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About thegodsend

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    On the Coast
  1. Name: Jordan Age: 21 TeamSpeak Name: TheGodSend Mic?: yes Why do you want to join?: Im looking for a good Tactical friendly group. Experience in game: about 6-8 months before my clan members left to play other games. Played War Z but prefer this so im getting back into it. Timezone: -8:00 Pacific Time (US & Canada) Bio: I used to be a bandit but got tiered of pointless kills. I do have a twitch channle but im no god of twitch. Having a steady game to stream would be good. Im good with keeping server # a secret dont worry. In game Name: TheGodSend
  2. Current in game name: TheGodSend Location: USA (West Coast) Age: 21 How long have you played DayZ: About 6-8 months then took about 6 months break because clan members stoped playing. i do play things like taki life every so often. Preferred voicechat software(s): I use mumble but w/e works. Preferred Position/Role: Havnt played in a while but i was normally the spotter/sniper when going in high pop citys. I dont mind putting a barrle in someones face either though. Reason for wanting to join this group: Iv been playing War Z and the only thing i really like about it r the zombies. So im gonna play DayZ till a better zombie/survival comes out. Plus i have gotten tired of senseless killings for loot. War Z and DayZ (back when i played) have waaaay to many bandits. Its nice to run into someone that wont kill u for the sake of getting a kill. Although i do love fucken with unarmed people lol. Can you bring anything unique to this group: I LOOOOVE sniping lol. I also love the bicycle and used to be quick with running supplys to people. As long as i didnt land in a tiny pond... Weaknesses: Im not sure id like sniping if i cant shoot ppl. So its probibly not good unless theres still a lot of bandits these days. Other: I do want to try some close quarters action and not just be on the hill all day. I play mostly at night but during the day sometimes too. I stream when im playing multiplayer games but am good at keeping server # secret. Im not some famous twitch dude but having a steady game to stream would be good.