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About CK21

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    On the Coast
  1. CK21

    getting infected by a Zomb...

    I think they should implement a system similar to the one in the old Resident Evil Outbreak games. If you get attacked by a zombie in DayZ a percentage meter comes on screen and it's slowly(or fairly quickly depending on how much you were attacked) going up and the only way to put a stop to it would be to find an anti virus of some kind. They could even make it so that once the meter reaches around 80% for example your character isn't able to run and their vision gets blurred, etc.
  2. CK21

    LAG - Help Please !!

    Thx for the response. I have pretty much turned all settings to low or off/default and followed guides but it still lags :( I could lower the resolution but then the game looks so poor. Well,lagging isn't normal for me in arma, it's just dayz.... and yeah I guess i'll just have to.. :( Thx for response, I will look into it and may buy when i get any available money(i spent quite a lot on a new gpu). But I think there isn't much hope when people who have worse specs than mine run this game better than me
  3. Hello, Day Z keeps lagging for me. I used to play this game around 8 months ago when I had a GT 440 graphic card but I stopped playing due to lag and other things happening in my life. Since then though I have bought a new graphics card and a good power supply, and this game still lags for me! Arma 2/OA runs fine for me but day z doesn't. I have spent over £200 so I could run this game and it isn't running like I would want it to so please help me! My Specs: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit Intel Core i5 CPU 650 @ 3.20 GHz(4 CPUs) 4GB RAM NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti Yes I know the graphic card is not the best but it isn't rubbish either and I am only asking it to run at my native resolution 1920 x 1080 and everything else is pretty much on low. I have updated the nvidia drivers, modified the ArmA2OA.cfg, reinstalled day z and nothing seems to be working. help thank you