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About GladeVegas

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. GladeVegas

    Stuck in Animation

    Tried all movment keys, none of them worked
  2. GladeVegas

    Stuck in Animation

    Will post the whole story before people ask how this happend. So I was walking around in Berezino when I spotted a UAz driven by 3 Bandits. I killed all of them and stole ther UAZ. After driving for a while a Hacker followed me (My I guess one of the Bandits I killed was a hacker who wants his car back). He had speedhack on and followed my car and began to shot with an AKM. Since I didnt wanted to die I disconnected (Trust me I dont do that usually I just dont wanted to die against a Cheater). But I was still in the Car. As I logged back in on another Server my Player was stuck in the "Driving Animation". I can still open my Gear, shot and switch Weapon but cant move and my Animation wont change. I tried to change my cloth - didnt worked Spawned all my keys - didnt worked My only guess is that I could enter in an Vehicle or Climb up a ladder. But since I cant move and none of my budys have a car atm this is not an option for me. Would respawn but like u know butten is greyed. Screen of my Animation: http://imgur.com/lB5lj
  3. GladeVegas

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    Age: 18 Ingame Name: Trevor TZ and Country: UTC+2 Germany Are you willing to use TS3: of course Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: sure. What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ) : I'm very active and know how to play. I am good at navigating and close combat situations. What type of role would best suit you: Assault, Sniper
  4. Steam Name: DeVegas (Could change so here: http://steamcommunit...m/id/gladevegas) Age: 18 Location: Germany Chat programs: - Skype (when I'm awake I'm online) - Steam Chat - Mumble Equipment in hand: M107, GPS and basic tools How long have you played DayZ: About a month or maybe more Other info: I can navigate, and shoot pretty well.