Your Real Name: Christophe Your Screen Name: Kristophe Were Are You From: New York (I am currently in the middle of moving to Florida) Your Age: 17 How Long Have You Been Playing Arma: I've got 75 hours played Did You Start Because Of DayZ: Yes Do You Have Any Recording Software: Not at the moment, but I know of some I can get Do You Have A Skype: Yes. Kristophe21 Can You Be A Leader: I was exactly expecting to be a leader, but I would be a good one. How Regularly Do You Play Arma: I used to play everyday, but I recently went on vacation to Disney World with my family and we are still on vacation in Florida shoping for houses, but once we are done, I'l be back to my old schedule. Other than that, I just got a good enough internet connection to start playing again. How Well You Work With A Team (1-10): 8. If Idiots are around, I get angry a little. I can handle simple mistakes, but if someone goes out of there way to mess things up, I mess them up ;D Why You Would Like To Join (4 sentences or more): I would like to join the group, because I have only had a group size of two, my cousin and I. Granted we do very well with just us, but we are both interested to see what is like to have more. When you run into a group of 4 or 5 and there is only two of us, it doesn't work well. I used to play World of Warcaft (sadly) and It was always fun to play with a team and use teamwork to get your goals accomplished.