Thanks man, appreciate the advice, I had no idea what to do until now. Thanks a heaps. And no I don't know why, I didn't see why :(, and I freaked out.
Hey. I just got on this morning to play on my usual Au server and it says I've received a global ban? What would this be for? I kept trying to join a server but it would load and kick me for script restriction all the time but eventually I got on and played with a couple of friends, but now for some reason I'm globally banned. Also I don't know if it had anything to do with taking a hackers weapons but I used like 2 satchel charges and put the rest on a zombies body and hid it. Please help :(
They were ALL gone for a good 3+ hours. Not familiar with how servers work really so if this isn't anything out of the ordinary just let me know. But it's frustrating as hell trying to find out as to why there are none showing for me. Absolutely NOTHING on the DayZ website, and yeah I'm a fucken PRO at google so D:, I'm left in the dark with this one. Any help would be muchly appreciated.