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Everything posted by bonasera

  1. My brother messaged me one day and told me to check out all these vids on Youtube. I'd always been been looking for a zombie apocalypse/survival simulator, so DayZ seemed like a dream to me. And then I met the hackers...
  2. I try to give other players the benefit of the doubt and give them a chance to team or fight. You don't know who's sitting at that other computer, or how their mind is working.But unfortunately, that knife cuts both ways. It could be someone like you, OP, or someone who kills for the sake of sport killing. The last four people I've met in a row have all been friendly, and we've had some fun adventures and great teams going. I've also been shot in the back by people multiple times. It's the risk you take dealing with other players who are either scared shitless of other human beings or deliberate and remorseless murderers. ^ This. No one wants to die, and that drives a lot of people to kill before they're killed. Many people don't want to take the xx% chance someone is friendly if there's even a 1% chance it could mean they die. That's life. That's DayZ. And as long as human nature keeps us striving for survival, that's how some people are going to see it.
  3. bonasera

    My hud has gone m.i.a!

    But then you run the risk of getting the flames from people like the above poster, and take up page space in the forums. Try searches first, it'll save you time over asking and waiting.
  4. bonasera

    Is DMR always a 2 shot kill?

    ^ This. Really no further discussion is needed. This applies to the DMR, M24, CZ550, and SVD.
  5. bonasera

    Dayz and lingor

    If you installed Lingor through DayZ Commander correctly, you should be able to play Lingor servers just fine. Keep in mind, however, that each Lingor server is an unofficial private hive, meaning none of your gear, stats, etc. will transfer in and none will transfer out of that specific server.
  6. bonasera

    That feeling when you lose everything

    Went on 13 days of survival, had all my favorite gear, was feeling really good, playing with my brother. Hacker teleports behind us, one shots both of us, teleports away <_<
  7. bonasera

    Any GOOD hackers here?

    Well, that escalated quickly.
  8. bonasera

    Car hoarding?

    Destroy them all. Spread the wealth.
  9. bonasera

    Want to trade m4a1 HOLO

    Because everyone cries "hacked weapons" in this age of witch hunts.
  10. bonasera

    Questions about map

    I believe the answer to your first question is dependent on distance, but I could be wrong. I'm not entirely sure on that. The second question is yes. Those X's are set by other players, visible to all players, but with server resets and refreshes, they could be inaccurate, or even a trap. Thirdly, you set a waypoint by Shift+left clicking on the map somewhere. Not all servers have this enabled, however.
  11. bonasera

    Is an admin allowed to?

    They're admins, and unfortunately for you, they can do what they like with their server. It's unethical and abuse, but they can do it. Why on earth did you insult the admins of a server anyway?
  12. bonasera


    Here, this might lead you in the right direction: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3910-need-medical-assistance-we-can-help/
  13. bonasera


    Item management can be a bit of a tricky thing to get down at first, it just takes some practice. I've never heard about the hatchet being bugged like that, but I've never put one in my backpack before, so I'm not entirely sure at this point... If you need someone to come heal you up, you can always look around the forums and find a member of one of the medic clans to come rescue you. It's their life mission to heal the dying people of Chernarus, and I'm sure one must be nearby. They're always friendly too, so you don't have to worry about getting shot in the back - just make sure they're legitimate medics.
  14. bonasera

    Vehicles WONT SAVE!

    Give up trying to save till the next patch. It'll save you a lot of frustration.
  15. bonasera


    To get into the hospital, you have to break the glass windows up front. Best way to do this is with a tin can thrown at them, it's completely silent. Best thing to do is probably get inside the hospital, give yourself morphine so you can at least stand, grab a blood bag, and hope a friendly player comes by or make a dash for the supermarket. Zombies can't get into hospitals, so you'll be safe in there.
  16. bonasera

    ban appeal

    I really hope this is an exaggeration. If it seriously is on half the servers, then you've done a hell of a lot to piss a bunch of people off. If it's multiple servers run by the same clan or group, then they could have you on a multi-server ban list. Unfortunately, quite a few admins are just dicks who ban without giving reasons and they can't be rationalized with. But do what Fraggle said and contact the admins of the servers and see what's going on. They'd know better than anyone here.
  17. bonasera

    why dark is great

    Yes. That is correct.
  18. bonasera

    Just found rarest item in DayZ

    That's the legend. If you find one, it's lucky. If you take it, you're guaranteed to suffer horribly.
  19. Unfortunately, the FAL ≠ L85, so the deal's a little unfair for the other party. Sorry, mate.
  20. bonasera

    Installation Problems! [HELP PLEASE!]

    Download the DayZ mod files again to ensure they're not corrupt, and make sure you run ARMA II once on your new PC beforehand. Double checking your ARMA II beta patch wouldn't hurt either.
  21. bonasera

    Just found rarest item in DayZ

    Don't take it, it's cursed!!
  22. bonasera

    Looking for a crossbow

    Nobody in their right mind carries a crossbow, mate. Best of luck with that.
  23. bonasera

    not spawning were i left off

    It happens to me on Six and Commander, it makes no difference. I found that if you get stuck at a loading screen or close the game before fully loading in, it will port you to the shore.
  24. I beg to differ. I've seen some 16, 17 year olds with more maturity than "adults" in their 20s.
  25. bonasera

    Looking for a crossbow

    What are YOU smoking?