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About [email protected]

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Edit your 3D settings for your graphics card, I had something like this and just changed the 3d settings and all was good. Had nothing to do with a hacker though, Hope this helps.
  2. If you really wanted to do this you would have to download some of the dayz pbo files such as anim.pbo for example(Not sure if its that one exactly but you know) Once you have found the walking speed for the zombies in one of these files after opening it with some sort of pbo editing program you will need to lower it save it and re upload it back to your sever. Now i think changing the zombies speed will require everyone to download a mod add on for your server in order to play as its client side and the players spawn the zombies. Hope this helps at all.
  3. I dont get it? Your entitled to use third person as well you know, If you was smart(not saying your not) you would use third person while you move and position yourself and first person when your tailing someone or expect a gun fight. Not going to lie though running around in first person really gives an extra boost to the realistic game play feel and looks rad when your running though a town/buildings.
  4. Google would have answerd this for you, but anyways go to your battleeye scripts folder and edit it, Find this line.. 5 setHit !”\”setHit\”,” !”object_setHitServer = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \”\z” !”player setHit[\"legs\",1];” !”_unit setHit[\"legs\",0];” !”_unit setHit[\"hands\",0];” !”_unit setHit[_selection,_damage];” !”_total = [_unit,_hit,_damage] call object_setHitServer;” !”_ent setVariable [\"hit_legs\",2,true];”; Make it look like this.. 5 setHit !”\”setHit\”,” !”object_setHit” !”object_setHitServer = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \”\z” !”player setHit[\"legs\",1];” !”_unit setHit[\"legs\",0];” !”_unit setHit[\"hands\",0];” !”_unit setHit[_selection,_damage];” !”_total = [_unit,_hit,_damage] call object_setHitServer;” !”_ent setVariable [\"hit_legs\",2,true];” People may make the noise of breaking there legs from time to time when they change but wont do any actual damage or break your legs at all. Info from KK Hope this helps Tang P.s this took about 20 minutes to write because this sick joke of a forum ha, Kept deleting my shit.
  5. Problems looking into future projects,, Took awhile to sort out because its Christmas. P.s we tested because no one was on for a good long while and figured you all would be on a crimbo eve hype, The issue however was our fault 100% and we are sorry for people that was waiting to play on our server.
  6. Updated the op slightly, Ignore the Chernarus parts but dont let that put you off! We put the same amount of time into Celle as we did Chernarus!
  7. Again will update op soon but we have switched over to Celle with all the changes from the Chernarus map in there! Server is unlocked for now if you want to check it out but password will go back up pretty soon.
  8. Yes sorry amigos! When i was not editing the server i was bed bound with the flu, Sure you all know how that goes but any ways enough excuses! Back up and ready to roll, Will update op when am not hitting a whitey. P.s DayzCommander is also on a whitey and says i have the wrong password but using the ingame multiplayer after you have been kicked works for me at the minute.
  9. Server has been stopped or closed with a different password while we check things out, No idea what happened to you or what server you was in ha