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Everything posted by Reader

  1. Anyone ever experienced someone ALT + F4ing when they are shooting you? Was looting a few guys I killed on the top of those apartments north side of Cherno, suddenly I get hit three times by an L85, he misses with about 5 more shots, I turn to face him and see him disconnect. He had me easy and I had already resigned my self to certain death but I guess he thought he fucked up and disconnected before I could fire back, he left me on like 3000 blood haha.
  2. Reader

    Pending Update: Build

    Great patch and I welcome a wipe, coming from a player with everything and an enormous squad camp that keeps regenerating gear.
  3. Reader

    Looking for UK/english(euro) server

    UK145 is my new regular, tons of vehicles, usually always daytime until very late UK time.
  4. I love the game and while playing my friends and I have thought of some ideas, some probably have already been suggested. Prepare for a wall of text. I see a lot of complaints about the sniping in the major cities, killing lesser geared players. I believe this is because once you are geared there isn't much to do up North. I have two main ideas to combat the camping snipers at major cities; Server Wide Random Events (Real crashing choppers) The crashed helicopters in the current version of the game are boring. I believe that these crashes should happen right before your eyes, imagine; You hear explosions, the sky lights up, you hear an explosion and see black smoke up north. This is what you and your squad have been waiting for, a helicopter has crashed dropping rare loot similar to how it does in the current version of the mod. However now they drop in random locations every hour or so, and it's a race between all the squads online to get to the chopper first and loot it. This will bring geared squads away from the coast, especially if the choppers offer very rare rewards not offered anywhere else in the game. I believe this will bring a degree of organised PvP to the game, where squads will practice there routine and roles for securing freshly crashed helicopters, it will require squad members to adopt different roles, no longer can you all sit in the hills and snipe, someone has to get to the chopper and loot it with an assault rifle whilst the marks men in your squad provide cover from other squads making there way to the crash site. This idea could be expanded more with possibly using the radio to call out the co-ords of the crash sites as they happen, you hear and see the explosions in the sky, and you hear a mayday call over your radio from a military helicopter going down. Alternatively, just simply mark the freshly downed helicopter on the map, perhaps only if you have a GPS. The main aim of this idea is to add some real time events to the game and bring some organised PvP away from the coast. Perhaps also you have say 10 minutes to be able to repair the chopper and claim it as your own, imagine squads stockpiling helicopter and vehicle parts in preperation for the next downed chopper, this would bring new value to the vehicle parts as currently there is no need to pick them up and hope you randomly run into a fixable chopper since it's currently so rare. I don't believe this would result in too many choppers either, because so many choppers would be lost in the heat of the battle it would be rare to take out all the opposing squads attempting to claim the loot and safelty repair and refuel the chopper to get away. Could also add miltary plane crashes for even rarer loot, maybe only two a day. Thermal Scopes (L85 and AS50 TWS) I believe the L85 thermal scope should be left in the game and the AS50 TWS thermal should be brought back but both altered. The thermal scopes should only show stationary players and not moving players. Think of it as the thermal scope will pick up the build up of heat from a camping prone sniper in Elektro taking out new players, but players that are running will barely be picked up on the scope, or not at all. I think this would help with the amount of snipers at the coast and encourage players to keep moving, and also prevant a lot of the "noob" killing from hills around major cities that is happening currently. Losing Blood and Colour I like that you gradually lose colour as you lose blood. But the difference between 10,000 blood and 12,000 is even noticable, which means you spend most of your time never playing the game in the full colour as intended due to damage from zombies. I don't think there should be any colour loss at all until around 6,000/8,000 blood. The game looks great in full colour and we should see more of it. I will add more soon, hope some of you like these ideas and they haven't been posted too many times before. Looking forward to stand-alone.
  5. Crashed trains is an awesome idea, there's endless options for random events such as simply military vehicle crashes that are overrun with zombies on the road with loot on board. And I agree that eventually people will get too geared up and return to the coast, but I think the more for people to enjoy and battle over up north the better chances of reducing it. I like that idea, something similar to a range finder with toggle-able thermal would be great instead of thermal scopes on guns.
  6. Reader

    Loot spawn while driving

    It's because you approached the town too fast. Zombies won't spawn until you dismount the bicycle and often only backpacks will spawn in supermarkets for example. Simply park your bike at the supermarket, CROUCH run around 100m away from the building, then crouch run back and everything will spawn. This works for any building and vehicle. You need to aproach the building on foot at a slowish pace, crouch walking usually does it, this will trigger the loot spawn.
  7. As mentioned, you just aren't adapting, we've all figured out by now that the 50. cal snipers are incredibly dangerous. Don't stand still out in the open in Elektro/Cherno/Stary/Airfield, keep moving and plan your route so you spend as little time out in the open as possible. Also pick up a sniper your self and counter snipe them, this is what I do these days, the fastest way to loot up is to take out the Cherno/Elektro snipers and get your self an AS50.
  8. Reader

    DayZ - Beyond a joke.

    Use DayZ Commander to ensure you are joining servers that match both your DayZ version and Arma2 Version and you won't get stuck at loading. Also the CTRL, - , Flush fixes the graphics 90% of the time for me. As mentioned, take a step back from the game, It's easy to get frustrated but even easier to take a break and come back calmer.
  9. My squad and I spend most our time counter sniping in Stary/Cherno/Elektro and Airfield and have obtained around 4 AS50 Thermals at our camp. I personally prefer a regular AS50 and using the L85 for spotting, I hate the square optics the AS50 thermal has and just find I am less accurate when shooting at a white blob on the screen rather than seeing the person through a clear scope after tracking him down with the L85 AWS.
  10. I have to agree. The game has been fantastic, no game has grabbed me like this ever, but to work so hard only to drop dead on the spot from a hacker or be teleported mid air is obviously frustrating. Also spawning at the coast and having to run to meet my squad at the airfield only to spawn once again at the coast once we switch server just means I spend most my time running around rather than actually playing the game with my friends. Also the duping/cloning has got out of hand, the ability to dupe single items was bad enough but now with the ability to completely clone your self and loot your own body, items aren't scarce any more, which is what the game should all be about. I'll still play off and on until the stand alone, because this has the potential to be such a brilliant game.