heya fellow survivor!! so like most of you, yesterday i bought Arma 2 mostly to play this awsome mod, im still trying to learn the rope of this game, ive die lots of time by random zombies and broken legs lol but im enjoying this game so far. so thats why im looking for someone in the same situation as me, maybe we gonna survive more then 10minutes if we manage to watch eachother back. so any of you who have steam feel free to add me http://steamcommunity.com/id/bluntand40oz I dont have a mic cuz im not a hardcore gamer enought, maybe ill get one if we are doing very well, but one thing at a time, so we could use the in game chat systeme :) hope to see you soon on the spawning beach near me lol :) have fun guys! PS: sorry for my spelling mistake english isnt my first language xD