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Everything posted by Sven_Polly

  1. I salute you(About 5 players of SWEC) for not insta-banning me and my friend, or restarted the server! Also, thanks for the nv-goggles, wookie suits and rangefinders, much appreciated!!
  2. Sven_Polly

    What would you do?

    I'll kill anyone I can get the jump on, or just turn around and walk the other way if I can't. I usually never roll with a sniper, because it's much more fun to stalk people until you can shoot them at point blank. Also, the reason I kill pretty much everyone is because they might just have that damn gps I've been looking for since forever.
  3. You sir are a god among men
  4. Sven_Polly

    Msg for noobs

    And nobody asked for yours