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Abuk007 (DayZ)

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About Abuk007 (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Abuk007 (DayZ)

    Pre-emptory duping ban appeal

    I find it OK, at least at situation where he could get banned he can show this post to ensure devs/hosts that he didnt lie and had no bad intentions.
  2. Abuk007 (DayZ)

    Help with multiple players in the same house

    External IP is assigned by your ISP. You cannot change it yourself. Only thing you or your brother can do is to use a proxy server, but finding a low ping and free one is nearly impossible. You can try to use one of your friends internet connection or set their pc as a proxy server, but it makes things more complicated. Ask your ISP for a solution or keep looking for another way.
  3. Abuk007 (DayZ)

    Help with multiple players in the same house

    Try redownloading mod files, if you're playing through steam, make sure both of you login to the correct accounts and are not playing on the same. Turn your anti-virus software off, check your router settings. You might try setting local static IP adress on both of PC's. Search for a router specific guide or use one of global methods (http://goo.gl/8PQOx) If one of you is using WiFi connection to play, try using cable instead. Check if gets any better and let us know if anything changed. Cheers.