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WalkerDown (DayZ)

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Everything posted by WalkerDown (DayZ)

  1. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    DayZ: Namalsk

  2. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Specific for Namalsk? May i did't noticed it.. or maybe i read it but i don't remember.. or maybe i don't know what you mean.
  3. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    DayZ: Namalsk

    So the only other options remains: me, or the 1.7.3 patch. Anyway are you 101% sure? There might be a chance that the bullet deviation or the zoom have been affected by something else you changed in the patch? (just guessing...).
  4. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Not sure but the sniper rifles have been tweaked? The zoom on the AS50 seems out of place, also for the first time today i had to use 2 or more bullets to kill a static enemy, something that i never missed in months... and it happened the whole day, so unless there's something wrong on my eyes (possibly) the sniper rifles precision have been tweaked for the worse. I understand the importance of balance em, but if what i've experienced is true, then this isn't the right way to do so: you can't fake a zoom or tweak the precision, coz many of us are using this same rifle in other mods as well and they should be "constant". If anything, and i'm all for it: REMOVE em (ie: leave only the CZ550) .. but don't start to modify it unrealistically pls.
  5. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    New Map - DayzTaviana is released!

    What you mean? It is the map with the higher vehicles presence as far as i can tell, including multiple helicopters: in 1 hour i've found many cars, trucks, bus, heli... all to be repaired tho.
  6. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    New Map - DayzTaviana is released!

    Why none is talking more about this map... this is gonna be probably the best map after Chernarus.. it's huge and awesome. If it could be expanded to have more enterable building it would be the definitive map.
  7. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    I agree, but at least the cheaters are identified (and eventually banned, with some luck) for what they are: cheaters! Instead the guy here wants the devs to formalize a cheat for the admins, this way those cheaters will be invited to cheat.. with the quality level of the admin we have here, you can only imagine the consequence. If they wants to cheat they have to RISK (at least) their cd-key, i don't want a "sure cheats" spreads around. The logic of: i have to "spy" you because i do not trust you, works inversely: "you do NOT want you to spy me, because i do not trust you". Exactly.. it works like this in other games. They are "screaned" and selected and they cannot play the game. Some of them will continue to abuse (ie: telling their mates about other players) .. but at least we won't have any damn kid owning a server cheating.
  8. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    I've found too many kiddo admins, i can trust a random one that is spamming his private server declaring he cheats only to prevents other to cheats. So i can do the same at this point: i start to cheat ONLY to fight other cheaters, and i claim to not risk my key, i promise i won't use it for any malicious activity. Do you trust me? Can i be an "authorized cheater" from today? And if not.. why i can't? What makes me different than any random admin? I tell you: nothing.. an admin is a normal user that have decided to have a server, it's not a super-hero. They often have a clan, and authorize them to cheat will be soon out of control (like we don't have enough cheaters already). The concept this person is promoting here is: let me cheat, i promise me and my mates will be the only cheaters on the server, because it's better to have few than having tons. Whenever this sounds the lesser of the two evil, it still unacceptable, it sounds like a blackmail.
  9. You can see in the linked thread the admin of this server admitting of using a server side cheat to spectated any user playing on his server: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/103490-community-releases-spectate-modedayz-developers-delusional-no-admin-tools-for-standalone-dayz-hard-to-hack-they-say/ He claim to use the cheat only to discover other cheaters (lol) and to not abuse of its usage. Without considering the hilarity of his statement (imagine if any cheater out there would admit to use a cheat but only because he wants to play as "police" and catch other cheaters) but he's even encouraging the usage of that cheat. You can see in the video how he can: - follow any player in the server; - find any vehicle in the map; - know the weapon of anyone in the map; - etc. He can eventually share the information with his clan: basically it's an ESP on steroids! ...but he's doing it only to find other cheaters! lol PS: he can do anything he wants on his server, but he shouldn't have place on this forum honestly.
  10. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    What i'm trying to tell him is that none care about him.. it's the message he's trying to share that is dangerous: he may be honest but there might be other 100 that would use this cheat to... just cheat!
  11. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Admin cheating on US 1108 (Zombie Apocalypse Gaming)

    Can you spy any player on the server? Yes or not? If the answer is yes, the next question is: why any other player that is capable of spying other players (ie: ESP cheat) is considered a cheater, while you should not? Are you spcial or what? These are my reason.. you can ignore the fact and blabbling until the next year, but you didn't gave us any reason of what makes you different than any other cheater. Bye.
  12. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Aren't you the guy who run the "tool" (cheat) to spy any user on the server? How you talk about "cheater free" if you're the first to cheat? Oh yes, but you're doing it for a good cause, only to catch the "real" cheaters. Correct?
  13. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Admin cheating on US 1108 (Zombie Apocalypse Gaming)

    You admit (again) to cheat to make sure others doesn't cheat. So anyone can do the same here.. i can run the Navigator to make sure other won't teleport around me! lol
  14. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Community Releases Spectate Mode

    I reported you for cheating.. i didn't asked you to close your server (neither a care). This community is against the cheats.
  15. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Community Releases Spectate Mode

    Only the public ones.. and they needed the source code to bust em, there's zillion of other cheats out there that there's almost impossible to play on a public server now: the average is about 3 cheaters per (populated) server, it's crazy. Yes, including this cheat.. but that doesn't mean we need they are legit. Because it sucks. It's a combo: BE (the worst anticheat) + Arma2 (the most hacked game) ... BE is almost useless at this point, they can do something server side (ie: a very basic control could prevent ppl to spawn weapons a/o ban teleporters.. and stuff like this.. but they doesn't care at all).
  16. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Community Releases Spectate Mode

    Expected.. BE sucks to find anything, i won't be surprised. As said... i wouldn't be surprised. With the total mess you can find o DayZ today a cheater or or less won't change anything. Btw, to be consistent im reporting you and your server in the cheating area: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/104034-admin-cheating-on-us-1108-zombie-apocalypse-gaming/ ..and again, the fact that you are an admin doesn't make you "special". YOU CANNOT CHEAT .. and the excuse of doing it to find other cheaters is just that: an EXCUSE! I can claim to use the navigator only to see who's teleporting.. but again: this makes me a CHEATER not a policeman. This thread should be locked down.
  17. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Actually it's not true.. at the last moment, someone with his brain still working have figured that the combat system doesn't work at all and have then removed the "auto-kill", but they have left the chat message giving a cookie to who had the "original" idea (he may have lost time to develop this, you couldn't just trash it in 5 inutes...). In other words, in this situations where a ALT+F4 is needed, you can continue to use it with no consequences.
  18. I guess you mean "stop writing".. anyway the answer is: no. Dunno if you're serious or having 0.1% of your brain working this morning.. the can was an example of how someone may "troll" without even using a weapon. First day is enough to say: this is not working. Let's wait for the next "iteration"...
  19. Even throwing a can apparently... that's what we saying: it's too open to be abused (trolling), as designed it cannot distinguish from a real combat than any other operation, but even if it could distinguish a fireweapon, the problem remains: it couldn't know if it's YOU in combat or someone else 70 meters away. You can force someone in combat by simply use your hatchet every 30 seconds. :D It's a good start.. but not mature to be released, i hope it will be reverted back with a new patch.
  20. I'm not breaking any rules, and the patches is out, and we're seeing the effect already! I'm not sure why you would censore me from criticizing this modification to find a better solution. In example 10 minutes of gameplay where enough to find that the range used is totally wrong and it's causing a lot of issue, to we already need a new patch with it reduced to 20 meters or even less. I don't understand why i should stop to post in this thread. And yes i'm sending this to Griff so he may gives to me an explanation of why i can't "talk".. (i'm not offending anyone).
  21. I was exciting initially, one of the features that could drive me back in again (well i am already on unofficial mods.. but getting much bored), but then i've started to think the possible side issues: 1) loss of connection: it's remote, and i'm not scared of it, i think that i lost the connection only 1 time during a firefight.. i would have died by then, but if this can solve the infinite number of time that i would have killed a combat logger.. i could live with it; 2) bugs: i'm not sure if the system will be reliable enough. We know that arma does strange things (sometime you respawn shocked for no reason.. and shit like this)... so i'm not 100% convinced that i wouldn't "die" for no reason because the game tought i combat logged.. but i didn't tried it again, so let's wait for a final judgment. 3) The script kids: this is the real BAD BAD BAD BAD part.. until today i've managed to survive many times from a cheater because i had the opportunity of escaping.. now i can't anymore. And this is the only part that i'll probably not like at all. Let's hope...
  22. Uh? This is exactly what the current "combat system" will do! lol ..and that's why i said that you "tested" this system under a controlled environment, but when applied on large scale it's not going to work as expected. (lot of words...) I've talked about the "frustration" of someone logging out in front of you while you're trying to kill him/her.. *but* this is not if compared to the frustration of being punished by a flawed system. Yes you can ignore the cheaters, shut your eyes and pretend they doesn't exists.. but this won't mean they won't cheat! I will exploit this system in the exact means of that term: i will use, with my team, the flaws of it for my advantage. Someone have server-hopped IS a legit reason to quit. Taking a piss even if someone's shooting to someoneelse at 70 meters far from you, IS a perfect good legit to quit... Should i really continue with stupid examples of why ppl should be able to quit without consequences?
  23. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    A hacker spawned me in the sea,how do I get out?

    Who the hell you are? I play this game from the start, every fucking day, and i like it.. this is why i won't see it "destroyed". I'm open to the intelligent improvements.. not to the stupidity.
  24. It won't change much for you at the current stage.. you will end with a long list of possible combat loggers and you'll steel need a "visual proof" of what's really happened or you're just guessing. If i'll play on your server and i have to take a piss but there's an idiot shooting outside of a building to someone else (ie: he doesn't even know im within 70 meters), i will not care at all about this system, i will kill the process... then what you will do? Are you going to ban me...? Congratulation: you banned a "legit" user that did nothing wrong .. and i'll go play on another server. This IS the combat system *currently*.
  25. Yes.. i'm a vampire. "Fixing" (adjusting) some other things first and then implement a combat logging (extended) solution, because the main problem here isn't the current fix but the consequences cause by the fix because of other problems. First i would "fix" the server hop in example, adding a logic that would prevent you to log into another server and then switch back (i proposed a working solution some months ago...). Then i would look extensively at what this "combat logging" is going to affect. Then i'll finally add a combat logging system that would silentely collect the data (no spam in chat) to analyze the data and figure the % of malicious combat logs (because yes.. there's "legit" combat logs). And finally i'll release it to the public.... Rushing like this isn't going to work at all.. will only cause confusion and rage posting in the forum. Again: it's ok for me.. it's a big advantage for my gameplay, i can trap a poor guy in the office while i can do anything i want with my team.. but this is going to be a nightmare for a whole bunch "average" players.