Today me and 3 friends were playing on the ATS Namalsk server today, and we all met up at Sebjan Mines. Shortly after that, we spotted a helicopter and Ural on a mountain in the woods. We quickly made our way there, and found 3 tents, and 2 ammo mediums. We instantly knew that the people who owned the camp were hackers. We looted up with as much as we could (Everything was legit in DayZ, no TWS guns or hacked weapons were taken) and got in the chopper. As we were about to take off, someone spawned in at the camp, so I got out of the pilot seat, AS50'd him and quickly jumped back in the chopper. We made it about 200m when I was banned for Hacking/Cheating. When my friend's started talking to the person that I shot, who turned out to be the Admin/Owner (In-Game name is Overlord), he said that I was hacking because I killed him and teleported him to the ocean. He was too ill-informed about this game to realize that I shot him while he was spawning in, and completely ignored the fact that he was spawning himself guns in. TL;DR: I got banned for raiding a butt-hurt admin's camp. Stay away from ATS servers.