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Everything posted by ---------------

  1. ---------------

    2 new maps Panthera ,Zargabad

    yes it is
  2. ---------------

    Panthera Island First Look Heli Tour

    Love both the new maps
  3. ---------------

    cant join vilayer servers

    What are you getting when you join ?? Need more info try to join this server ip port 2352 Also if you not running dayz commander you got to have it after this big update to update he new maps and updates to join
  4. ---------------

    2 new maps Panthera ,Zargabad

    Aww its ok little guy ,you need a Hug
  5. ---------------

    Squad xml Ingame Logo

  6. ---------------

    i was banned no reason

    !st and 2nd Posters hacker's LMAO move along little boys move along
  7. All Vilayer servers are private hive that's why they work they are not linked to the jacked up Dayz hive ..But your server is public
  8. ---------------

    Dayz Clan looking for a new home

    We have 2 servers and Private Ts rooms for people and Groups just click the website under my banner
  9. Don't pay the middle man get it right the first time HFB couldn't find there ass with both hands Sorry for your luck next time start with Vilayer better servers ..
  10. ---------------

    Strange things are afoot on US 303 Dallas

    Sounds Like your tring to hard to cover your ass ..
  11. ---------------

    Cant Join any Vilayer Server

    Both of my guys can join both of the uK server's Nice work guys
  12. Need to do it because your SOL here Bro
  13. ---------------

    DayZ Cheating Question (can i detect it)

    If this is true how did they hand out 90K plus bans.. Hmmmmmmmmmmm I love how people talk out there ass..And for just 2 people I think there doing a great job
  14. ---------------

    vilayer customer support

    If i read this right your payment has not hit so you don't have a server ..Why don't you stop talking shit about the server company until your payment clears because once they get your money the server is up in less than a hour ... and if you can make a ticket get the ticket number join the Ts and put the ticket number next to your name and they will help you
  15. Welcome to half ass working Dayz ..... Go to a private Hive were every thing works ....
  16. ---------------

    How do i make a ban appeal?

    If its a Global ban don't even post it ...It will get locked
  17. ---------------

    Cant install

    Not all server's will let you put that on there servers...
  18. ---------------


    If your not going to help Shut up TROLL
  19. ---------------


    You need to run both games then start dayz..So it can load everything
  20. ---------------

    Baned? please help

  21. ---------------

    Cant Join any Vilayer Server

    this is crazy 2 of the 10 or 15 of my guys can join just fine but the other 2 can't
  22. ---------------

    Hackers...they never learn + amusing chatlog

    lol i do the same thing I love looking through the chat logs and finding logs like this there so bright
  23. ---------------

    Admin abuse by BEDYR on US 2804

    All i see is kids talking about hacked in stuff and they banned them , Everything they have said that was hacked in is legit could it be that they are wrong Hmm IDK but it looks like they have no clue on whats legit or not so they don't need to ban anybody ...
  24. ---------------

    Can we report Takistan hackers here?

    Go to my web site and report hackers on the server and we can look at the logs FYI we have banned him
  25. ---------------

    DayZ Fallujah Problems

    There working on the servers