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About Jrinree

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  1. Jrinree

    Hacker Treasure Chest!

    "I see soldier, soldier is hacked though.." Really? What about everything else in that box?
  2. Jrinree

    Good things happen when you're friendly :D

    hey, thats me!
  3. Jrinree


    How was that brutal at all?..
  4. Yeah, but theres still another way to have full magazines upon relogging..
  5. Jrinree

    hacker, or strange nice guy?

    It's actually not rare at all, they're ALWAYS at heli crashes.
  6. Jrinree

    Camping Tent vs Gillie Suit?!

    That's perfectly fine. I can give you the tents now. PM me with your location, I'll come to you in a bike or something.
  7. Jrinree

    Camping Tent vs Gillie Suit?!

    I can give you a couple tents if you want, I've got extras.
  8. Jrinree

    Traders and Traitors

    Skat3rat +1.
  9. Jrinree

    Fresh spawn as bandit? Huh

    I don't think its a glitch. When you die, your humanity goes on with you.
  10. Jrinree

    cannot harvest wood in takistan..

    Pretty sure you can't. You need to find firewood in buildings.
  11. Jrinree

    Traders and Traitors

    Coloasia +1
  12. Jrinree


    If you've got atleast 2 magazines for it, its a deal. Where are you located?
  13. Jrinree


    Have you got an MP5SD? I've been looking for one for a while, I'll give you an M24 if you do.
  14. Jrinree

    Looking for an MP5SD6

    Willing to trade an L85, a pair of NVGs, rangefinders, or a GPS. Will be able to trade in about an hour. EDIT: MP5SD6 must have atleast 2 magazines. L85 will come with 4 STANAG. Edit again: Traded an M24 for an MP5SD6 to Coloasia.