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Saucy (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Saucy (DayZ)

  1. Saucy (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Get in TS and go to the channel Saucy is in.
  2. Saucy (DayZ)

    TRADING! Offers for my AS50 & Rangefinders!

    M4A1 Holo and M107 for the AS50 and Rangefinders? I know it's another sniper, but still. >_>
  3. I'll trade you a PDW with 5 PDW mags for your M9SD if you find two mags for it. Edit: Just read conditions. Not going to drop my stuff for risk of losing it for an M9SD, disregard.
  4. Saucy (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Such a slow night.. D:
  5. Saucy (DayZ)

    Trading SVD CAMO with 10 Mags!

    Too bad there's only 100 round belts unless they're hacked in.
  6. Saucy (DayZ)

    Rules of Engagement

    Enough of this crap. While this game is a sandbox zombie game, this is also a zombie apocalypse survival simulation -- a social experiment. There will ALWAYS be people who are there to help and there will ALWAYS be people taking every opportunity to get on top. Stop getting upset that you got killed and calling them a "CoD player" or some stupid crap like that.
  7. Still looking for the M4A1 Holo?
  8. Saucy (DayZ)

    Looking for M4A1 Holo/203 rounds

    I have one, but I'm off to bed, have work early in the morning. PM me what YOU have and would offer for it. ^^
  9. Saucy (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    So Erik gave you the HIV, huh?
  10. Saucy (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Connections -> Connect -> server address is ts.ourdomain.me:9990
  11. Saucy (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Join the TWM TS, front page, you'll find me in it.
  12. Saucy (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Sadisto and Stary patients, get in TS3 and join the channel Saucy is in.
  13. Saucy (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I can grab you shortly, NiX.
  14. Saucy (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Erik and Alpha, I have things you want. Get ahold of me when you get on.
  15. Saucy (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Back now. >_>
  16. Saucy (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Any medic groups need an extra gun? I'm bored. D:
  17. Saucy (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Anybody need help? :l
  18. I can get you engine parts. Edit: I will not be going there, but I will give you the location and server. Plenty of spare parts.
  19. Saucy (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I would like one, I'm a bit out, but I don't have much time.Edit: in TS, will be in the other room, drop down and say something really quick if you'll give me it. Wireless headset. <3
  20. Saucy (DayZ)

    Chernarus National Transportation Service

    PMing you where to find lots of parts, it's on a different server, but you can hop and get them and stuff.
  21. Saucy (DayZ)

    Chernarus National Transportation Service

    I died, don't worry about it. :<
  22. Saucy (DayZ)

    Chernarus National Transportation Service

    Go ahead and pick him up and take him first. Edit: Going to make food super quick while I wait.
  23. Saucy (DayZ)

    Chernarus National Transportation Service

    Moving to Sol, requested destination remains the same.
  24. Saucy (DayZ)

    Chernarus National Transportation Service

    Take your time, let me know when you're good to go.