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About Zhunk

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Zhunk

    No hero subsection of the forum?

    I totally agree with you, great idea. This will encourage players to become heroes. You sir have my beans.
  2. The guys is just doing his job, advertising his community. Which is completly fine. But again, I'm looking for a team mate. Not a group or a huge community.
  3. (Static sounds) Pss... pss.... This... Pss.. damm old... pss.. machine... (Kicking sounds) .. There we go. My name is Zhunk, I've been wondering around this wasteland for too long. I'm a lone, slowly losing my sanity. I can hear them see them. They're everywhere. Im heavily armed and well geared. I just want to speak with someone, human being like me. This transmission will repeat himself every 24 hours. If there's anyone out there, please I'm losing my mind. Pss...... (Hi, I'm 17. Looking fora buddy to play with, not a group. If you want to join me on my quest contact me with a private message. Have a great day!)
  4. Zhunk

    Voice Chat

    2 clicks on the caps lock will enable you the option of talking without the need of pressing the caps lock, but at the same time ppls will hear everything you say. Or you can hold the caps lock and talk.
  5. Thats what I did : Went to steam, libary -> Operation Arrow head, Right click on OP arrow head and click reinstall Battleye Anti -Cheat. Good luck :)
  6. Hi Lostinthewoods, we're a group of 3 and we're looking for more peoples to join us. We're not from the area that you're looking groups in, but does it really matters? If you're intrested send me a private message (I dont want to advertise my skype). Have a great day :)
  7. Zhunk

    Looking to form a group

    Hi Szayni, I'm part of a group of 3 peoples (I know we're not a lot). We started playing not long ago but we're well geared. We're looking for more peoples to joins us! If you're intrested you can send me a private message, I dont want to advertise my skype. Have a great day :)
  8. Although the Hotfix update, still having grapichal glitches. My friends confrimed that they're having it aswell. In some locations I have and they dont and in some locations they have and I dont. I hope this problem will be solved soon. Thanks! :beans: