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WalkerDown (DayZ)

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Everything posted by WalkerDown (DayZ)

  1. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Whats BattleEye Anticheat?

    BE doesn't directly prevent the cheating, BE bans who uses the known (most public) cheats.. it does the same thing as VAC (not much to be honest.. but better than nothing...); On the other side BE contains also the "filters" parts, that is something specific to ArmA: it is capable of logging (and so finding) who uses the scripting to cheat.. i'm not sure how this will be effective in DayZ SA, as it is supposed that most of the scripting part is handled only server side (atm the scripts works due to the fact that they have been left intentionally open client-side for dev purpose). In my opnion there's no anti-cheat that will effectively works.. this game will be NEVER (assuming it will remain popular) cheaters-free, if you give a look at those hacking forums you'll figure yourself that they doesn't give a f** about VAC and BE, but these will remain useful to ban those script kids that are used to download a (public) hack and push a button without really knowing what they are doing, at least this "stupid" ones will be banned (they'll eventually gives up with cheating after buying the game a couple of times..). Usually the "real" hackers are disruptive only when they get bored, and they have specific targets... while the script kids are really those annoying ones, so banning them would be (hopefully) enough. My solution will be: private server, active admins, remote cams all around.. this is the only way to have a cheater free experience in this game (as I were doing in the mod).
  2. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    How about no private servers?

    Are you sure you know how internet works? You can't stop people of doing "things" with your own opinion... we will have private servers (while in fact you can run your own private server already... with some limitation).
  3. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Instant Death Glitch, CONFIRMED.

    Me too.. in the middle of the NE control room with other 5 mates in the area (just to specify it wasn't a sniper, neither it would had a clear shot)... instant death. I think there's a glitch with the building model.. also my body wasn't lootable after that, because it fallen into a not accessible area/room. Initially i believed it was a sort of feature (poisoned... hearth attack... whatever...) but the fact that it happened to someone else in the same exact spot makes me think that it's the building.
  4. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    How about no private servers?

    There's no private servers (today) because there's no need for them.. the game is so "young" atm that a private server (with not so good performances, and no contents, and bugs) wouldn't make sense at all. There will be private servers in the future? Certainly yes! .. and this is not a decision of the developer, but the community: if they will not release a official version, there will be someone to leak the files, that would be even worse. For the moment, personally, i'm ok with no dedicate private servers... but in some months i will certainly have one since i like to customize it (as at the moment i have my servers sitting there waiting, since i dismissed the dayz mod ones...). PS: when i say private servers.. i mean PRIVATE HIVE (nor private servers on official HIVE).
  5. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Hacker just Teleported me to middle of water.

    Respawn works... or to be exact when you press the respawn button you can "suicide", and this is what we need at the moment (exit from the server and re-join is acceptable). So not greying out the button would be enough (if you scared about the "stress" a 2 minutes timer would be ok too). In other words, during this early alpha we absolutely need a way to kill our character, because there's too many things that can go wrong, and the respawn button is the easiest way to do so.
  6. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Hacker just Teleported me to middle of water.

    - I'm not sure if you're new.. or just trolling: the player respawn WORKS already, it's only the button to be disabled (in fact it is enabled under certain circumstances); - You don't have much to think when i clearly wrote it, as i didn't asked to you to run the tasks of my brain. So again: bugs and lack of contents is OK for an alpha; wrong decision that only increases the player frustration is not. - As per above, none is asking to add a new feature, i'm asking to not DISABLE a feature that is already in and working. Or to be exact: to not grey out the respawn button (that is something much easier to do), until the product reach a certain stability/maturity. Prevent the respawn is a decision that can be applied to the game mechanic in a more advanced phase, at the moment we're checking the performance, we can't waste our time into the ocean only because a script kid decided to push the magic button. But it looks like you're here just for your cookie, you don't even understood what this thread is about. - I'm not their son, neither i would be: i am their customer. - You knowingly "wasted" your time.. you must be a masochist then.
  7. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Hacker just Teleported me to middle of water.

    - There's no reason of removing a feature... or to be exact: whatever it is the reason, it is a stupid one. If you have some more details, please post them... (but before, read the previous messages). - WE ARE CUSTOMERS. You have a distorted vision of what's a paying product is, how the business works, and what's the rules you must respect when selling a product. There's no such "paying self testers blbablabla" .. we BOUGHT the game SOLD on "Steam Early Access", and if you don't know what Early Access is, you can read it Steam (there's no need to guess your exotic explanation), search for Early Access FAQ (Steam is currently down, so i can't give you the link). - "DO NOT BUY ME" means absolutely nothing in the moment you put your product on sale. If you don't really want people to buy your product, you will NOT SELL IT. If you need beta testers, you will give it for free under an open beta, after you don't need those testers anymore, you could easily block their access transforming the product into a paying one. If you are collecting money from people, you are deliberately selling it, hence we're customers: customers of a early access product, but still customers. To resume: we understand the bugs and the lacks of contents (here "it's alpha" makes sense), but we can't accept the bad decision, especially if they can be corrected with a "click".
  8. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Hacker just Teleported me to middle of water.

    ...excuses... you need like 2-5 minutes to suicide. So they can activate the button after 2 minutes of life, so people cannot spam it, but neither they have to run or swim for 1 hour because a script kid decided to push a button. As you see the solution(s) exists, you only have to use the brain.
  9. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Hacker just Teleported me to middle of water.

    ...whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?????? Are you serious?
  10. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Hacker just Teleported me to middle of water.

    We're customers. I believe people have lost their brains with this new idea of having no more rights (disclaimer or don't...). Believe me, anytime i wanted my money back because of a seller's mistake, i had them back (with good or bad manners) if the issue isn't solved in an acceptable amout of time. Everyone should stop to accept any possible arse raping, this attitude only let the devs out there to deliver poor products. I'm not talking about BIS, but in general. "lol"/laughing about people that have paid money for a (not working) product is plain stupid: alpha is not the excuse for everything bad, especially when the problem comes from a decision rather than a technical issue. /EOT
  11. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Hacker just Teleported me to middle of water.

    People are really running for 30 minutes to have a chance to play again? lol ... ask for a character reset or ask for your money back. Disabling the "RESPAWN" button is a very stupid idea if applied to a bugged alpha: it's not only about hackers.. any sort of wrong things could "block" your character forcing you to just respawn. To not count the fact that actually everyone is just "suiciding", so this limitation is helping no one, neither the "abusers" neither the legit users. Running (or swimming) for 30 minutes.. without complaining is like inviting the devs to not move a finger to solve the problem.. and this is has nothing to about the alpha (because it's not about a bugged feature.. but about [again] a stupid decision).
  12. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Carrying both an m4 and mosin

    It's the price to pay by having two girls... it's nice under certain aspects, but a nightmare to handle.
  13. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    .357 op

    Ho... really? How's possible an human would die with a .357 in the chest? ... it's just some inch hole in a ham... lol http://youtu.be/sGXH0_F69Uc?t=2m58s Being serious.. i would be surprised if someone would live after a .357 shot without any ballistic protection.. and nor that the situation is much different with a 45 ACP tho.
  14. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance in DayZ SA ? Find Your medic here!

    Nickname: WalkerDown Medical attention: Frenulum reattachment Location: North of Balota Airfield Character: Male white with sunglasses and no pants
  15. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Files signature not enabled

    So files signatures isn't enabled on the servers right now? Now i understad why anyone is shooting at me behind 101 trees ... coz there's no fookin trees (and grass.. and bushes.. and any building...) in the game anymore (at least for those cheaters). :(
  16. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Allow private hives, but with regulations and licenses....

    No "superior" overview.. as it's not going to work: arma community is pretty active, in the moment you try to enforce something, every sort of "hacked" servers will popup, and there's nothing you can do, so better to authorize it from the start (if you look at it, there's already private servers today.. imagine in a couple of months).
  17. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Are there Explosives yet?

    Yeah.. you can have explosions.. but i won't tell you how, to not ruin your surprise of finding it yourself. ;)
  18. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Scripting already rampant...

    They WILL fix the scripting and anything that could be "transferred" server-side (Rocket said already that these doors are left open for dev purpose), but they will not fix the other types of cheats like the DayZ Navigator, because the data structure isn't changed at all, even a monkey with half brain could write a "map" with just 70 lines of code. I won't blame Rocket for this.. he couldn't do much, i'm just a little disappointed that he didn't changed anything at all in the old structure, but again even if he would have lost time doing such, he could have delayed the cheating by a week.. because you can't do anything against a decompiler. To resume: probably, if we're lucky, we wouldn't see any more weapon spawning, mass killing, teleporting (that are the most disruptive hacks if you think at it), but forget to eliminate the cheating, in a couple of weeks you will see the DayZ Navigator SA ... and i'm surprised the guy didn't released it already. Not that bad in my opinion: i will run my own servers with active admins (and remote cams), so you may not identify the cheats, but you will sure see by naked eyes the cheaters and ban them. This is the only concrete solution.
  19. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Standalond Hackers...[Teleported to ocean]

    "Hacker" (well.. more like script kids) .. since you can teleport yourself (and the others..) easily actually.
  20. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Standalond Hackers...[Teleported to ocean]

    I don't understand how's possible that they decided to disable the "RESPAWN" button (when not unconsciout/dead) at this stage. I mean it's Alpha, there's tons of bad things happening (including script kiddies like this one) why the hell i should swim hoping to reach the land, or just sitting stuck glitched in a house until I die.. while i could easily use a respawn button? This is really stupid decision.. please leave the "respawn" button always available... then disable it late in the development (when we'll be in beta a in year or so...) because now it doesn't make sense.
  21. WalkerDown (DayZ)


    Again with this "simulation" excuses? If Dean didn't changed his mind recently (i did not read anything related to it), he said back ago that DayZ will NEVER be a simulator, but it will still a game.. a "hardcore game" (or call it whatever you want) but a game.. so it will contains game dynamics (call it "compromises for gamers). So stop with the argumentation like "you can't do this in real life...", indeed you can't, but this is not the real life.. this is a game (actually a deathmatch with zombies if you ask to me.. lol).
  22. This is the old BE approach, and to be honest i don't like it.. i hoped into some more efficient workflow than: "hey look, there's a new public cheat available on UC, let's download it, see how it works and then change our pointers so the script kids won't understand the difference...", it will surely stop the idiots, it won't stop the smart cheaters (or the hackers). Better than nothing I see.. but with this route you will never eradicate the cheaters from the game, it will be exactly like DayZ mod.
  23. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    ...that's because you're lazy to collect it from the ground Dean... :P ...otherwise createVehicle will spawn all the Pipsi you want. :)
  24. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Lost characters, scripters, and ALT-F4 still exist...

    The op is surely trolling... but on the cheating point: the first cheat appeared only after 2 hours upon the launch, and the first commercial cheat (they are already selling it) a day after the launch. This tells you that a large portion of the previous cheat logic is still valid for DayZ SA: you can be a skilled programmer but you can't develop a cheat and make it usable by the audience (i mean the "commercial" one) in 24 hours, without having a solid code base already. So whenever their effort to translate everything server-side.. i hope all their security patches aren't applied at all, otherwise this isn't really a good start (cheat-side).
  25. READ THIS FIRST: this is not an accusation of something broken, they might have not introduced any cheat prevention in the alpha yet, so that's why i opened this thread (to know/understand). So you can already teleport all around the map (tp others as well), godmode, and all the usual s**t... this is what killed dayz mod, i just want to be sure (well not sure, but almost confident) that the story won't repeat again, otherwise i just go around, because having 60% of cheaters aboard (that's the last stat i had after i ave decided to turn off all my servers) isn't what i want experience again. Thank you.