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Everything posted by bonasera

  1. bonasera

    How long does a building stay blown up?

    I'm pretty sure those are the same thing, but yes, restarted by the hosts.
  2. bonasera

    How long does a building stay blown up?

    Until the server is reset, so anywhere from a couple of hours to forever.
  3. bonasera


    If you had an M24 with rounds, I'd be all over this trade.
  4. bonasera

    If you could have any gear setup in DayZ, what would it be?

    I play marksman/overwatch for my friends, so... M24 Coyote Backpack M9 SD Ghillie Suit (make the bandit snipers work for that kill) ... with all the little bits and bobs to go with it (compass, map, food, canteens, etc.)
  5. bonasera

    Killed any bandits lately? Tell your story

    My brother and I were heading to Elektro (bad idea from the get-go, I know) to resupply food, water, etc. We had just finished raiding the supermarket and were going to leave when we hear the crack of a sniper rifle and see the bullet hit the doorframe right beside my brother's head. He dives back into the market and I sprint across the street and duck down behind a house. Don't know where the shot came from yet. Brother runs out the back, and I hear another gunshot. I round the corner and look out on Sniper Hill with my M107 - nobody. Another gunshot. See the muzzle flash from the power station firehouse. Quickly turn, see guy in tower with an AS50 taking potshots at my brother. Nope. Boom, headshot. +1 Bandit Kill. Took the bugger's rifle with pleasure. Turned out he also had a hacked G36C SD in his pack. I buried it along with him. Felt good. :)
  6. bonasera

    What Is Your Favourite Weapon?

    Good lord, you're like the Rambo of DayZ
  7. bonasera

    AS50 or M24

    Same. I found my AS50 on a player's body near a heli. But I prefer the M24 over any other rifle. If anyone has an M24 with a decent amount of rounds, I'd be willing to trade my .50 cal for it.
  8. bonasera

    What Is Your Favourite Weapon?

    M24 with a M9 SD on the side. I play overwatch for my little group of friends, so any rifle will do the trick, but the M24 is a work of art and my favorite by far.
  9. bonasera

    How do you pronounce DayZ?

    Day-zee, like "Daisy". Although Day-zed can be acceptable too. It really irks me when people use "days" to say it.
  10. I looked up how to say "friendly" in a handful of languages for the servers that I frequently see: Spanish, French, German, etc. Then there's no excuse, it's just murder.
  11. bonasera

    Did i do the right thing?

    You broke your hypocratic oath. Kill yourself, "doctor".
  12. bonasera

    Reload Issues

    Date/Time: Aug 8-11, all day, every day What happened: No matter how many times I press the reload button for my sidearm, it never loads a new magazine. Where you were: All over Chernarus What you were doing: Fighting zombs Current installed version: Server(s) you were on: A bunch Timeline of events before/after error: Whenever I get into a firefight and I use my sidearm, when I go to reload it, it never puts a new mag in. It always keeps the same amount of bullets in it. I know I have fresh magazines (I've checked) but it never wants to reload my gun. I've tried this with every pistol in the game on various servers, and they all give me the same reloading issue. I haven't seen anyone else posting anything about this. Is it just me?