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Everything posted by Freshling

  1. When im stuck at the Loading screen, i usually run out of ram on my pc available, even though i have 4gb and its the ONLY thing open, Also i have my Game on medium graphics, would that affect the loading screen error.. - I have downloaded the Files - Got the new beta version of six launcher for the Update - Also tried to install them all manually - Still doesn't make a difference Whats else haven't i done yet?
  2. Freshling

    Fishing, trap for humans, vest broken bone

    Really like the Fishing idea, would love to do that!
  3. Ouch, its a hard life man, unlucky;)
  4. Freshling

    Stuck at loading? Try this.

    i did this and i still get stuck at the loading screen
  5. Freshling

    Admin abuse on US 1040

    im quite new to this, but could you change servers and keep your stuff?
  6. Freshling

    Day Z Videos

    How long did it take to setup! very good:)
  7. Freshling

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    You made my day hahahahahahaha
  8. Freshling

    What should our next competition be?

    Have a competition where you get a screenshot with as many zombies as you can in the background (you standing still and friend takes screenshot) - Cannot be running aswell, must not be moving with zombies in the picture Makes you take a risk!
  9. Freshling

    'new' bandit skin is terribad..

    He looks like a Terrorist haha, they should have other skins!
  10. Golden Rule #3 - Trust No-One?!
  11. Freshling

    The most incredible moment i've had in DayZ

    Do Mics work all the time?! mine was plugged in and i was talking to myself like a noob!
  12. Freshling

    Day Z Wallpapers

    Thats sick, got it as my background now!
  13. Freshling

    Stuck on those loading screens....

    i also had the problems, changed the files to the new beta patch and it still didnt work..
  14. When on the black loading screen, my DayZ usually crashes back to the desktop Some Specs: RAM - 3GB Graphics - 518MB :( FREE space - 218GB i got graphics down around medium, but what is the game doing?! i got into a server once! left and couldnt rejoin any i have tried around 8 tonight?! am i running out off ram?! i also installed BattleEye again is there anything else that i am missing..
  15. Freshling

    [Noob Question]

    I want to go into 3rd person view, i looked through controls and was on a "Regular" difficulty server, can someone tell me how to do it please? -Frag
  16. Freshling

    [Noob Question]

    Okay thanks guys, i was pressing the one next to the ? under the backspace, didnt think of that one, thanks anyways! -Frag