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Everything posted by Gusboto

  1. Gusboto

    Connecting Failed

    I was also having this issue. I resolved by doing the following. I reinstalled arma2 and arma2 OA each to their own seperate directories.(amazon version heaped them together) Ran each once. Added updates 111 , 1.60 and 1.62 ran each once Ran day z commander updated Arma2 to recommended version installed dayz dayzero etc run command prompt as admin and type netsh winsock reset rebooted (I also have the MSI Z87 G45 so upon reboot I did not allow the killer network manager to update I chose to disable) I have not had repeat error yet
  2. Gusboto

    all US servers down?

    Used to use Six launcher until.2.5 came out. Then I manually installed Dayz and Arma patches in a attempt to get rid of the artifacts. Which works as long as i stay on updated servers. The last time I went back to six launcher it would revert me to .2.4 and the artifact problem.
  3. Gusboto

    all US servers down?

    I am also haveing problems finding US servers within the last twenty four hours. I use the search engine built into arma2. Been useing that list and connect with remote. Would love to find a fix to get ingame search working again. Is there anything to do? Or is it a server side problem? Thanks
  4. Me and a friend saw a guy riding a red motorcycle trailing pink and green smoke. Over the Direct chat he was playing the nyan cat music. For those who dont know what that is . I didnt know untill my friend whom i was playing with at the time told me . Which makes it an even funnier sight to behold. At first we shot at the Nyan can to no avail. He then circled us rocking his Nyan cat Techno theme for a while then speed off into the distance. What a spectacle ! It gave us both a good laugh. Too bad i did not get a video.Thank you Nyan Cat Avenger
  5. Gusboto

    Ok, ALL ANZ & NZ servers dissapeard ?

    The same thing is happening to me with the exception being US servers. Thier presence on my ingame server list is intermittent. In the meantime i have been useing this list to connect. Hope it helps. http://arma2.swec.se/server/list
  6. Gusboto

    Nyan Cat sighting US 1987 LA

    I found a you tube of someone doing the same thing with a bus in Dayz. It was actually fillmed in the same area we saw the guy with the motorcycle. However i think the guy with the motorcycle pulled it off better. I never heard of this Nyan cat thing. Hackers have provided me with some of my favorite times while playing this game.
  7. Still get Graphical glitch after a fresh install. I deleted all arma files and folders. Downloaded Arma2 and OA. Downloaded and manually installed arma2 beta patch 95883. Downloaded and manually installed dayz via the torrent. Start game with the _runA2CO_ file. I have gotten artifacts near Green Mountain , Cherno Medical Tents , Balota Tents and airfield. However Previously the Flush did nothing for me ; now at GM and Cherno it clears things up. At Balota it dose noting. The only video options i changed were 3d resolution and view distance. Everything else is at default. Hope this info helps in some way. I must say this game is a ton of fun. Even the hackers and glitches do not ruin it. I enjoy it emensly. Its a part of the game. Thank you for all your Work!