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About endzone

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    On the Coast

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  1. A huge thank you to all those involved in giving us an Official Livonia 1st Person only Australian server! Very much appreciated.
  2. Yes! Totally support this post. Australia needs a 1PP Livonia server.
  3. YES!!! Totally agree with this request. Australia needs a first person only official Livonia server. Please change one of the two Australian Livonia servers from 3rd to 1st person only. Then it's fair for both 3rd and 1st person players.
  4. So how did you fix it?
  5. endzone

    Bad Advice.

    Well said OP!
  6. endzone

    Killed Joining Server

    Similar thing has happened to me a few times. I prone under a pine tree, log off, come back to the same server later on and the first thing I see is the player list that shows the names of those on the server and I can see 1 death in the column next to my name. I don't get the option to create a new character as if I had really died. I spawn on the coast with nothing, absolutely nothing (no weapons, backpack or tools). The only thing that spawns with me is a ghillie suit if I was wearing one before I 'died'. Odd thing is that I still have all my stats, zombie kills, humanity etc I had before I 'died'. Just all my gear, everything, is gone.