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About ztrevetty88

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  1. ztrevetty88

    Chernarus Saints! (RECRUITING)

    SKype:slimshadyeminem2088 Steam:zacdboy8 my favorite weapon has to be the as50 or dmr my style is stealth and agile i have been playing since 1.7.4 and im also sick of hackers so if i could get on a private server i would be happy to help the clan as much as possible im 15 years old
  2. ztrevetty88

    slow motion running

    thanks ill try it out
  3. ztrevetty88

    slow motion running

    Lol your from the coast gaurd clan huh lol
  4. ztrevetty88

    slow motion running

    so how do i fix it?
  5. ztrevetty88

    slow motion running

    well this is a pain in the ass on some servers i seem to run SUPER slow mo and then perfectly fine then super slow mo then so on and so forth any fixes to this? i have had it happen so much that i just dont feel like playing please help
  6. ztrevetty88

    Chernarus Coast Guard (CCG) [Recruting]

    What is your ArmA profile name? ztrevetty88 How old are you? 15 What is your gender Male How long have you been playing DayZ? since 1.7.4 Do you have TeamSpeak? (if not, get TeamSpeak) yes What position would you like to apply for? scout Why do you think you have what it takes to be a part of the CCG? because im sick of people getting killed and no one helping the bambies and people who are sevearly new to this game and i love helping i dont like killing and i have the will Do you have a microphone? yes What is your timezone and gaming schedule central no mondays tues-thurs 4-9:30 fr-sat 1-2am sun 2-9:30 What is your country and state/province of residence? (it is not required to give information on your state/province) usa grove,oklahoma Have you read and agree to abide by all rules and the content in the Honor Code put forth that are expected for you to follow? yes
  7. ztrevetty88

    globaly banned?!!!!

    wtf i got globaly banned for no reason
  8. ztrevetty88

    dx9 sdk version 32 needed

    this is happening consistently
  9. dx9 sdk version 32 needed thats the error i get when i try to launch
  10. ztrevetty88

    direct x 9 help

    im still getting an error when i try to launch it will do the checks and then it will say dx9 sdk version 32 needed im about to freaking scream
  11. ztrevetty88

    dx9 sdk 32 needed

    i still need help
  12. ztrevetty88

    dx9 sdk 32 needed

    nope it still says it
  13. I will be running and im working perfectly fine everything is fluid and nice moving THEN FOR WHATEVER REASON i slow down and do everything in slow mo all my graphics are at the lowest possible thing then i speed back up and everything is fluid then it slows down again :( my friends and i really need this answered because i really wana join this group on the server but i cant if i cant be fluid
  14. ztrevetty88

    dx9 sdk 32 needed

    i try to launch the game but it says dx9 sdk version 32 needed i kept trying uninstalling dayz its not working and right now im reinstalling arma 2 and arma 2 OA please tell me if theres a way to fix this