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About opjohnny

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. I can confirm that beta patch 105785 causes awful FPS lag. I'm bouncing between 10-25fps constantly since the update. I also noticed that cloud sync when playing origins took longer(the counter ran at half its normal speed) after that update. Rolled back via dayz commander and all is well again.
  2. I thought that to be the case but these servers aren't showing me lagging or having desync. Happens on any server, local or on the other side of the globe.
  3. After playing for X amount of time, maybe 10 or more minutes usually, I can't pick up specific items such as main rotor assembly, entrenching tool, stuff that is usually found alone and must be picked up instead of being accessed as "gear." When this happens I also can't consume food or drink or get the repair menu for vehicles. I have to relog to fix it. Sometimes when I just move along instead of relogging, like after trying to eat or drink, eventually my guy will crouch down and finally consume the food or drink but they don't refill my meters. This is usually 5-10 minutes after initially trying to eat or drink those items. The other day I finally decided it must be my files since no one else seems to have the issue so I did a full reinstall of arma2, arma2 oa, patch 1.60, patvh 1.62, dayz commander, dayz, and dayz origins. Didn't fix the problem. Any ideas?
  4. I'm trying to figure out how to set up a DayZ Origins private hive server and haven't had much luck figuring it out. I have owned/operated two private hive servers in the past but they were only running the Base Building mod(garbage mod with an incompetent author that doesn't support his work) and this was easy enough to do using DayZCC, but I don't think I can use that same software and install method for Origins. I was told recently by a friend that the Origins creators were apparently trying to copyright their work(which, if I'm correct, is just the redoing of other peoples' work and all cobbled together in to one convenient mod) and that they don't want people running Origins on private hive. However, it is possible because there are a handful of unofficial Origins servers. How can I do this?
  5. Thanks for the tip. Checking those out right now.
  6. Thank you so much for your reply. :) My entire goal with the server is to offer a 'vanilla' DayZ experience but make more vehicles spawn in certain areas(perhaps along the coast), allow users to build bases with that build script I linked, and of course be on a private hive. I don't want to edit or bring in any items that aren't normally available as this just seems to complicate and/or break things. I want to keep it as simple as possible to keep everything running as smoothly as possible for the people that decide to play on my server. I run a gaming community so I can appoint X amount of my staff to admin that server. As far as the mechanics of it go(setup, maintenance, tweaks, etc), I'll be taking care of that but do have another person in my staff that I could trust with those tasks as well. The server pack I linked appears to be the 'easy mode' bliss server install/setup which helps a bunch, plus those guys have released a few tutorial vids on the whole install and setup process so I have those at my disposal as well.
  7. I have this posted over on the tunngle forum but have yet to receive a reply so I'll try here... I'm about to set up a new DayZ server for my gaming community using this process - http://www.tunngle.net/community/topic/77721-easy-server-installer/ I will also be including this mod likely after the author is done completely redoing it - http://www.tunngle.net/community/topic/116641-official-base-building-dayz-10-w-gates-much-more/ This will be installed on a thuban-powered ubuntu server with 16gb of ram with a barely-used minecraft server being the only other thing running on it. I am currently installing win7(virtual machine) to make this DayZ server install possible since AFAIK it won't run in linux without WINE and I dislike WINE. The end goal here is to have a private-hive public server with increased vehicle spawns and the ability to build bases. Anyway, here are some questions I have... -Will I need to buy another CDkey(s) to install Arma 2 Combined Ops on the server rig? Or is there another LEGAL way to do this at no cost that I'm not aware of? Having to buy another Arma 2 CO key wouldn't be a huge deal but I'd prefer an option B if there is one. -Which Arma 2 Combined Ops install would be better for what I'm wanting to do? Standalone or Steam? -What anti-cheat measures are available to my specific setup goal? I'm pretty sure I can at least use BattleEye but I want strong anti-cheat protection without people getting kicked/banned accidentally(as BE has done many times). -At what point am I setting up a MySQL DB for this server? I don't see it mentioned at all in the first link I posted above and I'm pretty sure I need some sort of DB access to edit things like spawn rates, and what spawns/doesn't spawn. -Is a setup like the one I want to do very hard to maintain? Should I expect things to break every time there's a new DayZ update? Anything in particular I *really* need to know before doing this? I have extensive experience setting up and running many different game servers, but this seems a fair bit more complicated than something like BFBC2 or TF2. Thanks.
  8. opjohnny

    We need @hive updates!

    I refuse to play on official servers anymore because of the amount of hackers. Just last night I was being shot at on a hillside by what I believe was a player in an invisible helicopter. Dogs are more important than anti-cheat measures I guess? Heck, the latest patch was mainly to address duping...news flash, duping isn't the biggest problem we're facing right now. Players in invisible attack choppers are a few steps higher on the ladder IMHO. I also refuse to host an official server because Rocket refuses to relinquish his rule over how we run them. Why should we pay the rent or the electric bill to run them when we can't kick or ban for anything other than what he says? Why should we not be allowed to make room on OUR SERVER for OUR FRIENDS OR CLANMATES? The DayZ staff cut their own throats by doing that which led to this private hive > official hive scenario.
  9. As they should becase DayZ staff should not be trying to put themselves in the shoes of the hosting company AND the admin(s) of the server. We either pay to rent these servers or host them on our own boxes which cost money to build and electricity to run. As long as the server is "official" then DayZ staff shouldn't be concerning themselves with it. If the admins want to kick/ban people that break their server rules then so be it. That's not DayZ staffs' business nor concern. If the players don't like the way a server is ran or don't agree to the rules set forth by the admins then they can refuse to play on it and go join one of the thousands of other servers. If we want to set up a reserved slot system or manually kick to make room, we should because it's OUR server. It's like this with every other dedicated server game out there and it's never been a problem before. Simple as that. Why do you think private hives came to be? One answer...DayZ's rules for running your own server. There's a reason no other game does what DayZ is trying to do.
  10. opjohnny

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    I use to administrate and play on Deadmeat's server with that group, but I don't play anymore due to all the hackers and trolls like this guy I've quoted below. The biggest factor in why I don't play and decided not to launch my own servers was the ridiculous control DayZ wants with servers they don't own or operate. Not only do they want to fill the shoes of the admin, they also want to play host. Us end-users are nothing more than the form of payment. Their system is completely ass-backwards and flawed, and the fact that community staff can enforce their own interpretation of Rocket's rules is enough for someone with any common sense to not host a server. You are claiming to be someone that passed away and this can be proven, not only the part about him passing away, but the fact you're a fake. Let's not forget that their server logs show you first joined as "Blackburn" and used that name 95% of the time you were on that server and then you changed your name to MC4H but maintained your player ID and IP. You used the same IP the entire time you were on that server so Deadmeat can easily have an ARFCOM staffer match that IP to whatever accounts you have registered over there. I'd wager that your main account there is already locked. You are just some no-name troll from ARFCOM that apparently got bored enough to find a group of people to fuck with, no different than any other troll on the net right now. You've trolled that group, their server, and have been caught hacking countless times. Your "roommate" has already been game and forum banned by DayZ, so I'm sure it's only a matter of time before you're banned for the same shit. ETA: I don't know Deadmeat beyond the fact he owned the server I admined for, and he's a member of a forum I'm also a member of. Just based on that bit of experience and the few times we've talked I can assure DayZ staff that there is no abuse or bad intenions on his part. This game is absolutely FLOODED with hackers and Deadmeat found the current most effective way to deal with it...process of elimination...which doesn't result in innocent people being permabanned. So far the only people that have a serious problem with this appear to be known forum/game trolls and/or hackers, and as DayZ game/forum staff you should have noticed that from the start.
  11. opjohnny

    Teleportation bug

    Same thing happening to myself and pretty much everyone I know that plays this mod. We will be moving along doing whatever and then suddenly get teleported back XXX-meters to a previous position. If we continue on it will keep happening over and over. A temporary solution is to disconnect to lobby and then reconnect after the first teleport. That seems to make it stop for a while. No idea what triggers it.
  12. No one is pressing charges on anyone. Yet another statement from our ar15 thread taken way out of context by the troll. I'm the only admin that has posted in this thread. Sorry you feel that way. Like I said several times now' date=' not once has our server ever been rebooted for malicious reasons and we're willing to have that proven by DayZ staff if they would be so kind. I agree that we should have just ignored it but you know how people are on this forum, I had to at least let you guys know the real side of the story instead of just the taken-out-of-context and/or fabricated bullshit the op has been posting. I mean, look at his posts. It's so painfully fucking obvious that his only intent is to cause AR15 headaches and we've already determined he's some jackass from our forum. As for how I've responded to this, I've done so without lowering myself to the troll's level. I am not responsible for anyone else posting on our behalf and frankly they shouldn't even be posting in this thread because it's only fanning the flames. My only reason for being here is because it apparently involves me and the server I admin and I would very much like to get DayZ staff involved in this in the hopes they can clear our name and maybe even ban this idiot from the forum. OP won't send anything to the dev team because there is no proof. He has a screenshot of one of my harmless posts, and an audio recording of someone "admitting" we reboot the server for personal gains or whatever which was never said. That person that supposedly admitted this isn't even an admin which is the best part, they have no clue how the server is operated. Why do you think OP didn't even post this in the proper section? He's just some kid that's upset for whatever reason and taking it out on us.
  13. You're the same kid that was trolling us via youtube comments a week ago so it comes as no surprise that you're apparently making accounts/posts/name-change requests on that forum under one of our names. Again, I encourage DayZ staff to monitor our server, check our logs, or whatever they need to do to show that you're full of shit and nothing but a failtroll.
  14. Grim, get on TS or go read my latest post in our DayZ thread. Obvious troll is obvious. I invite DayZ staff to contact me if there's any questions regarding this stuff.