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About arodisgold

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. arodisgold

    [SD] Sgt. Rieck

    OK so me and my friends where taveling the woods when all of the sudden one of my friends died so then we start looking around panicking when all of sudden we some one teleporting around us with a machine gun and then killed my other friend and i just kept running and when i turned around i see some one teleport to his body and then teleported away. All i know is that i finally got them to play Dayz after 3 months and then this happen and they just completely quit it. all i say is do something about those script kiddies please
  2. arodisgold

    -TFBR- [Recruiting]

    1. Age: 17 2.Nickname: Simo Häyhä 3. Nationality: American/ Eastern time zone in america 4. Experience: 3 months Dayz 5. Role: Marksman long range support and recon I will add you on Skype also to add im in school so i wont be on 24/7
  3. arodisgold

    Looking for group...

    ya i dont mind skype but im looking more for a group any one looking for recruiment
  4. Hello my name is Simo Häyhä in dayz My age: Im 17 years old Time zone: Eastern Standard time Play time: over a month Gear: ghillie suit, M107, nv, rangefinders,gps,etc Im really bored just player sniping and really looking for a group or clan that has a team speak and that we can cordinate raids and what not. Im good at sniping and im well off so im not interested in gear and what not. The only issue im in still in school so i wont be on 24/7. I have a headset so there will be none of that annoying echo crap.