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Everything posted by juniorcba

  1. juniorcba

    NEW DayZ Fallujah Map Released!

    I wonder what Rocket think about this map, it changes the game, in a positive way for me.
  2. juniorcba

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Remove until its fully functional, until I can take it out with a toolbox without pain like I should. Cause the way it is is so bugged, sometimes u cant find the sweet spot to take the wirefence out.
  3. juniorcba

    Pending Update: Build

    Operation non sleep. Waiting to come back to play.
  4. juniorcba

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Remove this troll tool please.
  5. juniorcba

    Pending Update: Build

    I kinda love you, ya' know? Go sky Rocket.
  6. juniorcba

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    1.7.3 anybody? Rocket?
  7. juniorcba

    This is why DayZ is NOT failing.

    And find shit is only cool, cause shit is rare. If is abundant, meh. That's how life works.
  8. 20 ppl is a l ot in a server, I play in servers with only me, my friends (we around 8 at max), and 5 other guys. :P I wish to PvP more, but all I die to is hackers, ghost disconecters, falling bug from towers, hitting like a baby with a car and exploding, things like these.