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Pook (DayZ)

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About Pook (DayZ)

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  1. Pook (DayZ)

    How to "Despawn" Ruined Vehicles?

    It's also worth noting that if you just hold down the left mouse button the character will continuously swing their melee weapon. Thus you can make vehicle recycling an AFK activity. Usually by the time you're back with a cup of coffee the car is "dead".
  2. Pook (DayZ)

    Your Final Words Before Death

    Goddamnit, (teammate), you are the WORST overwatch. He's looting my body and I'm bleeding shoot him! (teammate) are you even there? ... FFS.
  3. Pook (DayZ)

    DayZ makes mainstream news!

    Yeah what the hell is that guy doing on top of that UAZ? Silly survivor, you can't ride up there, you are not luggage, get down. DayZ has to be the best MMORPGWTFBQQ I've ever played.
  4. I practically trip over crashed helis, but then again, I spent a lot of my time up at Stary and NWAF where they are most common. Gotten my fair share of L85's out of them for sure.
  5. Pook (DayZ)

    Preferred sidearm?

    Revolver- it looks bloody cool.
  6. Pook (DayZ)

    FN FAL or AKM?

    Wait... that's trolling. Moving on... Strictly between the FAL and the AKM I would choose a FAL, stock up on ammo, use said ammo then find another AKM. HOWEVER, I would choose a Remington 870 over those two because chances are you're not likely to drop the wrath of gawd with an AKM or FAL past 300 meters. Sure you could be a badass with hawkeyes and a 40" monitor thus allowing you the ability to pwnz a noob at 800m with an AKM, but most of us are not that guy. The Remington is quiet, good for in-city fighting , good up to 250m with slugs, and does 8000 blood damage with slugs, ammo is plentiful, it can destroy the pesky benches in the NWAF barracks with a few pellet rounds, has a flashlight, pellets can be an insta-player-kill, slugs are sub-sonic so players don't hear the distinct CRACK if you miss, and slugs knock players on their arse with broken bones with a five minute timer. I've killed many an assault rifle wielding bandit with a Remington because they underestimate the power of slugs.
  7. Seems neat. This needs to be a thing. Skype: Lapskvall
  8. Lingor island was boring, and I was done with it in fifteen minutes. Here's the breakdown of my fifteen minutes: 1: Spawned at the south airfield. (Start) 2: Found a machinegun, ghilisuit, coyote, NVG and a GPS in the nearby military points. (10 minutes.) 3: Took some AS50 fire but got away. (5 minutes, Elektro trained me well.) I feel like Lingor misses the point of DayZ. It's not a survival map, it's a deathmatch map. There is WAY too much loot and and thusly no struggle. In DayZ there is the stress of losing important gear and having to work very hard to get it all back, whereas Lingor hands you an assault rifle and a side of beans on a silver platter. What makes DayZ scary and fun is meeting new people without sidechat (adds to the risk-reward factor), and the hard to find weapons and tools. There is no real risk in Lingor, thus to me it is just a slow paced shooter.
  9. I played DayZ a bit on my phone which provided a bandwidth graph. It uses about 800MB/6hours, 133.3333MB/hr, 38KB/sec.
  10. Pook (DayZ)

    DMR one shot?

    You will lose damage at range. Some days I like to kill people slowly and with a spark of adventure, so I bring out the M24, L85, or DMR. Other days I want people dead and gone while providing overwatch, those are M107 days. Choose your weapon according to that which you wish accomplished. Edit: fixed obnoxious text formatting, also info came from http://dayzdb.com/database/dmr
  11. Pook (DayZ)


    The northern lands are lands of divine beings. //sigh My humanity is at aboot 6000 and I've killed three people at NWA with an L85 at 800m. The L85 doesn't really do damage at that range so it took about ~10 rounds to take down the usual snipers on top of the ATC tower, two of them bled out. The fourth kill was indirect; due to my lousy zeroing I shot about .5 metres below his head, sending the bullet through a shed and consequentially into his chest cavity anyway. I believe he bled out after the shed took about 8000 damage off the bullet.
  12. I have no idea how humanity works, helping other players through healing works fine. I do however have an idea that if you kill zed in proximity to another player you gain humanity.
  13. Pook (DayZ)

    Ran Into a Dog Today

    I enjoy the random dead surv right next to you...
  14. Pook (DayZ)

    Most zombie kills you've had

    1925 at this point. I would have three murders but it would seem an L85 at 800m causes more bleeding than death ~10 rounds to kill a player.
  15. I usually operate in a duo. My in-game mic gives me trouble leaving me unable to esablish "friendly", thusly I am the sniper of the team. I come equipped with NVG's, GPS, vehicle, and a DMR. The other guy which has a working mic runs into a city, town, or whatever and grabs loot. Usually he has a low tier gun (makarov as of late), map, and compass. We've had our fair share of enounters, friendly, hostile, and neutral (and mic retards... usually they live...). If my scavenger gets shot at, I kill the belligerent player when they greedily run up to the corpse for loot. Moral of the story is, be nice, but be able to enforce your niceness.