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WalkerDown (DayZ)

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Everything posted by WalkerDown (DayZ)

  1. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Release - DayzTaviana by DayzLand.eu

    I don't follow the story behind the hosts (i don't care much to be honest), i'm a player and a server owner, it's the same for me, whenever map it is available. If you want to blame someone of what happened, you should blame yourself. Without the initial drama, other ppl wouldn't have invested their time to create their own version, we wouldn't had another version at all! Didn't you tried to understand why these chaps are preferring the other version instead of yours? It's not just about Vilayer, and it's not about the quality of the map, it's about the communication. Anyway i didn't want to talk about this, i've only suggested you to collaborate with the other "creators" (if a such collaboration is possible), or you will risk to waste months of precious time. You have your own idea tho, so again: good luck.
  2. A DDOS is a flood, you may alleviate the problem, but there's nothing you can do to stop it, if not with the collaboration of several ISP's involved (something that you cannot control anyway). It is its simplicity that makes it impossible to stop: you can install any type of "filter" on your your water tube, but if someone sends you tons of s**t, there's nothing you can do, because blocking that s*it means blocking the clean water as well. There's company with "infinite" amount of money out there, and they falls with a DDOS exactly like you, it's not a matter of money, but a solution doesn't exists.. i suggest you to not waste your money into buying those "protections".
  3. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Release - DayzTaviana by DayzLand.eu

    First im not Vilayer "friend" .. whatever it means... second im not here to blame at you, i'm SUGGESTING you to find a solution, because *IF* the major players (actually DayZ.st and Vilayer) will decide to abandon the map hosting, and *IF* DayzCommander (the most used launcher atm) will remove it, this map will be confined to only few servers and it will DIE. I don't care what map the community will chose, and the users doesn't care who arrived for first or what's the real one or the "fake" one, they will only chose the most played and the simplest to install. You're free to do whatever you want of course, i were trying to "help". Good luck.
  4. Ersan you reset the servers DB password, but without enabling first the CP, neither communicating us the new pw. Now my local backups aren't working, neither my remote check scripts (anticheats.. etc.). Can you please enable back the CP so i can read the new pw, or at least email our pws via email? Thank you.
  5. The portal is down, but my server is running fine. Ironically there's one good thing of all this: the tabase is faster than ever. This let me believe that the website tools (such as the map), currently offline, are stressing the database a way too much, making it unnecessary slower.. so affecting the gameservers occasionally (desynch).
  6. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Release - DayzTaviana by DayzLand.eu

    This version is being abandoned by the major (host) players, and i'm sure it will left out by DayzCommander as well at a certain point.. yes it can survive on private dedicate servers but they are few if compared to the mass. For this reason i don't see how it can survive over the .com. The best option? You both better to collaborate, because there's sure no space for both... and dayzland.eu risks to loose months of valuable work for a matter of bad decision... it would be really a waste of time and resources.
  7. But mine went down now.. and won't resume... (checked if there's any maintenance going on, and there's none apparently). EDIT: i restarted it again and it returned.. i see it has been updated to the latest Arma2 beta patch.
  8. It is the same "politic" they are adopting with the game servers... they must have a strange idea of "competition", neither they understand that they aren't going anyhwere with this... I'm running the most used Namalsk server, and i'm constantly attacked by the other guys running other servers in a sort of competition for who runs the "best" server.. i honestly don't understand what's behing this, since i run my server for FREE lol! DayZ.st at the moment is providing the best service (per price), but here there's money involved, there's at least other two big players that are loosing tenth of customers every week, moving here, so they're probably trying to slow down the flux. What they doesn't understand is that this "method" isn't going to work, it's not that blocking others is making you better.. if you want to have more customers, you must provide a better service, there's no shortcuts in this market, coz the customers aren't idiots.
  9. It's not dart.. it's gotcha. It floods the RCON console, so *everything* will lags after some time, if you have many users on the server it will start to lag (several minutes chat) few minutes after the restart. If you use any other rcon tool it will like the same, even gotcha itself lags! This is because when you filter the chat in example, you're not filtering the traffic.. you're only filtering the log client side, but all the informations are still sent to your client. The solution? Disable Gotcha.. i did it 2 days ago, and WOW .. what a relief finally (it does nothing against the cheaters so there was no point of having it there flooding the server).
  10. I'm porting the local anticheat i use on my own PC, to PHP to being used remotely interfaced directly with the DB. It does some DB analisys to determine if someone is a *possible* cheater, leave to the owner a further investigation. It analyzes how long is user instance (survival time) trying to determine if he could have collected certain gear in a given time.. it check for banned weapons server side (no more client shit).. and stuff like this. Related but separate.. i finally disable the gotcha thing and my server is finally flying, the rcon chat works like a charm now... just one thing, after a restart the thing returned alive! GRRRRRRRRR... it won't leave my server! :D ..ersan please disable it again.. :\
  11. I have a (very cheap) virtual server somewhere.. where i run all the maintenance stuff, connecting to the DB remotely. It's very useful to do offline backups, run scripts to caught the cheaters, and any nice tool you come up to your mind (in example i run my own PHP building importer and such). You may look into this too.. since you don't need a powerful server, but only a virtual one, and they are very very cheap.
  12. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    DayZ: Namalsk

    With private servers i meant the whitelisted one... i know the private (HIVE) server are more popular, since i run the most used Namalsk server right now (almost 50 users h24), and for this reason my server is aimed by cheaters of any sort, so i don't like the ideas of making my "work" even more stressful. With cheaters i don't mean only those obvious ones (mass killers and such), we run private antihacks to ban any sort of cheaters (including the ones using the ESP.. etc.) .. so we ban like 5 or 6 cheater *PER DAY* ... and believe me, it's a very hard job.. especially when you do it completely for free (we do not ask for donation). Again: the cheaters aren't only those ones who run scripts or has hacked weapons, they are easy to caught, there's TONS of other smart ones, that doesn't do crazy things, and if you don't look at them you won't notice they are cheating.
  13. Yup, i'm talking about when not having the FTP access... (ie: with gotcha you can export the bans.txt from the console).
  14. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Many script kids are coming on Namalsk only to troll with the er7.. if you remove it from the loot table they wouldn't specific aim at this map for their childish (since you can dupe/hack an AS50 everywhere). The rifle is also (but this is my opinion) pretty lame. I don't like also the idea of expanding the loot table with other rifles.. this would make the admin work even more frustrating. I recognize that this is not a problem of the map creator, but a problem of dayz.. but when you plan something you must face the reality, you can't ignore cheaters, they exists and you don't have to give em more ways to hide. Make a server private is a solution.. but this would make this map much less popular and more server will just switch to something else.
  15. How to export the banlist into a txt file on your local pc?
  16. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Yeah, coz having a er7 right after the first spawn on the beach is legit. [sarcasm]i bet your server is always full[/sarcasm]
  17. Like seaweed said.. i've addded many buildings (a whole airport with structures actually) to my server, you can't do this with a web editor, it's alot better to use arma2 editor and then import the map into the DB. I've initially wrote my own PHP code, then i've mixed it with the one you find on tunngle. What i do is: i edit the structures on the map (offline), save the mission, then i run my own php script to connect with dayz.st database (it does the conversion and importing), i've also added a custom database field to name the structure, so when i want to update only that specific mission, it automagically deletes the old one from the database. Works like a charme. :)
  18. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Can't upload the mission myself (on my current host).
  19. Thank you, so if the issue is hitting any "big" server i don't understand how (almost) none have noticed it so far.. or none were complaining about it? I mean this heavily affect any "active admin" out there.
  20. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Release - DayzTaviana by DayzLand.eu

    Whatever dude.. you're going to give the file to anyone who request em (you said), so there's no point into making this complicate steps on other forums... just publish the direct links here, or don't blame us if someone else will do it.
  21. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    DayZ: Namalsk

    No er7 removing yet? I'm bored of kicking and banning ppl on my server ...
  22. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    Release - DayzTaviana by DayzLand.eu

    People are re-releasing it because of your decision of making something easy unnecessary complicate. You never learn this is internet, you can't rule it (in the good or the bad). Now you opened a thread to announce the world that the server files are available.. and i said myself: oh cool!! Finally! ...to only discover a minute after that i had to surf into other forums, register, making requests... are you fucking serious? Next time publish the DAMN PUBLIC LINK instead of asking ppl to jump here and there, the admin life is already full of troubles with this game, we don't need to have more rules and wasting our time for something that could be done easy. If you're not sure about it, and you wanted a closed beta, then don't come here announcing it's "released". Now you're surprised that someone is publishing the server file elsewhere? Welcome to internet bro: the place where you can't hide a shit. If you wanna do something good, while you're in time: EDIT your first post and add the direct link to the server files instead of trying to split users between this and your private community.
  23. Can i have a definitive reply about the Gotcha issue, it's hard to determine if it's a configuration problem or a general gotcha issue without your input. Answering some easy questions would help tho: - Are you running a server with 30+ user all the day? If not, you may or not experience the same problem, so better to stick with the experience of who run an almost full server, so we can find if it's a common issue. So if you're running a server with less users than this, ignore this post for now. - If you're running a a 30+ users server and you're NOT experience any chat lag, may you tell us what client you're using and what test you performed exactly? In example: i run a server with 40 users, i use Dart 0.7 and Gotcha client, and after 2 hours of having the server running, my Dart 0.7 chat window (and my Gotcha chat window as well) are showing the in-game chat in real time (or almost in real time with no noticiable delay). If the above admin exists, ersan can easily compare our configurations to determine what's wrong. Thank you!
  24. These clients only filters the log locally: they received ALL the messages to filter only the ones you're inerested into (in example the chat only), but ... as i said.. all the msgs are still there. My chat, right after some minutes, starts to lag heavily.. like 4 minutes or more, if the server is running by hours, it can lag for 10 minutes, it means i read the message written 10 minute before. If you can solve the problem without disabling gotcha it will be fine for me.. if you say that this behavior isn't normal can we look into it? Otherwise i'll email you to have gotcha disabled and check if that works.
  25. RCON is the acronym for "Remote CONsole" (BE RCON). Dart is one of the clients used to control the server via RCON (i use both DART and RCON by Sonar). The flood made by Gotcha is not about the text you see on your screen.. what you see it's just the filtered text (depending on what information you decide to filter out), but the console is still flooded with ALL the informations streamed to your Gotcha client. In other words, even if you decide to read the chat only, the RCON cannot cope with all the traffic made to serve gotcha, and it's buffered, after a while it got delayed by several minutes, making the antihack itself reacting very slowly, and so the chat. The only way to avoid this flood is to DISABLE all that shit going on the remote console.