Was just discussing the mod with some friends who are eager to play, and obvious likenesses to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series of games were brought up, which got me thinking, would irradiated areas be a good addition to Day Z? I dont know much about ArmA scripting, but seeing the blood and humanity meters, would it be difficult to add a radiation level, with certain areas having varying degrees of radioactivity? I think it would be fun. It could have the same kind of effect as blood loss, and also driving your Hunger up rapidly (Ive been told being irraidated makes you weak, and hungry, even though you vomit continuously) It could add an extra danger to exploring cities, or perhaps in the smaller villages/industrial areas. Perhaps it doesn't really fit in with the Zombie apocalypse, but damn if playing on the Russian server isnt as close to a Multiplayer Stalker as I'll ever get :)