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WalkerDown (DayZ)

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Everything posted by WalkerDown (DayZ)

  1. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Release - DayzTaviana by DayzLand.eu

    May u please post a direct link to download the server files on this forum please? Thank you.
  2. The software that parses the stream runs on your PC, but the server must stream the information to make it working. These informations are a constant flux, that floods the RCON, because RCON is not designed for this purpose (not on this scale at least). So even if you don't run the software on your PC, the informations are still sent to the console, so i'm asking a way to disable/enable them when/if required.
  3. It's not a matter if i like it or not.. this is not a beauty contest, it's about if it works or not. This is actually what i've asked.. if you didn't figured it. I want it disabled, i may reconsider it in the future (if it will works). Gotcha is SERVER SIDE .. it's enabled on the server not on my PC. Not sure if you know how it works tho... It's the server provider that has to disable it on my server... i can't do it myself. You don't have an almost fully server the whole day probably... with only few user it works, the problems begins with tenth users (i have an average of 40 users... and during the peek times the server is full). It floods the RCON with hundred messages per minute, making the rcon delayed by several minutes right after the server starts. Again, I believe you don't know how Gotcha works.
  4. As said.. gotcha atm does nothing, or to be honest it only helps you to find ppl with hacked gear.. assuming that the cheater is so stupid to spawn a hacked gun (in fact most of the time you're going to ban innocent ppl that aren't aware of legit guns and have found a ammobox around..). This feature alone can be performed with TONS LESS resource with a simply DB query, without having a PC on h24. Also the scheduled messages aren't necessary anymore, you can do it with the message table (Bliss code). What gotcha really does great is FLOODING the damn rcon, making the chat very delayed. So i'm asking again ersan: is there any way to this disable this thing until there's really a good reason to have it aboard? Because it is making my admin work even less efficient! (i cannot read the chat from remote, so if something bad happens i figure it only after minutes and when everyone have left the server already in rage). Thank you.
  5. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Did Namalsk get it right?

    That's only the initial Namalsk impression.. after some days of it you'll figure that surviving in namalsk isn't necessary, simply because the map is designed for full pvp only. If you noticed there's no where to hide or build a camp, neither where to hide a vehicle or such, everything is disposed to engage the other players in a firefight (weapons are very common and strategically positioned.. so you can find one right after the spawn). Namalsk is very very very nice (in fact my main server is running it..), but honestly is very far of what i've imagined DayZ the first days...
  6. My control panel is slow as hell by hours already... not sure if it's only my problem. EDIT: the server is gone as well.. only 4 users on it .. i can't even logging (it's the UK host). EDIT2: after a while it seems fixed now.. and ppl are coming back aboard (hopefully..).
  7. An honest opinion: you pay for what you have, or even more. Support is fast, the owner dedication to improve the platform to offer new services is great, in other words i would suggest it for the price. Now on the hardware, as you may understand .. for $30/mo you won't have a powerfull dedicate server all for you! You're going to share the server with others (multi instances), so the performance isn't constant.. but it's more than acceptable. The database is shared (even with private servers), and this is maybe the part that can be improved in the future, even after the recent DB migration it still a little too slow for my taste.. but again you rarely find it a serious problem. You won't find any better *managed service*, neither for more than this price at the moment. The only other better option, that would give you an almost "perfect" server (no lag, no desyinch..), is to rent a dedicate server and to manage all the dayz installation and maintenance yourself. This means having (much more) time, and spend 6 times that price (you won't find anything for less than $180 with decent specs). To resume: if you're looking for a managed dayz service, this is the place. If you are looking for the perfect no solution, no matter about the cost, then you must rent a dedicate server.
  8. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Too much duping, it's impossible to distinguish who really found it in the bunker and who hacked it.. i had to ban it from my server unfortunately. I suggest you to remove it from the map.. it's really a noob-OP-mosthacked weapon.
  9. Thank you .. sorry i didn't noticed it. 5 minutes before a cheater were doing shit on the server and i tought saomething odd were happing (wtf is that Vasily monitor? lol).
  10. My server went offline and it doesn't starts anymore. If i click the start button on the control panel it returns red.
  11. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    L85 Should it stay or go

    Remove it, with all the other op guns: l85, m107, as50. No matter how rare you'll make em, they will be duped and hacked, the only way to have a balanced game is to make em "illegal", so you can ban those players using one.
  12. Not sure what's happening... are you doing maintenance? It's the second time my server restarts (in 30 minutes).
  13. They are probably restarting em one by one.. mine is running fine and (apparently) super-smooth now. I'll give an opinion when it will get full again.. there's only 20 players on it atm.
  14. Hi, yes, this is the exact reason of why they have upgraded the hardware (it's explained in the previous pages).
  15. Hopefully the servers will be faster than ever... they were working perfectly except for the DB, after the migration (i guess) it'll be super-smooth.
  16. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Vilayer New Hive and Map updates

    I've just put down (turned off) my Vilayer server to dedicate all my efforts to my dayz.st server. After the recent happenings, the service really doesn't meet my expetactions: support is too slow, DB resets due to attacks, average performance, price too high. Honestly i were wasting my money: the server were having 1-2 users on average! It's crazy since i'm running the same map on my other server (Namalsk) that is constantly full: first namalsk server (for usage), 16th most used dayz server. So whenever i have more than 10 days left (paied already) i've decided that the time i'm spending on it isn't worth the money i've paied already. I won't blame at you, i hope this will give you an additional motivation to do better. Cheers.
  17. It's not only the chat, Gotcha delays everything... even its own operations, because they are handled locally (on your PC). In example in a server with many players, run by 1 hour (so with enough buffered log), if someone uses a banned weapon he doesn't got alerted immediatly, the message has to reach your PC first.. this could happens after several minutes, making the message (or the ban) uncosistent, coz the user didn't had the time to react. This is true for any other operation performed by Gotcha: the possible script kid has already killed the whole server before you may figure what's happening from remote! While with a real time chat i can be alterted immediately by users (blaming.. eheh), and so i can react immediately.
  18. I do of course.. the problem is that i read the messages from the users several minutes after they typed it, because Gotcha is flooding the console.. with the console i don't mean "my window", i mean the server RCON console. The tool may be ok for sending programmed messages and for a white list, but since i do not have any whitelist, and use all that traffic just for a programmed message isn't worth it, i would like to have the option to disable it. I mainly wanted to test it to fight the cheaters, since i'm not satisfied atm i would like to get rid of it temporary... maybe in the future they'll find something new to caught those cheaters. On my side i'm trying to develop a system to discriminate a cheater not by what weapon he has or the script he may try to execute, but by his behavior: if someone spawn, he didn't had a previous account, but and after 2 minutes he has the best weapon and any tool, he smells bad.. yes he may have found a corpse, but it's worth investigating. If someone goes from tent to tent or vehicle to vehicle right after spawn, he's probly using a ESP.. and so on. It's more a "heuristic anticheater", something that any good admin is doing already, but certain routines can be automatized.
  19. I'm considering of getting rid of Gotcha, at the moment it does almost nothing, it really only detects ppl with "hacked" weapons, and with a huge delay (minutes), making it impossible to determine if they really spawned em, or if they just found a hacked box around... anyway it's something that i regularry do on my server, also most cheaters (assuming they have 1/10 of their brain working) doesn't even uses hacked weapons. Plus this gotcha is literally FLOODING my rcon, making it impossible to follow the user chat (and to communicate with em), forcing me to launch the game only to respond to a question. In other words Goctha is useful only to scare unaware cheaters, and it gives the false sensation to the lazy admin of fighting those script kids, while in reality it's doing nothing that an active admin can't do himself 100 times better. So here's the question: can we add an option to enable/disable this gotcha thing please? So when you want to have it you can just enable it? Thank you.
  20. Any chance we can speedup this DB migration, it's the weekend.. ppl wants to play.. and the server is basically sit down. :(
  21. Thank you, yes most of the times it is about the "desyinch", that i only now understand what it really means... with "now" i mean from when i started to manage with server things. It looks like the user-actions are constantly saved into the database in a sort of real-time data flow, and when the DB isn't fast enough updating these records, the desyinch happens and so the whole thing doesn't work at all. Now a little OT: i work on this stuff as my "real life" job... i don't really understand how someone come up with this idea (i mean the DayZ devs), this is really a not efficient way of tracking the user activity, it's time and resource consuming, also MySQL is really not the right database to handle this of traffic (seek time is pretty bad). All the problems we're having with DayZ from the start are really about how it is designed.. we could live with a 1/10th less powerful machine to run the server on IF it wasn't designed that bad originally. I hope they totally revolutionized the stand alone version, at least...
  22. Loading times are pretty fixed now, my server is hosted in London so it's a different problem than this WA one. But the "lag" problem remains, i'm not 100% sure it is about the database, but i believe so, it looks the records are updated after a while and this is causing too much desynch, sometime it keeps like 10 second to just enter into a vehicle. Do we have any update about the new Database server? Hoping it will fix the problem definitevely.. coz i already had to migrate my server from NL to UK .. and initially it was OK, while now the situation seems worse in UK than what it was in NL. Again: the loading times are amazing now... but the rest is not. And it's not a patch thing, i've tested the patch on other servers with 50 players or more and they works so good.
  23. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Build Rolling Update

    He may have some dev skill (i dunno.. just assuming), but he doesn't really have the skill to post on a forum in a public conversation (not while being a "host"), so i wouldn't waste my time to talk with him. :) Said that.. i'm a very active admin, and my server is kicking ppl, and my hoster is very active as well (dayz.st), if i should follow his suggestion i would move away from dayz.st to go to.. i dunno where. maybe i should host my server at razor house. :)