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Posts posted by nimrodaus@gmail.com

  1. Dude get DayZ commander, it's the best and only thing you will ever need. As for hackers? Pfft, I play on the most popular Australian server has 80 or 90 slots and it's very busy 24/7 and I haven't seen a hacker in months. I have no issues with DayZ, kicks or anything like that. I play all day and only disconnect on restarts. Again haven't had an issue for months. If you have good admins then you should be fine. Just get in game tracker and find a popular local server and go for t. DayZ & the ArmA series is the best game I've ever played.

  2. I've said it once and ill say it again. I've been playing ArmA since it first came out and as each new one comes out I upgrade my computer system. After countless different combinations of hardware especially with ArmA 2 I've found best bang for buck proformance upgrade to improve FPS in ArmA 2/DayZ is a gpu. If you have got a half decent CPU which you sorta do, then the gpu is going to be where I'd start. Because the gpu you are currently running just simply isn't enough. Doesn't matter if you had the latest CPU and a ssd that gpu is not up to the task. Absolute minimum IMHO to play arma2 would be a 5870. But if you can get a little extra case bigger is always better. Now I'm saying this from experience. I have tried seriously so many combinations and upgrading hear and there, and a decent gpu you won't look back. Idk what people say about oh this game is CPU and hdd intensive. It's also gpu intensive and no good having a gpu bottle neck. I've tried it all. Trust me dude go the gpu first and then the rest can follow. I get solid 100+FPS in DayZ and I don't have an ssd. Check my Youtube vids if you want NimrodAUS. They look great although capped at 60fps

  3. Yo Nim, et al.

    The shitty spring weather finally broke here in the NE of US, so I've been outside most of the time, and working on the yard, pool (and swimming in it). Been hard to think about sitting at the PC lately. Got my headset and mic, and then life intruded. When I do check in I check the server and no one has been on, so I was playing wasteland a bit, and then nothing. Hopefully will get back on at some point when you and others are around. Just realized it's event day and missed it again. :-(

    Hey man, probably be a couple of weeks before I get back on. Just been moving house this week and won't have my Internet hooked up for probably a week and a half :-( is going to suck but I've got plenty of unboxing to do. Hope to see you all again on soon.

  4. Right to just even begin to answer a few of these lol...

    thanks to all those posting we are really beginning to get a good group of people on and for those that were there we had a really good day the other day.. lots of fun flying around...

    For those of you trying to join the server and ending up on some god forsaken noob w/e the hell it is server i can only apologise its a problem with how dayz commander and six updater and how they resolve IPs etc... the best way around it that we all find is to load up arma2 with dayz running and do a multiplayer search on our IP address and port as nimrod posted then double click Devil's Castle you shouldnt get any problems at all..

    if you do get/have any problems drop a post or PM to me here and i will get you in lol..

    Also to those of you insinuating i cannot fly... SOD OFF LOL i am amazing in a heli... tut tut tut to all those that think otherwise... i taught grim to fly in less than 5mins the other day lol...

    altho i have been known to d/c at the most inappropriate time *grin*

    Thanks to all those that have posted... lets keep this going.. the numbers are slowly beginning to reflect all the hard work and loyalty from you guys...


    Does flying good include the osprey? Lol (ref one of my YouTube videos lol)

  5. Immense post mukka... lol we had to log off for a works call.. god damn it lol... missed all the fun.... stupid work lol be on agaon later tonight about 22:00 gmt +0...

    Yeah bloody work is always getting in the way of my gaming career. Do you think I could get payed good money to just play DayZ all day? I would do that.

  6. btw how can it be that i try to connect to the server, but instead i get into some server named Noobs Playground UKxx? Im 100% i joined Devils Castle Will Fall. The same happened to my friend yesterday so he gave up joining. Any idear what to be?

    I get that come up if I use remote see above post back a few with pics. Just make sure you click on devils then just click join down the bottom if you using the DayZ multiplayer view. Sometimes the list refreshes and the other one jumps to the top as your clicking. Happens to me sometimes.

  7. lol ano true is suppose... should be on tonight at somepoint i imagine.. catch u then

    lol gdgd that was the idea really. nothing to do with the visibility for new spawns or anything lol done specifically for the pretty purple skys

    hahah.... also eh??? i was about till gone 23:30 my time..... you did look in the other channels right not just root lol?? we tend to use multiple channels now etc etc...

    Well I joined the mumble server and couldn't see anyone on at all?? Unless it doesn't show the people in other channels unless I switch to them? Idk. I'd be devo'd if I miss that on a technicality. Oh well bugger

  8. ahh shucks mukka... we were on mumble i was just gunna log when you joined... you never did i assumed you got called back early lol .. damn no fair lol... catch u soon tho

    I must have just missed you. I did get on mumble about 10:30pm your time. All good. Loving the new full moon nights with the pretty purple sky

  9. Just too add my two cents worth to this discussion, I've never had any problems no been killed by any GBYC members. Come to think about it I c and recall actually being killed in the non event world by anyone on this server yet ( excluding, accidental ((cough.. Biplane head on )) vehicular occurrences. I like the survival aspect of the game. And having a much around when the server is quiet. I've been playing along side the GBYC guys for a couple of months now. Great guys, always have a good laugh.

    Just on a side note, to show you I am indeed friendly. Also check out my YouTube videos NimrodAUS the latest 10sec snippet is interesting and a nice effect I've never really seen in DayZ before. Check it. Called ATV towing madness

