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About Bruman

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    On the Coast
  1. It's funny to read, how ppl want the night's to be brighter so they could see. Same guys REFUSE to use flares or chemlights, becouse they think they will be like insta shotted in few seconds after they throw a chemlight. +to top this, most of the guy's who's whining the dark also says that the server's are allmost empty @ nighttimes... so ofc the night should be brighter, becouse @ nights you will be instashotted if you use chemlight (which can be seen like 200m max, specially red ones) on a empty:ish server. If the nights would be ANY brigter, that would make chemlights and flares totally useless, since allrdy ppl can see @ open too good with hdr/brightness/gamma settings. tip: JUST USE chemlights (and flares if you have to), you have to be terribly unlucky to get shot. Prefer red chemlights if you are too scared. in my opponion, flashlight should go to the another top spot (With binoculars), that should be enough since flashlight is allrdy pretty common find, but becouse it takes spot of the pistol it's not that commonly used. and about the light pollution, it rly doesent help that you live in the country becouse the light pollution from cities goes 100km or more, SPECIALLY the cloud's reflect the light. http://www.wtnrradio.com/images/darklights.jpg basicly if you live anywhere near to the light's there, you have light pollution.
  2. If the nights would be any lighter (of if you could see just 5-10metres from you), that would make flares and chemlights totally trash. Allrdy now, when it's actually dark at nights, ppl avoid using them (why? so players dont see them? and after relising its too dark to navigate WITHOUT flares or chemlights the whining starts) I agree, that rain chance at nights should be smaller. And I think every player should start with somekind of bad flashlight, with like 5mins of light and after that 10mins of walking (5mins of running) would reload it. But I like the darkkness of the nights, since it "forces" you to use flares and chemlights, like it should. ps. To the guy saying flares and chemlights aggro every zombie, you can throw them, you dont need to carry them or put it right by you'r legs :D edit: And yeah, i totally agree with the guy who said that server's should state the "timezone" the server is running at the server name. edit2: The fact that some ppl are using gamma tricks ofc is not nice, maybe the gamme should be forced to some lvl? Also the panel that you'r screen has affects alot on the "darkness" of the nights. Thats for sure, that they can never make nights "equally" dark to every1, as long as ppl are using diffrent screen's/graphic cards and drivers.
  3. +1, I rly dont understand ppl shouting "its too dark, oh noess, I cant see eaven my handss... noo, it must be brigher!" Sir. you have 10 flares in you'r inventory, and if you cant find more flares/chemlights with 10 flares, you are doing somthing wrong. "Noo, I can be seen 10 miles away if I use them... nooo" *Facepalm* +to ppl who's saying that NVG's give huge advantage to ppl who's using flares/chemlights. OFCOURSE they do, Sniper rifle gives you huge advantage in long distance against guys with pistol, that is the point of geting better gear!
  4. there is so much light pollution in now a days, that "real" dark is getin kinda rare :). So obiviusly without electricity, nights would seem A LOT darker to most of the ppl at europe, noth america and asia atleast. "The only places in continental Europe where the sky can attain its natural darkness is in northern Scandinavia and in islands far from the continent." edit: Not saying is it a good or a bad thing, that it's so dark in the game. Just wanted to give some facts :)
  5. Servers are not forced to run on any specific time (just when they set a server time, it needs to be same and moving forward), so nothing is stoping server providers to make few inverted daytime servers, or eaven you renting one, and setting the time that fits you the best (Morning at 5pm or whatever). http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=4014&pid=41132#pid41132
  6. The game should have somthing like this, as a default gear: (hand shake dynamo flashlight), that could be used with any pistol. 5mins of flashlight and after that it would need like 5-10mins of running to "reload" it. So it would leave real flashlights (specially the ones on weapons) still a lot better, but giving some light to the darkest parts of the night to new players :)