be ready. Do you call this "for free"? You must be the joy of those TV commercial sellers... how many toasters and bench for abdominals did you bought last month?
  15. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Why are cars so rare?

    Hording, plus the off-map cleanup doesn't doesn't work correctly: ppl are leaving vehicles off-map and they doesn't get removed.
  16. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    just tried lingor island

    I reply to some points... I left plain DayZ by a while now, while im playing exclusively Lingor by some weeks. - Unfortunately the cheaters are more (in number) for a couple of reasons: first almost any server has his own HIVE so they aren't much scared to be banned (they could play elsewhere), plus the game is faster so those cheaters (usually kids/retards) are enjoying it more. But (and this is the positive aspect), since acquiring the gear is tons easier than Chernarus, and since you have a separate account on each server, dying by a cheater isn't a big trouble: you switch the server or you collect the gear very fast (most of the time, that's the funniest part); - Yes the terrain is much more better.. maybe because i got bored so much of Chernarus, anyway for PvP it's great. Plus the buildings: you can enter into 90% of them, no more fake houses and stupid virtual objects.. you can interact with everything. - Ppl are friendly: not much, but yes.. more than vanilla DayZ. In fact i found myself as the "bad guy" most of the time... since i kill on sight, in more than one occasion i've found ppl asking me "why?" (that's a no-sense question if placed in chernarus.. eheh). Yesterday ive found a guy in a boat, he took me up (we were both armed with AK) like it was "normal" (try it in Chernarus..), then we followed our own routes after a while... and after 1 hour we meet again, but this time for some PvP (where i killed him..), it was great! :) PRO: new map; custom/different game modes (in certain server you spawn with a weapon in example); admin decides how to admin their server (no more nazi-rocket stuff); no server hop (there's nowhere to hop.. except some few private hive networks with more than 1 server); CONS: amateur servers (some of them cannot cope the traffic);
  17. Machine guns are like any other rifle in the game, they gets the primary weapon slot and can be carried into the back pack (10 slots). The only weapon that takes your back pack slot (atm) is the M136 (the rocket launcher).
  18. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Soldier Camo(Suit)

    Is that hwk guy trolling.. or is it really that stupid? I hope the first honest... coz he's having a bukkake of shame. :o°°°°° (soldier camo is NOT legit... and you don't need to "guess", it's about the spawn loot db. those kids nowaday...)
  19. An hacked weapon can be a legit weapon spawn-hacked (as most are).
  20. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    DayZ at GamesCom

    * Disclaimer: this is what i would do, i don't mean BIS will follow this route. I will announce a parallel development (mod + stand alone agone) to not alarm the current users, and to not start to spread negativity (especially negative press, after all the positivity we had the recent weeks/months); as soon the stand-alone version pops out, i start to abandon progressively the mod supporting, basically "gently" forcing the ppl to migrate (to buy) the alpha version of the game, after the majority of the supporter have migrated, it will be clear that the mod has been abandoned but the voices will be few so they would have less power to spread the negativity (forum/press), while on the other side i will have enough paying customer that will be interested to see all the dev-force invested into the game, rather than the mod (since they wouldn't care about the mod anymore at that point). At the end of the development cycle i will have a similar result that i would had with the mod (plus some minor tweaks) with major advantages: 1) i had many ppl buying A2CO; 2) i acquired the user base for free; 3) i didn't had to spend much into the development (A2/V3 "tweaked" engine); 4) i already have "sure buyers" while i still developing the game (risk free project). It's a win-win situation. :)
  21. So u spent 3 dayz to do this.. while the hacker did it in like 30 seconds with a nuke? :)
  22. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    DayZ at GamesCom

    Not sure where you keep your infos.. but you're wrong. From GamesCon (to remain in topic): RPS: Is the standalone more Arma 2 or more Arma 3? Hall: It’s more like Arma 2.5, and there’s a very important reason for that. Arma 2 has reached a certain level of maturity, and that’s important for Day Z. We want to do things like support a simple ragdoll, rather than the complex ragdoll that Arma 3 has, because we’re multiplayer and PvP focused. So yeah it’s more like Arma 2.5, but because we’ve got the guys who created the engine working directly on this game, we could soon see Day Z codebase looking very different. It’s actually based more on the Take On Helicopters architecture than what we’ve done with Arma 3.
  23. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    This .. plus ..this. :) Not everyone today plays for PvP, most ppl doesn't even check their kills gears (coz most are "full" already), they/we kill for the lulz. ..because it's even more frustrating, you can't play "smart": you can stay all the day long in a bush and being killed suddendly by a cheater. So you going to live longer, hoping to not find a cheater? It sounds masochist to me. It would be fun if there would be a challenge, but there's none (for the above reason), so the only challenge remained is doing PvP, until you die, then you collect your gear again to start another "round". This is why i'm playing only Lingor now: it's easy to rebuild the gear, so you can start the PvP faster... so dying by a cheater/bug/hack isn't a big trouble.
  24. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Byron have seen too many movies i believe.. :) Anyway, whenever he's wrong on how the humans would handle an apocalypse, he's right on what's happening in the game: this is a game, it's not a simulator (it has been mentioned many times, even by rocket), so ppl have decided to turn it into a full PvP deathmatch (like any other shooter), and there's anything you can do.. neither there's anything to "correct", you have only two options: 1) you start to do full pvp; 2) you play another game... and no, there's no third option, like: "leave the city and go elsewhere to survive".. coz you'll die anyway by: 1) a 24h camping sniper in the middle of nowhere; 2) a bug 3) a cheater 4) a hacker that nukes the server ..so don't spend your time to hide in the forest.. it's a waste of time.