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About deltons

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    On the Coast
  1. Well that is just unfortunate. I knew that the script was out there but that makes me sad that it is released to the public. Gonna be the same outcome as when the thunderdome and mass kill scripts were released to the public.
  2. deltons

    --- Admins Resetting Server * when Member gets shot ---

    I think a big thing is that some admins are just too trusting of clans that regular their servers. I used to be a regular of US 610 (first server I played on). There are 3 major clans in the server. [2nd SRS], [wat] and =TBH=. As far as I know the only ones that have admin are BadNoob (server owner, not affiliated with any of the clans but does talk to all of them), [2nd SRS] Beef_stu and =TBH= Andrew. I have had encounters with 2nd SRS, wat and BadNoob (he was with another that was tagged with him, don't remember the tag). I haven't ever run into the =TBH= guys. I run with 1 other person, sometimes 2 at most. None of us tag up but both my encounters with [2nd SRS] have been pretty classy. Beef_stu even got one of our guys to go in TS with him to say good fight. The reason I left the server however was over 2 instances ~a week to 2 weeks ago. 1) When I was with 1 of my partners, we ran into BadNoob and his friend we had a ~15 minute fight where I took out his friend and then eventually BadNoob himself. No more than 10 seconds after killing BadNoob, my friend and I were both kicked from the server. We logged in later and found out that we killed them at their camp. 2) Was running with the same person. We found the [wat] camp at night and one of them came back into their camp. We ended up killing 2 of them. Another [wat] member logged in and started running through the field where we were and we killed him as well. We must have been no more than 100m from their camp and as soon as we got back to the camp after killing the 3rd [wat] player, the server lost connection (was restarted). We quickly rejoined and all of a sudden BadNoob was there with ~4 [wat] members. Every time we rejoined, we were instantly kicked but the [wat] members were not. Now I know for a fact that when there is a scripter in the server, BadNoob will restart the server and kick EVERYONE on the server until he can identify who it was in logs. Good tactic, it stops people from losing their gear. In fact, its one of the servers where I haven't really ran into a lot of scripters and I commend it for that. But both those instances kinda pushed me over the top. In the [wat] encounter, I was told that one of the members immediately told BadNoob they were hacked (which they weren't) so he restarted it and kicked so they could recover their camp. Like I said, I really think a lot of the instances are more about trust than admin abuse. There was no proof of any hacks whatsoever but he took them at their word and restarted it. But I also believe that a lot of people in general (not just admins) jump the gun on accusing whomever kills them of hacking. I still stop by the server from time to time, but not everyday like I used to.
  3. I ran into my first scripter on earlier this morning. Teleported near us -> went invis -> teleported his friend there then they killed us. Still though there are much much less than on servers.