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About schwapm

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Age: 25 Steam name: nefariousvex how long have you played? about a month Timezone: Central Equipment you currently have: ak47
  2. Age:25 steam name: nefariousvex how long have you played: 1 month Timezone: gmt-5 equipment you currently have: non...just got killed on spawn in
  3. Still looking for more if anyone else is interested
  4. Just looking for a few people to group up with, make camp, and repair some vehicles for town raiding. I like to play on US GMT-6 or 5 servers. I am not an expert by any means but I do like to play to the best of my ability and avoid death at all costs. Message nefariousvex on steam if this sounds good to you.