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Everything posted by Freshling

  1. Freshling

    Day Z Videos

    MY FAVOURITE SERIES EVER<3 it gets good!
  2. Problem: You build a camp, and start to put items in the tents etc. that you have, and i know you can count the items in it manually, but ive had the problem off loosing track and it is suddenly filled and you end up loosing a weapon or ammo etc. that you put into it.. which can be rather annoying, especially for players that havent read the wiki and are un-aware off the storage capacity for the tent. This also applies for vechiles. i had no idea so i just put items in the car, which we found while looting the NW airfield, it would be nice and lot easier for players if a number capacity is shown when you opeb the Gear for either the tent or vechile. Solve: It could be quite simple to solve this problem, like when you open your backpack, it shows a number, "#/#" .. and you can see how much space you got left, as you are not filling spots in the tent and vechiles, it should be really important to save the irrittion off suddenly loosing a weapons too it just dissapearing.. Another way you could do it, either an error message comes up, " (Vechile) is currently full " or the weapon just drops to the floor as loot so you could pick it up again. What do you think?
  3. Freshling

    How about a starting weapon?

    Yes but maybe not a gun, just a simple form off melee weapon so its not OP
  4. Freshling

    DayZ Memes

    so simple, yet so brilliant..
  5. Freshling

    How to set up camp in...

    not bad tips, but doesnt sandbags make it more obvious by other players..
  6. Freshling

    Hero & Bandit Skin Variations

    what a very in-depth mind you have my friend..
  7. Freshling

    Storage Capacity For Tents and Vechiles..

    thanks, glad im not the only one who thinks its needed.
  8. Freshling

    Helicopter despawning at each server restart?

    No matter what reason they have for doing it, it is a bit unfair on players who take the time to fix up vechiles and then loose them?
  9. http://www.twitch.tv/dmstratz23 Made character around 30 mins ago, just trying to maintain a high FPS, so sorry for lower game quality.. Enjoy<3 (FIRST TIME BANDIT) Enjoy -Doug
  10. http://www.twitch.tv/dmstratz23 Enjoy the Livestream! -Doug
  11. Starting now, everything should be working!
  12. Freshling

    My first murder

    i offer help. but trust anyone now haha!
  13. add me on Skype : Doug.Mowat23 - No Squeakers - Knowledge & Experience in the Game - The better kit you have, the more likely we'll make it HURRY.. leaving soon,
  14. But we enjoy the company on the trip, not the fact we're scared off other players,
  15. Freshling

    Average life expectancy

    Just report it, they should fix it quickly..
  16. In Electro atm, 2 in center and 1 on the hill, DMR's, AS50's and L85.. Add me on Skype if you want to play: doug.mowat23 May head north tonight, so need to be able to stay on for a while, and be active and online a lot!! ADD ADD ADD
  17. To the kid in the EU #404 server that just sits there ALL day and snipes?! How do you have fun, he just sits somewhere in cherno with his little sniper and shoots people! All he does is sit there, i went on the server 3 days ago, and he STILL hadn't off moved. I'm actually wanting to form a squad to go and rip his brains out, the annoying thing is you cant be safe, nor stand still for more than 5 seconds without being sniped now?! its vital for supply's so this is getting pathetic now!
  18. We are not set in a current server, got 3 mates but are all offline, need players to play in a while as i'm waiting for more of the team to come online andThen we can get playing depending on your location, and you're server, Must Have: - Skype - Add Doug.Mowat23 - A Microphone! - Weapons, i have a CZ Rifle - Kit, and enough supplies - Experience with Kit and Equipment : We currently have Myself, "[TTR] Doug" more of a scout/watcher, experienced in rifles, Currently Low on Supplies. "Survivor" : Next is "Warz" .. Experienced Man, lost his As50 yesterday, sniped in Cherno, has a Rifle and High on Food and Medical Supplies. "Bandit" : Then there's "Dekota" .. Has a habit off dying, currently scavaging in Electro after being mauled to death, Low on Supplies. "Survivor" : Finally is "Frenchy" ..always alive and i think he's in Cherno atm, unsure off supplies but just watching the Buildings, Unsure on Supplies. "Bandit" We are Survivors, we work together and have OUR own, method off dealing with other players.. 1. We Wait, if someone runs into us..we hold 2. We talk through mics, and wait for the reply 3. You Reply, fair enough, we check you and move on.. 3b. You do not reply, open fire and Loot. Hope this Sheds a light on who we are and who we're looking to team with, as you must be active most days to keep up with travelling etc..
  19. Freshling

    How to survive hack teleporting

    well i tried this when i got tele'd, and i still spawned in the air and it froze and i died still?
  20. Where would i post to find ally's to run with, i have weapons but don't want to travel on my own so can someone direct me, Im not worried on servers, and my Skype is doug.mowat23 i do have weapons aswell:)
  21. add me on Skype: doug.mowat23 [Playing a UK Server] We got 2 Currently, maybe heading north to one of the airfields, got weapons but may pop into cherno for some supplies! Add up now!
  22. Freshling

    I have completed DayZ

    You need food, you do not win.
  23. Where would i post to find ally's to run with, i have weapons but don't want to travel on my own so can someone direct me, Im not worried on servers, and my Skype is doug.mowat23 i do have weapons aswell:)
  24. Freshling

    The Kid with no-life!!

    my point is im new to the game, + i have no idea where he is?!
  25. CLICK HERE FOR PLAYLIST -----> ( 3 episodes up already )An Epic adventure i went on if you havent seen it already, would really appreciate it if you watched and liked! - Zombies - Guns - Bandits - BUSES - Weapons THIS IS THE FIRST EPISODE SO YOU CAN SEE THE REST WITH LINK ABOVE<3