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Everything posted by Shoarmaboer

  1. True that's completely understandable but I don't see how sniping on a nametag server in elektro would grant you any bragging rights.
  2. At 0:20 you say soda can pepsi, oh how nice. This the point where the video and yourself lost all credibility, nobody likes pepsi.
  3. Good job OP, even if you sit in Cherno/Elektro all day it's still hard to rack up so many kills without dying (bugs, other players, hackers). Gotta pop & drop those peasants in chernarus.
  4. Shoarmaboer

    Pending Update: Build

    Any chance of a database wipe this patch because of all the (unintentional) tent duping that has been going on lately? Servers are littered with tents filled to the brim with high end gear, making it easy for anyone to just basically stock up after they die.
  5. Shoarmaboer

    Sins of a hacking gamer...

    OP got banned and had an epiphany at the same time (how very convenient). The community won't ever have to play with OP again and the OP will never cheat again either. That's a win/win situation right there folks. With that mindset you're ready for a fresh start in other games, but I sure as hell hope you won't ever come back to this game. Good luck OP
  6. Shoarmaboer

    BDB Recruitment

    The BigDickBandits group is looking for additional players (2-3) to bolster our ranks! What is our goal? To send everyone who's not in BDB back to the coast. We are probably 'those bandits' that the community whines about, we shoot whenever we damn well please too (that said, we still allow the occasional noob to wander around without shooting him). What can you expect from us? The name doesn't imply it at all but we are very organised players, we value coordination and communication above everything else. We have a multitude of tactics we employ when going about chernarus which we have found to be very efficient. Even though we might be bandits we're still a nice bunch of guys to hang out with. We are not a bandit group that hangs around the south killing noobs, we enjoy roaming around in the north and we try to headhunt players with decent gear and actually get some competition. We enjoy the thrill of a good firefight! What do we expect from you? 18+ Teamspeak3, a good working microphone combined with the ability to speak fluent english. You're a skilled player and you're familiar with dayz as well as with arma2. You value communication and cooperation. No whining about getting gear or losing gear. Gear is trivial if you know where to find it. Active, we want to see you play often! Once a week is not enough. Stable connection, we need to be able to depend on you. No disconnecting to avoid deaths, take it like a man. Additional Information EU Based We usually play on a daily basis, between 6pm-12pm. We have access to a stable teamspeak server. Most of our players are from Norway, though the english is still the language we use. Veteran only, no crosshair and no 3rd We keep track of a killboard for funs and giggles - >http://bdb.thomrobin...KillRecords.php (not all the kills make it to the board). If you meet the requirements and you are interested in joining send me a pm and we'll get into contact with eachother.
  7. Shoarmaboer

    L85A2 disabled? Reaaaly? DICE?

    Good to see they removed the L85 from DayZ. I had one and me and the rest of BDB absolutely camped the crap out of stary and killed everyone. The gun makes it so easy to spot players it's ridiculous.
  8. Shoarmaboer

    Body armor

    Hello everyone, I just had a couple of ideas about adding a body armor to the game. I'm just going to throw it out in the open and see what other people think about the idea. Feel free to post any feedback or other suggestions you might have. General ideas surrounding the body armor • It serves the purpose of granting the wearer a higher chance to survive a firefight • Body armor can only completely stop certain bullet types. I can imagine that it would be able to completely stop a couple of makarov rounds , but it sure as hell won't be able to stop a round fired from an AS50 within 500m. • Body armor only works on bullet impacting the torso area of a human. • Bullets blocked by the body armor will prevent the wearer from bleeding. • Body armor degrades when bullets impact upon it/pierce it, that means that it will eventually break down. • Wearing a body armor forces you to give up the backpack slot, because body armor is heavy. You should however be able to wear the Czech vest pouch seeing as it is relatively small (And finally giving the vest pouch a purpose too). This way you have to decide between having a backpack with extra supplies/weapon or having body armor that gives you a higher chance of survival. This should add a bit to the ‘having to juggle your inventory’-feeling. Body Armor and Bullet interaction Depending on the force behind a bullet the bullet will or will not be able to pierce the body armor. If the bullet doesn’t have enough force to pierce the armor the bullet will be blocked and the wearer will take a certain amount of damage (which is of course, reduced). If it does have enough force the body armor won’t be able to block the bullet and you will take damage (reduced though, since it still dampens the force of the bullet somewhat) and you will start bleeding. The body armor will also take a major blow to its durability or it will get completely destroyed. The main factors in the damage calculation would be bullet force, bullet caliber and weapon used. There probably already is an similiar existing system for damage players. Body Armor and Infected Interaction I don’t really see the body armor being of that much use against infected, but seeing as you are sacrificing the backpack slot I would suggest that it could partially defend against the infected melee hits. The body armor could reduce incoming damage by a % or soak a predefined of amount of damage before the body armor wears down. Where can you find it? Deerstands and Military structures, possibly supermarkets.
  9. Sniper Rifle : AS50, it's basically a better version of the M107, with reduced recoil and a reduced sound (I'm talking about the actual sound being played from the audio file when a round is fired). Vehicles get absolutely destroyed when getting hit by AM (anti material) rifles. Only downside is that it can't be used with NVG. It should also be noted that the AM rifles can shoot through certain objects such as doors, might even be able to penetrate buildings. Assault Rifle : L85 TWS hands down, it uses common stanag ammo, has zeroing up to 800m and best of all the thermal sight. If used properly it will grant the user a MASSIVE advantage, nobody can get near you without getting spotted! SMG : MP5SD, the most silent weapon in the game. When fired you will only hear a click. One of the downsides is that is barely has any damage, so your shots will have to be accurate. The ammo of the MP5SD is quite hard to get by aswell.
  10. People are posting valid concerns and are asking you why they should donate to you. You answer those questions by calling them dicks. I wouldn't expect donations if I were you.
  11. Shoarmaboer

    [Video] How To... Raid NWAF In under 5 minutes

    We actually broadcasted the A-Team song over direct comms all the time.
  12. As someone who has attempted to build camps outside of map boundaries I can tell you that it's pretty much undoable now. Afaik you can place tents out of the boundaries but you cannot actually interact with them, and that also counts for any item you drop outside the map boundaries aswell (buggy behaviour, you can only see tents when you look at them with a zoomed view or bino's). Also due to some vehicle hotfixes there's a chance for vehicles to explode/despawn when they are outside of map boundaries, we've already had it happen to us once after a server reboot. This just means you have to find a good hiding spot within the map boundaries and hope for the best. As a member from a pretty big group (8+) I can say that this is actually a good thing, because it makes it hard for us to have keep alot of vehicles around. This causes us to 'ditch' vehicles we really don't need and it gives other players a chance to obtain a vehicle and reap its benefits :D.
  13. Shoarmaboer

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    How bout a Mythbuster's Adam skin? ;) How about a gasmask soldier skin, inspired by the actual movie rocket partially based the game on? http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20071029031538/uncyclopedia/images/c/c5/28dayslaterNBCsoldier.JPG
  14. Shoarmaboer

    So, does crashed heli loot respawn?

    Found multiple helicopters (4 of them), no loot and I couldn't enter them. They seem to be bugged.
  15. Shoarmaboer

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    There's a massive bug with tents as it stands right now. Even though you can't place them you can just spam the place tent button and keep walking until you are finally able to play the place tent animation and it either gets placed or gets put back in your inventory. This sometimes glitches which causes you to get a second tent in your inventory and if your inventory is full it gives you the ability to drop infinite amounts of tents because the tent will never disappear from your inventory. Edit : Screenshot as proof -> http://i50.tinypic.com/15aeir.jpg
  16. Shoarmaboer

    Epic Voice Guy: Lets Play DayZ

    Potential epic gif?
  17. Shoarmaboer

    Reply to Rocket about zombie AI

    What I really like about the infected AI as it stand right now is that they almost always force you to give away your position because you cannot shake them off or keep them controlled in any way besides killing them. Even though it's the infected who are chasing you without stopping, they are not your worst threat. The infected themselves force you to deal with them, opening up a window in which other players are given the ability to interact with you. This means that any interaction involving the infected is an interaction in which you can possibly attract other players their attention. How these players will react to this information will always vary, largely based on who that player is as an individual and what his needs and goals are. Some will try to save you and cooperate with you, some will try to shoot you to steal your precious beans and canned pasta and some will simply try hide or try to run away to save themselves but it will always lure out some kind of unpredictable player to player interaction, even if the players cannot physically see eachother (you've probably made a run for it once after hearing some gunshots despite the fact that you didn't actually see the person firing the weapon). This is why I think that the current state of the AI (even though it feels clunky and is buggy at times) benefits the element of survival and brings out the emergent gameplay that is possible within dayz. I'm not saying the infected and the AI are fine as it is, but we shouldn't try to revamp the infected system at the cost of the varying way players interact with eachother.
  18. Shoarmaboer

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Will vehicles be fixed? As it stands right now you can't refuel them :(. Anyway keep up the good work! Enjoying the game alot!
  19. Shoarmaboer

    DayZ Stories

  20. I have a MK48 Mod 0 with 3 boxes of ammo (which contain a 100 bullets each). Even though they're not common it's not that hard to find another box if you know where the deerstands are. The MK48 kills zombies with one shot, has a decent rate of fire, long range and huge ammo capacity compared to most weapons. The only big downside to the weapon is that (imo) it makes a shit ton of noise when fired. Sure, you have the ammo and firepower to mow down a whole horde of zombies with ease, but there's also the danger of other players hearing you and possibly headhunting you for your weapon. Light machine guns such as these outclass the winchester in almost every field, but are very hard to get. I personally find other military grade weapons such as the AK series and a big part of the M4 series decent, but other than that they're pretty standard. Some of the military grade weapons come with neat features such as tactical lights, night vision, holosights and whatnot. It is these features that make them stand out and make their usage outweigh the scarcity of their ammo. But even with these weapons you'll always need a silent sidearm such as the marakov or a silenced weapon, it's impossible to get around with only loud firearms.
  21. Shoarmaboer

    Tents & Vehicles General

    Does anybody know how to fix the headlights on a vehicle? Can't seem to find a way to do it and we tried multiple things such as attaching windshields, fixing the hull. Does anybody have a clue?