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Posts posted by CLEVERSLEAZOID

  1. Minus the insulting dumbass comment, I agree there are ways to deal with zombies and it's preferable to avoid, for one simple reason : Don't give away your position unless absolutely necessary.

    However, there are times when you just throw caution to the wind and want to have a bit of Zombie killin fun! So please, don't be so bloody serious!

    Oooh no, look at Prez' signature, you can tell he's an ohsoserious player, he's telling us he is a bandit and has awesome equipment.

    OT: Good little guide. Took me a while to figure out how to equip the Hatchet as an actual weapon, although when you have, it becomes all too easy to forsake guns and run around on an axe-spree. Not that I've done that. Honest.

  2. Nacrom, I tired PMing you, but apparently your inbox was full so I couldn't get it sent through, so I'll just post here to show my interest if thats cool? :)

    Hey, just read your post on the forums, I'm looking for a good group to join :) I'm just about to nip afk for about an hour, but then I'll be good to DayZ for most of the day.

    Not sure I can muster 20+ hours a week due to my job, but I can definitely get on at least once a day :)

    I'm 27 and UK based.

    Cheers, Rem!
