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Everything posted by nimrodaus@gmail.com

  1. yeah I bet. You know how you said about possible reset of all vehicles :-| remember where I logged out with that mi17 gunna be a long walk back lol
  2. Sounds good. Keep us posted on these server changes. I know some people that are very interested in doing business with you.
  3. What options have you got for Australians? I checked out your Singapore test server and it was over 230ms ping. Noone would join it I doubt.
  4. nimrodaus@gmail.com

    New gear in 1.7.6

  5. I can't wait to watch it. Defiantly miss playing with you guys it's always heaps of fun
  6. Well it seems like you guys had lots of fun. Wish I could have been there. I also looked up gallon smashing. I'm actually a bit lost for words with that. That's pretty wild. Lol
  7. Nice. Still along way off my record, but it's just sad. Wish I could have been there
  8. Oh nice one mate. Yeah I'm just getting already to watch an episode or 2 before I fall asleep. Been along 12 hours at work. Naa I wouldn't stop checking the thread. I love it. The more info and videos I can get the better. I just wish I could be there haha.
  9. I should have read further down Evilbunnys post he said what I said about enabling RMod in expansions menu
  10. nimrodaus@gmail.com

    DayZ Recording with Dxtory, bad FPS

    Make sure you haven't checked the setting in dxtory that limits recorded FPS. In mine it displays the actual FPS and recorded FPS I have mine set to 30 and it looks tops
  11. nimrodaus@gmail.com

    give us what we (do not) need! - junk and unique loot

    That's the biggest load of crap I've ever Hurd. I suppose your going to try and sell that water isn't wet either?
  12. Haha New Kamenka is a great. Got some footage of EvilBunny mucking around while we were "Testing" the new additions to the server. http://youtu.be/6NdF6vZ-RE4
  13. Haha thank you. I got your in game admin message while I was fighting off a horde of upset zombies. I was flying back with one of the guys from another clan and I was landing, power lines in sight, I would have been at least two chopper Heights about them and bomb. I should have known better. Ill be on in the am so hopefully catch ya then.