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WalkerDown (DayZ)

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Everything posted by WalkerDown (DayZ)

  1. Cross map gear? I was thinking that many dayz players loves to play on multiple maps, but the main problem is that they need a new character on each server, so what about offering them a way to maintain their gear (when the weapons and skins are the default ones) from a map to another? I may (in example) decide to run Namalsk from monday to friday and Lingor the weekend, and my userbase doesn't have to care about having a fresh character each time (something that i can do already, but limited, with backups), but with this system they can also maintain the same gear they collected the previous days on other maps! The logic of the script is pretty "simple": only the gear column is merged into the new DB, with a sanitizing script (ie: you cannot carry a er7 if not on namalsk). If the user have already played on the new map the inworld coords will remains, otherwise he will spawn in a random location (the first time). Now the only issue im trying to solve is about the unique player identifier, because you need to know if a character has already an account on the other map or not, the nickname isn't enough (it can be changed), and bliss generates a different uid for each world_id you play on (so it's not unique), ideally the GUID should be used.. but i dunno if there's any plan to save it into the DB. Any ideas? Would dayz.st interested into this as a new "feature" to offer to their customers? If could be great to who run multiple servers as well: you can maintain your users on your "network" coz they doesn't have to collect a new gear anytime they spawn. (ah.. and yes.. when you die, you eventually die on all maps.. eheh)
  2. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Build Rolling Update

    Are people really complaining about the realism.. do we ever have to repeat the story of a instant blood transfusion that would save you from the death.. and all the incredible magic unrealistic features that this ***GAME*** has? Yes coz this is a game, it's not a simulator, none have ever said it is simulating anything, so it shouldn't be realistic at all costs, it should be FUN. Now to the street lights... none cares if in the real world they will be on of off (you can discuss it for ages without finding a perfect answer), but ppl (including me) will love to have em, to have some new breath and to revive the "night servers", because they are almost empty now. I believe that the scene of having a partial illuminated city or town would be an incredible nice addition, because a pitch black city is fun the first days.. but then it's getting boring. Then yes to street lights.. OR make em optional and give us the final decision (like we did with the bags lost in the water and stuff like that), don't enforce a stupid rule that the majority doesn't want, this is now a community project, isn't it?
  3. This, on my full server the loading and login was never that fast if not the first 10 seconds after a restart... while now it's hours running! This change with your DB hardware upgrade will REALLY change the game for the better... can't wait for the migration later today. Thanks.
  4. I've finished to play on other servers.. so i guess it's a dayz.st problem.
  5. We all have the same problem i guess then... stuck at loadin a/o rebooting. Let's wait for the news.
  6. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Rocket, Don't leave us out the SA!

    BIS with dayz tasted the mass market, they won't come back now, if anything they will try to bring more chaps in until the idea works. Rocket can say anything he wants.. this market is piloted by money, not by dreams. It's advertising more than lies... anyone does that, it's the normality, i wouldn't expect him to say: "hey we're making it a little easier, so casual players will enjoy it more and we sell more..."; what he will obtain if not a bunch of mad nerds (us) blaiming at him? It's better to wait the release, when blaming doesn't have any effect anymore. If there's anyone here that have followed the development of BF3.. lol.. a bunch of fanboys believing in the their words (dice is an honest team.. zhinto is my hero..), even after the alpha: but it will change.. blablabl... then everyone figured that it was a "new CoD" and the old BF2 age was over, because of money. We never learn... but this time i will not wake up the last day; and yes I WILL BUY DAYZ the day the alpha will come out.. but i prefer to remain with my foots on the ground.
  7. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Rocket, Don't leave us out the SA!

    Yeah, yesterday someone posted on twitter about an alien invasion... are you looking at the sky?
  8. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Rocket, Don't leave us out the SA!

    You live out of the (money) world, you may have your wet dreams, but you must face the reality without being sad.. it's how the business works, keeps or leave: - DayZ will be a stripped version of the current mod: no more custom mods, new user contents, and everything that made this mod epic. The control will be back in the developer hands. - DayZ will be much more enjoyable to the casual player (call it more arcade). You cannot avoid this if you want to sell more copies, no matter how many "hard core" players there's on this forum, the money will be made by the shot-shot-shot-ramobo kids. - In a way or another we will be "forced" to move away from this mod because (ironically) it will compete with the final game due the similarities (it will be a random patch that will break that content.. or any random accidents that will make a frustrating experiencing continuing to develop this). That's not exactly "bad"... i mean if you're waiting to have a "better" DayZ, it's better you forget it... it will be a DIFFERENT DayZ, and you may enjoy it... the only sad part is that this mod will be probably buried, so you wouldn't have any option by then.
  9. Here too.. by some days things are getting worse. :( ...but my problem seems to be the database, i noticed the slowness even when deleting a single record or such, it seems the hardware is struggling.
  10. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    namalsk gauss gun question

    Yup what? There's only one gassu rifle as far as i know (er7), and it has sniper scope (same magnification as the DMR), unless they updated the thing.
  11. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Namalsk Quick Question

    dayz.st and vilayer both have their own private network (so gear is carried server to server), but unfortunately these hives aren't that realiable, and you cannot "control" em (in example you cannot backup their database), so if something goes wrong you lost everything. On the other side on private servers, you're "stuck" on a server but the admins will take care of the server maintenance.. in example on my server i do backups every 15 minutes, so if a script kid mass kill everyone on the server i can rollback it and save the users progress with no much hassle. The only problem? Kids admins.. as you know little idiots are everywhere, if you find abusive nazi admins it could be worse than find cheaters and hackers, but luckily you can change the server to find a better one (i didn't found any.. that's why i decided to start my own lol).
  12. This is what i'me having from the panel (it should contains sensible informations, so im posting it as is): <br /> <b>Warning</b>: mysql_connect() [<a href='function.mysql-connect'>function.mysql-connect</a>]: Too many connections in <b>/home/ersan/Dropbox/Sites/dayz.st/classes/db_mysql.class.php</b> on line <b>10</b><br /> Could not connect: Too many connections
  13. Not sure ... am i the only one that have noticed that the network is completely messed up? Even the main site ... dayz.st is reporting error on the database...? I'm confused.
  14. Btw .. doesn't anyone know what's happening? My server is slow as hell by hours and the DB is not accessible atm. Is it affecting anyone?
  15. Nope, doesn't work good atm.. it may eventually help to find someone with a "illegal" weapon, but it's not wort the additional pain of having a heavy sw runnin on your PC h24.. i've read it will be improved in the future.
  16. Hacked again? I had to restore my personal backup since i found it reset to days ago. PLEASE THIS TIME DO NOT OVERWRITE MY DATABASE IF YOU'RE GOING TO RESTORE IT FOR OTHER USERS, I AM FINE ALREADY.
  17. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    New Map - DayzTaviana is released!

    Until the files will not be released to the community and publically available to the major hoster, this map wouldn't have much success. This includes the availability (optional.. since i always prefer to install my stuff manually) DayZ Commander and other similar tools. I've stopped to play it because there were only 2 servers.. unfortately most ppl are lazy and you must accept it.
  18. What are the tables to be used to deploy the buildings? building should contain the building type and the id, and instance_building the build itself with the positional info? Can we have an example record of who added a building already into it? I've only found explanation on "how to".. but i didn't find any example of a current used DB record (containing all the info). I wouldn't add a wrong record... Thanks.
  19. Switched from NL to UK and things are MUCH better now, the "2500 ping" issue in the arma2 browser has been solved, the connection seems faster, and most important the rcon isn't lagging anymore (need to wait for a full server tho). I suspect that the NL machines have a top firewall filtering or slowing someway the traffic (UDP) someway, this would explaing the rcon lag and the issue with the ping (probably due to a ICMP filtering). I'll update you later today when the server will get full.
  20. Ok managed to find the "right" backup.... finally. Unfortunately there was 1 hour during i was offline, so those most recent players lost their gear, but at least i didn't lost the progress made by this afternoon (apparently dayz.st recovered a DB coming from 7 hours ago or such). The script i posted some pages back worked like a charme and the importing via phpmyadmin worked without trouble. Just one thing: don't forget to "drop" the old tables before importing the new DB. (not related: tomorrow i'll try to move my instance over the UK, i've noticed i've a better ping over there)