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Everything posted by Fenrod

  1. This is so god damn true. All of it.
  2. Fenrod

    You held up the wrong guy...

    Who would be dumb enough to open fire on a guy with hero skin ?
  3. Fenrod

    Lucky dude in Prigorodki [Video]

    Damn, that was close as hell.
  4. Dude, I don't think chopping and gutting an animal is totaly silent. I would definately hear that, even 100 m away from you, well it's the same for infected people.
  5. Fenrod

    Standalone Suggestion: Infected Players

    Al Capone used to rub the tip of his bullets with garlic, so that the target would die of blood poisoning / gangrene. So why not.
  6. Were you playing with a hyena or something ?
  7. Fenrod

    Standalone Suggestion: Infected Players

    Rocket said : no special zombies. So if that idea ever came to be implementend, the dead player would be a normal zombie.
  8. Fenrod

    dayz parkour?

    There is a huge difference between what you just wrote and actual parkour. You won't be able to do parkour with 20 kgs of food and weapons on your back.
  9. I can't believe you guys never get attacked / robbed while / after healing someone. Seems like there are fewer and fewer bandits out there.
  10. Fenrod

    What is so fun about this game

    Dude, if this game doesn't appeal to you, just don't force it. You don't like it, play another game. You can't force yourself to enjoy a game you don't like.
  11. Fenrod

    dayz parkour?

    Hello, fella ! Nope, bad idea. See ya !
  12. Fenrod

    boobi traps

    That's a good idea indeed, so it would trigger when the guy who picked up the can tries to open it ? Also, your signature is kinda outdated.
  13. Fenrod

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Holy shit, the EVE char creation system is even more elaborated than in Aion.
  14. Fenrod

    Exploding Bear Trap

    This is actually quite smart. They should take some ideas from Fallout 3 / NV traps, such as grenade bouqets, swinging objects, this kind of stuff which could be easily crafted. EDIT : And this http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120830132418/fallout/images/f/f5/Rigged_shotgun.png :D
  15. Fenrod

    Area bombings

    Not a good idea. And I don't see the point. And I don't see how this could happen.
  16. Fenrod

    New blood Transfusion system

    AB ftw. Hell yeah.
  17. Fenrod

    Huge Structures in DayZ SA

    What about sewers ?
  18. I repeat again : what's the point of using all those traps if there are no people around ? What if you killed every zombie ? You're all alone, like a dick. It almost seems like you want a zombie version of Minecraft.
  19. That would be boring as hell. And building your own base ? how ?
  20. What's the point ? If you want to play alone, just join an empty server. Could someone take this thread to the graveyard ?
  21. No offense, but isn't that boring as fuck ?!
  22. Fenrod


    Hi, No.
  23. Fenrod

    Day Z Videos

    FRANKIE's last video. http://www.youtube.com/user/FRANKIEonPCin1080p
  24. Awesome stuff in this video, didn't know you could roll over other dudes :lol:
  25. Well, if you're tired of hackers, just create it or search on the forums. "Be the change man, be the change." ~ Iron FIst