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Saucy (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Saucy (DayZ)

  1. Saucy (DayZ)

    I wish I spawned with a...

    This isn't X-COM, silly, you can't grappling hook onto buildings or higher ground
  2. Saucy (DayZ)

    Looking for M240, Mk 48, FN FAL, and NVGs

    Oh, and I would be interested in a Bizon or MP5SD as long as they come with 4+ mags.
  3. Saucy (DayZ)

    M40A3 up for sale.

    Would've gladly traded you but I gave all my stuff away a few days ago, getting a little bored of DayZ again. :P
  4. Saucy (DayZ)


    I have a spare pair of Rangefinders.. what all would you let go for them? Wouldn't mind the M107 or Mk48.
  5. Saucy (DayZ)

    At what time in game does it get dark out.

    Admin can change the time it's based off of, which is how you have all day time servers. There may have been an admin playing without NVG's at that time. ;)
  6. Saucy (DayZ)


    M1014 is worth nothing to me, and probably isn't worth much to anybody; I find 2-3 at every chopper crash I go to.
  7. Have three PDW with mags, two SVD with mags, M4A1 Holo with mags, M4A3 CCO with mags, Sa-58V ACOG (will only trade for M240 or M40A3), DMR with mags, a GPS, and a pair of Rangefinders.
  8. Saucy (DayZ)

    Looking for NVG, M240, M40A3, and Ghille/Camo clothing

    Trade with Husky didn't happen.. still looking. ;_;
  9. Saucy (DayZ)


    I have 5 Stanags, so you can take it or leave it. :P
  10. Saucy (DayZ)


    I have an M4A3 CCO, not sure how many mags, but I will trade it for the M107.
  11. Saucy (DayZ)

    Looking for NVG, M240, M40A3, and Ghille/Camo clothing

    Sounds good, when will you be available?
  12. Saucy (DayZ)

    The best way to die?

    By letting me run you over with a Ural. :3
  13. Saucy (DayZ)

    wandering tradesman co

    Would you trade one with a bunch of mags for an M14, DMR, SVD Camo, or M249 SAW? I have ammo for all but the SAW, I have a total of five SVD and two SAW, so I could trade multiple for it and mags. Edit: or perhaps the SAW or SVD with mags and a GPS/RF for the FN FAL and a bunch of mags? :D
  14. Saucy (DayZ)

    wandering tradesman co

    How many FN Fal mags do you have?
  15. Low blood, no bandages, no blood bags. Got hit by a zombie with full blood and bled down to about 1/8 without finding a single bandage, so I logged off. I'll be willing to give an SVD Camo with one mag to whoever comes and gives me a bandage and blood transfusion. Public hive as always, and if you decide to kill me, enjoy your 68k humanity loss. ^^ Oh, and before somebody suggests TMW, I'm part of them and nobody's on this late. ;_;
  16. Saucy (DayZ)

    Need assistance in Novy Sobor

    I got help, thanks. ^^
  17. Saucy (DayZ)

    Need NVG's

    What server is the Ural on?
  18. As the title says, looking for an M240 and an M40A3, prefer a few belts with the M240 because they're a lot more rare than DMR mags. ;) Will trade two of ANY of them for the M240 and I'd trade one high value and the SAW for the M40A3.
  19. Saucy (DayZ)

    wandering tradesman co

    I have a spare GPS, but not really interested in anything listed; is that all you have? :\ Really interested in an M240 and a M40A3..
  20. If you have a Blood Bag, I can help you, Joost. I'm nearby but have no medical supplies currently
  21. M4A1 CCO (non SD) with 4 Stanags and 7 Stanag SD and a SVD Camo with 6 mags for an M240 with preferred 3-4 belts
  22. Saucy (DayZ)

    M4A1 CCO and SVD Camo for M240 with belts!

    Trade closed
  23. Saucy (DayZ)

    M4A1 CCO and SVD Camo for M240 with belts!

    When would you be available to trade?
  24. Saucy (DayZ)

    Looking for a M4A1 Holo or a M4A1 CCO SD

    Lost the M4A1 Holo due to my tractor disappearing, sorry
  25. As hostile as they come! Disregard crappy quality, taken with phone because forget running Fraps just for a screenshot. ;\