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Everything posted by CheeseyHobo

  1. CheeseyHobo

    DayZ Crash To Desktop

    DayZ and arma2 is very much CPU based. Now, i know what youre all thinking: How is that affecting me? my CPU IS BEAST. But, for some games like Arma, it'll only use 2 cores of your processer. I have an 8 core procceser so that kinda sucks. The solution: download the Arma 2 Launcher, and run your games from there. You can choose to run more cores by modifying your launch settings, which should stop you from crashing. Messege me if you need help
  2. CheeseyHobo

    Where my body gone after car crash!?

    your body disappears if you log out. If you did that, then maybe thats what caused it. Also, you were driving a car, they attract attention, if your car blew up, people go to the smoke. Its likely your body was found and hid.
  3. CheeseyHobo

    Disgustingly low FPS, what to do?

    I dont have the same issue with fps, my computer should be powerful enough to run dayz three times over. But it under preforms because of my grapics card drivers.
  4. CheeseyHobo

    how much RAM does Dayz require?

    Just google "Can u runs it" and search dayz, its a site that analyzes your computer then matches your computer with the minimum requirements for a certain peice if software, in this case dayz
  5. I have no idea what is going on with my DayZ right now, but every time I log into a server, my character, who is 13 days old and VERY WELL equipped, suddenly “re-spawns” at the coast with all inventory items intact, all stats and kills intact but keeps teleporting to new locations every other time I join a server. I’ll leave a server, join a new one, and my character spawns in my last position, but the next time I do it, I’ll re-spawn somewhere else along the coast, all items intact. What is even weirder is that every time my character does one of their “re-spawns” they immediately draw their binoculars for no reason. Perhaps the binoculars are the cause of the glitch, but I’m not sure when this glitch started or why. I DON’T HACK, I’VE NEVER HACKED, AND I’LL NEVER HACK. HELP! :’(
  6. CheeseyHobo

    Stuck in "Loading" screen!

    Its the server, some of them may not work. this is why i want a standalone game! :3