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About Fenrod

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    France, oui oui.
  1. Fenrod


    Alright, I bought Dayz Standalone. The thing I want to know is, did Rocket intend to put in some character customization, as in custom skins, custom faces, paint tags? I'd really like to know.
  2. Fenrod

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    This is the real bandit journal though. http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b485/Fenrod/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f4d31525130646b2e6a7067_zps3cc552cb.jpg
  3. Fenrod

    Customization ?

    Hey you guys, I've been absent from the forums for several months. Just wanted to know if infos were released about any kind of character customization, such as face, height, skin color, custom content, tags, voice, etc. Also, did we get any information on the vehicle modifications ? Thank you. :)
  4. Fenrod

    Used our photo on Custom PC

    Sue the living shit outta them.
  5. Fenrod

    grappling hooks and balancing

    Remind me of something, are we talking about DayZ, or Splinter Cell ? Cause I got a doubt.
  6. DemonGrove looks tasty and healthy.
  7. Fenrod

    Dayz standalone world wide

    Do you guys even think before suggesting shit like that ? It's just impossible.
  8. Fenrod

    Abusive admin sat down

    I'm saving this. Also author, I don't understand your topic, but your username indicates you're a dick.
  9. Fenrod


    From now on, this is my fav' weapon.
  10. Fenrod

    trading 2 mountain dew

    You guys would give weapons against a soda ? For real ? Zombie apocalypse isn't that bad.
  11. Fenrod

    So Would you Kill me?

    In all honesty, I would gut you like a pig for that gun.
  12. Fenrod


    Do you even know how hard it is to handle a katana ? This requires a lot of training... And don't try to bring in items from WarZ. :| Axes / kitchen knives / saws are way more practical, common and realistic.
  13. Fenrod

    Eating Crow

    Well, I guess asylums could get a lot of patients from DayZ.
  14. Well maybe you pissed him off when you attacked him. Should've gotten away instead of shooting him in the head. Just sayin'.
  15. Fenrod

    Every hero skin is a duck?

    Well, 'm a duck too. How many people shat their pants ? Tell me.